page 22 the stouffville sun tribune thursday february 5 2004 ho housesforsate ho housesforsate find out what your home is worth online visit wwwonlinehomeevaluationcom remax omega reaby 1988 ltd big 51 apartments 11 torrent richmond hill east beaver creek area at tractive space for sub lease suitable for pro fessional 905709- 4225 business opportunities moms dads- own your own business from home no selling prod ucts no risk great in come 9058893533 httpflomomceocom mortgage loans m0ney- 100 1st 2nd and 3rd mort gages bad credit ok call ontario wide 1- 8883077799 mortgagess best rates available 1st2nd mortgages bankrupt poor credit selfemployed no in come hmc 1-800-699- 0792 5year 495 also equity mortgage pro grams regradless of in come or credit call chris 4164949883 ext- 321 or visit us at wwwsinclaircockburnc om unipartcapital- mortgage financing specialists residential commercial debt con solidation private funds we make it hap pen 18668810988 i apartments j for rent 14th mccowan- new 1 bedroom basement separate kitchen and bathroom separate laundry 9052949683 16th kennedy- new basement 1 bedroom laundry storage park ing cable internet 700 utilites immedi ate 9059271961 bayview 16th ave- brand new bright large 1 bedroom basement seperate entry availa ble immeditaley park ing laundry ac new appliances minutes to major highways bus to subway ttc stops at door 800 inclusive first last most suita ble for professional sin gle nonsmokingpets call after 6pm 416- 9944346 brimley denison- 2 bedroom basement apt separate entrance parking cable etc 900 no pets smok ing available march 1st 9054709492 denison middlefield- 1 bedroom basement apt no pets parking near schools shopping ttc immediately 9054720407 denison teddington- bachelor basement shared entrance 650 inclusive no pets smoking available im mediately 905947- 4610 kennedy steeles- spacious beautiful 2 bedroom basement separate entrance parking laundry march 1st 925 905475- 2045 kennedy carlton- new 2 bedroom base ment separate en trance laundry ac parking cable no smoking pets 9059441547 apartments for rent markham apartments premium downtown area bachelor 1 bed room 2 bedroom newly renovated from 750 inclusive call 9052943630 markham- 2 bedroom basement 900 inclu sive cable not includ ed smokers welcome available immediately 4168944421 markham- 2 bet room basement near hospital 4pc bath parking laundry fire place satellite cvac no dogs 900 april 1st 9052940636 markham- spotless 2 bedroom unique luxury loft private entrance parking suits professio nal 1100 inclusive 9052949699 markham- main robinson- 1 bedroom above store immediate nonsmoking pets 650 9052945465 markham 14th- basement 23 furnish ed bedrooms separate entrance appliances laundry full bath park ing immediate 4162978383 mccowan 16th- gor- geous brand new large 2 bedroom basement apt separate entrance single parking no smoking pets immedi ate 1000 inclusive 9054720026 after 6pm mccowan 14th- 2 large bedroom base ment separate en trance parking laundry cac appliances cable storage no smoking pets 750 inclusive 9054729551 mccowan denison- 2 bedroom basement appliances separate entrance parking non smoking pets 750 in clusive immediate 9052090995 mccowan denison- 2 bedroom basement apt no smoking pets separate entrance available immediately 700 9059437781 mccowan steeles- 2 bedroom shared laun dry separate entrance parking newly renovat ed- near amenities 750 9054723154 stouffvillemain street clean bachelor deck parking immedi ate 650 kevin 416- 7077541 stouffville 2 bed- room 995 feb 15th 1 bedroom april 1st 925 near schools shopping 31 parking 9056401170 stouffville- 4 bedroom bungalow walk to town quiet street backyard fire place ac 1250 inclu sive 4166775341 stouffville- urge 2 bedroom in town bungalow quiet street backyard fireplace ac 1000 inclusive 4166775341 stouffville- brand new 1 bedroom base ment apt 650 park ing separate entrance no smoking pets 9056428828 stouffville- 1 bed- room basement apt no ets smoking availa- le immediately 9056403639 eve nings or weekends 16th mccowan- clean bright quiet room 475 share facilities major appliances no smoking pets 9054712359 416- 2214646 404 between markham aurora- furnished room with office desk for quiet clean respon sible no smoking drinking pets no public transit 375 mo 4162368649 shared accommodation cornell- one person to share 3 bedroom 3i2 bath spacious liv- ingroom and kitchen finished basement at tached garage 4 appli ances era cable walk to transit shopping hospital 695 non smoking professional preferred 905294- 8877 w bed breakfast berths births stouffville- main st go station bright 1 bedroom 750 private entrance bachelor 650 inclusive 4165761873 stouffville- new 1 bedroom basement appliances parking air private entrance fire place nonsmoking pets 975 905642- 0325 stouffville- new large 2 bedroom base ment separate en trance parking laun dry appliances no smoking 1050 feb 15 9056426593 stouffville- main street 2 bedroom luxu ry apartment ideal for professional couple 1000 sq ft 5 applian ces ac no smoking pets 1090 utilities avail feb 1st week days 905642- 4540 sunset blvd stouff- ville 1 2 bedrooms available immediately clean bright modem building close to all amenities rent from 725 hydro parking included 905640- 8017 julie or marc uxbridge- down- town 2 bedroom family room eatin kitchen re cent reno 850 heat included 705772- 39337057614250 houses for rent a new 1800 sqft house- 16th markham rd 5 new appliances gas fireplace ac single car garage 3 bath rooms close to all amenities 1600 utilit ies 9054708108 4167268732 markham- 3 bed rooms main floor liv- ingroom diningrbom kitchen call joe 416- 2642311 cell 647- 2824447 markham 16th- 4 bedroom 2 storey de tached big kitchen walkout to deck 5 appli ances ac basement occupied 1250 hy dro 4169902933 mccowan hwy 7- very clean 3 large bed room single garage references 1375 utilities 4164989996 rooms for rent wanted unionville mark ham all rooms ensuite full english breakfast maid service free park ing nick 905479- 3862 9059479493 graham- dave and lisa mcoougall are thrilled to announce the birth of their daugh ter amy christine at ms hospital on janu ary 30 2004 at 743 am weighing 7 lbs 12 oz a big welcome from proud grandparents chris and ellen graham of cobourg and dave and pat mcdougall of unionville un cle phil and great grandparents bill and mary mcdougall t a ggrl maclnally- jane tideman and scott maclnally are thrilled to announce the birth of caitlin elizabeth bom june 7 2003 weighing a healthy 6 lbs 13 oz caitlin is welcomed by her proud grandparents catherine and douglas tideman of huntsville and betty maclnally of oshawa special thanks to the maternity ward at markhamstouffville hospital and midwifery services of durham west marlon catherine and big brother nathan are delighted to announce the birth of aidan clarence blair bom on january 15 2004 proud grandparents are norma west of unionville and dr gordon and toni blair of kentucky usa birthdays birthdays guess whos birthday it is happy 13th birthday stephanie marchese our little sweet pumpkin has grown up to be a beautiful young lady happy birthday love mom dad and daniela anniversaries anniversaries happy 50th anniversary mum dad cliff edna wootton february 6 2004 love from ian nancy gary eric alan kevin megan neil karen jessie rhys and the family over ome deaths deaths taber gordon r passed away peaceful ly on january 31 2004 in his 83rd year be loved husband of doris for over 28 years and the late ruby loving father of shirley and earl elson don and louise taber step father to linda and gerardo lounsbury-lo- pez beverley and clive marsh brenda and mark bayley proud grandfather of 9 and greatgrandfather to 8 survived by his sis ters jennie taber marie smith and his brother clair taber the funeral was held on wednesday february 4 2004 at low and low uxbridge with interment at churchill cemetery donations may be made to vivian baptist church heart and stroke founda tion or to a charity of choice personals advice have your own personal mentor to help work you through your problems carole 9052948739 1 nannies bvewdveout a nannies- availa ble wanted free sponsorship of filipina nannies in 3 months millenium caregivers 9057273884 3 deaths johnson andrew david private 1st bat talion the royal canadian regiment re cipient of the canadian peacekeeping serv ice medal and the nato medal for service in the former yugoslavia it is with great sadness the johnson family announces the passing of andrew aj in his 24th year as a result of a tragic accident on thursday jan uary 29th 2004 beloved son of ronald and barbara loving brother of lindsay and patrick and cherished grandson of irene robinson nephew of barbara zoli caro lyn bob marlene gloria dave susan and linda aj will be sadly missed by his many cousins and his friends in markham and his many friends around the world aj will be fondly remembered by his special friend kate sabey london england com rade to the soldiers of 1st battalion the royal canadian regiment and the royal canadian dragoons battle group operation palladium roto 13 resting at chapel ridge funeral home 8911 woodbine ave markham three lights north of hwy 7 905- 3058508 visitation on friday february 6th from 24 and 79 pm funeral service on saturday february 7th 2004 at 1100 am at st andrews presbyterian church 143 main street north markham two lights north of hwy 7 9052944736 in lieu of flowers memorial donations in andrews name can be made to the canadian cancer society or to the salvation army chapel ridge funeral home card of thanks j card of thanks rae holden april 14 1917 to january 16 2004 the families of the late rae holden would like to express their sincere thanks to family and friends for their cards flowers and donations made to the heart stroke foundation as expressions of sympathy and support many thanks to the doctors nurses and staff of uxbridge cottage hospital and to oneill funeral home wife arlene ross and family kelly cathy dan mike cam holden what a party many thanks to our family and friends who celebrated with us on february 1st 2004 on the occasion of my birthday marjorie fretz personals y personals st judes novena may the sacred heart of jesus be adored glorified loved and preserved throughout the world now and forev er sacred heart of jesus pray for us st jude helper of the hopeless pray for us st jude worker of miracles pray for us say this prayer nine times a day by the eighth day your prayer will be answered it has never been known to fail publication must be made thank you eh health homecare health homecare ill nannies m eve4nflweout a1 nannies caregivers available- quality nan nies experienced with references itc inc 4169365224 markham- fulltime livein nanny for 1 child flexible hours le gal references 9057518877 nanny required- 30 hours a week in my home 2 preschool chil dren 9059471045 nanny required- live- in or out 1 child non smoking experience required makham 416- 7166865 need a nanny livein nannies available im mediately or from over seas free consultation wwwqualitycaregivers com 6472749425 unionville family- 2 small children looking for nanny housekeep er 2 or 3 days week must have own vehicle excellent grasp of the english language start immediately 905475- 6777 tutoring service experienced eng lish writing instructor m ed private tutoring for writing assignments in all highschool col lege subjects 905839- 8018 promote your companys internet presence in the classifieds be sure to include your web address health homecare you lead a healthy active lifestyle are you still at risk for a heart attack or stroke a local doctor is conducting a medical research study to evaluate if a drug currently available in canada will lower your risk of heart attack or stroke recent research suggests that a simple blood test called high sensitivity crp may show inflammation of the arteries this test may indicate a higher risk for a firsttime heart attack or stroke qualifications for the study include men must be 55 years or older women must be 65 years or older no history of heart attack or stroke jupiter to learn more call toll free mf8am 530 pm eastern 18666839060 wwwjupiterstudycom classified deadlines tuesday edition help wanted deadline monday at 12 noon word ads deadline monday at 2pm thursday edition help wanted deadline wednesday at 12 noon word ads deadline wednesday at 2pm business professional directory deadline tuesday at 5pm saturday edition help wanted deadline friday at 12 noon word ads deadline friday at 2pm business professional directory deadline thursday at 5pm to place your ad call 1800 7433353