whitctiurchstouffville public library thursday nov 132003 serving the community of whitchurchstouffville 32 pages1 including gst 25 opinion calendar sports classified whitchurdistouffville schools sound off at 11th annual show 6 8 26 28 y newgouncil byhannelorevolpe staff writer after the votes were tallied monday whitchurchstourrville had a new mayor and a council with little apolitical experience only mayorelect suesherban and one of the six councillors harry bovyes have been in municipal politics before as the dec 2 inauguration date approaches the new councillors are making plans on how best to serve their wards and the munidpality phil bannon who moved to ballantrae from tjnionville a year ago unseated ward 2 incumbent mark carroll who was looking for his third term in office 770 votes to 528 he did it he said by knocking on every door and talking to people if they werent home he went back a sec- orid and third time his platform voiced the concerns of residents in his ward development emergency servic es community services and commu nication mr carroll felt his loss was due to low voter turnout and strong support from mr banripns home community the ballantrae golf and country club 6nhwy48v- now there are 300 homes in the country club mr carroll said eventually there will be 900 this is where the councillor for this ward will always be from because of the num- bers mi carroll isdebating whether and how to stay involved in the cbm- munity but said he will still pursue environmental issues mr bannon meanwhile faces a new job as councillor after retiring as a toronto police staff sergeahl his first order of business is setting up an infor mation arid education campaign for residentsa lotbf develophient has see winning page 5- staff photomike barrett meet tile new boss last poll carries councillor to top job fj mayorselect mayorelect sue sherban poses in the wwtchiuxhstqufrville council diairibers tuesday the day after she was elected the new town coundi including five rookies wuul be swprnin dec 2 by joan ransberry staffwriier less than 24 hours after being elect ed mayor of vvfiitchurchstouffville sue sherban was on the job mrs sherban made a request for funding for the arts frorn oak ridges mp bryon wilfert tuesday mornmg i asked him mr wilfert about heritage money i that is available mrs sherban said poking out for me needs of the arts community was part of mrs sherbans campaign platform she said she has v- fought long and hard to hayethe oldl town hall converted to a theatre the fate of the centuryold building slated to be a new seniors centre is up in the air she said youth council establishing a youth councu strik ing an enhanced economic develops ment agenda and findirigthe best uses for three townowned buildings in downtown stbuffville aire on mrs sherbans todp list the old town hall the silver jubilee club and the old library now the latchaih gallery and care and share shop are me buildings the new riiayor said her intent is to bring community groups including seniorsartists arid the clock tower theatre group together i want to sit down around a table and discuss the uses for the buildings including the old town hall lets see if we can part ner up and fmd the best use for use the buudingt she said whitchurchstouffville can expect change with mrs sherban in charge it was a cliffhanger during mondays election count when the votes were counted in the last of the municipalir tys 65 polls there was an 84vote seenewphgell vacuum outmumm vacuum to all makes f models sales service installations 9084798273 4355 hwy 7 untonvtlle besldo ralhway tracks jommlmme oh e v r o let v old8mobil ttcl0p4h ztec uet the little dealership with a big mm 5336 highway 7 jurt fft o mooovir 2941440 toll free 18008922209 llon-thura730m- come 3s rointjnsecuoi rhe winter iin wwwnor i i r h v es i fl m 555