stouffville suntribune thursday nov 27 2003 27 minor atoms in belleville final the stouffville minor atom clippers advanced to the final of the belleville bobcats minor hockey tour nament before suf fering a 54 over time loss to the oakville rangers in the tide tilt the clippers advanced to the final with four con secutive victories scoring for the clippers were james lovett six goals five assists brad harley six goals two assists craig hasler two goals four assists cody towsey two goals four assists will brown two goals two assists adam kostandoff one goal four assists brandon hughes one goal two assists tommy stevens five assists jordan barkey three assists mitchell king andjay averill two assists and trevor carrick one assist sportsboard email sportseconsuncom hockey provincial jr a north conference as of nov 25 team w l t otlp aurora 27 1 0 0 54 newmarket 21 6 1 0 43 stoufmlte 17 10 1 0 35 collingwood 11 11 2 3 27 couchiching 7 14 3 2 19 huntsville r 0 23 0 0 0 stouffville amateui league as of nov 25 open division team w l t p beaumarc printing 8 2 0 16 smartlawn 8 2 0 16 national sports 7 3 0 14 pendesign 6 3 1 13 boyds sports 5 5 0 10 allweld co ltd 5 5 0 io- miller waste systems 4 5 1 9 burrows landscaping 4 6 0 8 kendon contracting 1 9 0 2 kr may real estate 1 9 0 2 tver 35 division houston ford 6 4 0 12 painters edge 5 3 2 12 bully boys sports 6 4 0 12 williamsons uxbridge 5 4 1 11 jones pools 4 4 2 10 schell lumber 4 4 2 10 mgh office repairs ltd steve and liz no frills 4 5 1 4 5 1 jendan ltd dermody insurance coss systems habasit canada b phillips steeplejacks royal le page omega advisors stevens large tree sales 3 5 2 3 6 1 senior division 6 2 2 9 9 8 7 14 12 12 8 71 7 boyds sports schell lumber curves for women rosswiil pools womens division 3 1 5 11 3 2 4 10 3 3 3 9 2 5 2 6 vuhitciiurchstouffviile minor major atompeewee nov is kytech 3 carter kroen 2 and kenny webber ys scjfeh lumber 2 robert kay 2 eastside marios 5 joseph acquaviva 2 michael teixeira evan vinidu arid coddy fogg vs lionels pony farm 3 nicholas matsoukas 2 cameron yakely harveyswiss chafet 0 vs giles chev olds 0 maple lodge farms 5 kevin mackay 3 tim cosentino and kody king vs fairgate homes 1 greg keen noviceminor atom nov 22 money concepts 1 fabriao acquaviva vs ken prentice financial 1 alex popper golden mile 10 evan smith and mitchell smith 3 chris matsoukas 2 curtis davis nicholos mott vs nautavac 3 robbie armstrong mike naiita eric zambri giles chevrolet 3 brett thompson 2 brent allen vs burger king 2 gregory barker 2 from the government of canada changes to employment1nsurance do your earnings vary from week to week i do you work part time or have temporary work sjctjwigestci firiplbymentihsurarice el may benefit you 3 iefiimeriof canada is increasing thesmau weeks threshold to 225 i0wywytiiior ahdwe calculate your benefit rate we will where spei benefit 5 ll wjryls wernment of canada mawngthr5- ements wiuerjcpurage canadian to accept workweeks of lesser owering their el6imkhi on a future claim fpbreshold of 225 for a regular week of work up from 150 reflects slits adian waglk ifnls change makes el more responsive to the needs of canadian workers 11111 ssome things remain the same all insurable hours will still be used for eligibility purposes even if they are not used to calculate your benefit rate you must continue to report all earnings in the weeks you earn them earnings allowed while on claim are 50 per week or 25 percent of your weekly benefit rate whichever is higher employers must continue to remit el premiums on every dollar paid and complete records of employment jfc human resources devoloppement des t development canada nwsources humakws canada canada the regional municipality of york stouffville zone 1 water supply schedule b class environmental assessment notice of completion the regional municipality of york has completed a class environmental assessment ea study to determine preferred sites for a new pumping station and elevated tank and the preferred alignment for a trunk watermain the study is being undertaken to allow the region to meet future water- servicing requirements created by population and employment growth in the community of stouffville the preferred location for the pumping station is adjacent to the existing stouffville elevated tank on the east side of tenth line north of hemlock drive the preferred location for the elevated tank is on the north side of bethesda road between tenth line andr yorkdurham line within the property for the proposed go transit layover facility both of the locations require the negotiation of land that is not owned by the region therefore the sites are dependent on successful land negotiations the preferred route for the watermain is within existing road allowances of bethesda road and tenth line from the new elevated tank to the pumping station additional infrastructure improvements will include construction of a new watermain along tenth line and main street from the existing elevated tank located on tenth line north of hemlock drive to wells 1 2 located on main street east of tenth line the study has been conducted in accordance with the requirements for schedule b projectsas described in the municipal engineers associations municipal class environmental assessment document june 2000 a public information centre was held on september 17th 2003 two information bulletins were distributed to potentially affected residents and- interested parties and a schedule b environmental assessment report has been prepared the ea report describes the problem the assessment of alternatives the preferred alternative and mitigation and monitoring measures as well as the public and agency consultation program this notice places the ea report on public record for the mandatory 3bday review period subject to comments received as a community resulty of this notice arid receipt of necessary jx approvals york region jnterids to proceed with f design and construction of the proposed infrastructure the ea report is available for review at the following locations regional municipality of york clerks department 17250 yonge street newmarket on l3y6z1 tel 9057646345 mbn fri 830 am 430 pm whitchurchstouffville public library 3oburkholderst stouffyille tel 05 642read mon to thurs 930 am 900 pm fri 930 am 730 pm- sat 900 am 500 pm sun 1200 pm- 500 pm macviro consultants inc 60090 allstate parkway markham on l3r 6h3 tel 905 4757270 monfri 800 am 500 pm town of whitchurchstouffville clerks department 37 sandiford drive stouffville on l4a 7x5 tel 905 6401910 mon to fri 830 am 430 pm interested parties should provide written comments to ms adrian coombs project manager york region transportation and works department and to mr brian barber project manager macviro consultants inc by january 8 2004 if concerns arise regarding this project that cannot be resolved in discussions with the region a personparty may request that the minister of the environment make an order for the project to comply with part ii of the environmental assessment act referred to as a part ii order which addresses individual environmental assessments the minister must receive requests at the address below for part ii orders by january 8 2004 the honourable leona dombrowsky v minister of the environment 12th floor 135 st clair avenue west toronto ontario m4v1p5 a copy of the part ii order request must also be sent to ms adrian coombs at the regional municipality of york if there are no part ii order requests received the stouffville zone 1 water supply project will proceed to the construction phase as presented in the ea report for further information please contact one of the following ms adrian coombs pen project manager infrastructure design and construction transportation and works department the regional municipality of york 17250 yonge street newmarket ontario l3y6z1 phone 905 8304444 ext 5098 fax9058364590 email adriancoombsregionyorkonca mr brian barber peng project manager macviro consultants inc 90 allstate parkway suite 600 markham ontario l3r6h3 phone 905 4757270 ext 219 fax 905 4755994 email bbarbermacvirocom billfisch kees schipper regional chair commissioner of transportation and works