siouffvilksuntribune thursday july 3u20o3 5 kiera tennant 2 selects hair for her puppet at a puppetmaking workshop at the whrtchurchstouffviile library hosted recently by ontario early years centres photography by sjoerd witteveen ccxy theatres of uxbr1dge call 852roxy 7699 for shows times w vvvrox theatrisconi jennah mccart 2 makes up her own puppet play xpress great pizza and a lot more available at stoui grill hours mon fri 6 am 9 pm sat 9 am 9 pm sun 9 am 6 pm 5946 main st stouffville beside sunoco gas station 9056428665 trademark of grinners food systems ltd used under licence ftl jit -7- v v kjvm m eva ixsk q pfi iftumixi all phiccs ih bfftct saturday pspjt6ritia s 1 3sl forttmkifiititt steaks 4 x 170 9 6 o july 2 until frtoay augusts- 26lj 4261 hwy 5812 main st ben partridge 3 waits for the action to start 90 i2028 9054741898 9056429334 west nile virus camping wear mosquito netting long sleeves and long pants in heavily wooded areas use bug repellent containing deet and avoid mosquito areas from dusk through dawn when theyre most active make sure your tent or cabin can keep the bugs out to learn more call or visit our web site 187t2344343 tty 18003875559 wwwhealthybiitariocom fight the bite ontario re