whjtelibfclistouffville pubmc library a it r ffsks his buntrib saturday july 26 2003 b serving the community of whitchurchstouffville b 36 pagessl including gst york regions longterm care fadtities being rebuilt letters 6 diversions 15 sports 17 blassified 1 18 police shift focus to areas pan prgmqfesafe drivings by jeff mitchell r staff writer v theyre tajang ittotne street your street j in their effort to promote road safety and better drivmg york regional police will be focusing on residential and highcomplaint areas this fall its an effort to drive home the message that speeding and i other infractions will not bef tolerated insp john girvan said york regional police have worked very hard to make the roads safer he told the police services board wednesday i believe the citizens of york region are not hearing or get- ting our message the newest initiative com- plements other programs such as those targeted at pedestrian safety street racing ahd-seat- belt enforcement insp girvan said he told board members the safe streets nice neighbour- 5 hoods program u- address problems in residential areas i some cruisers will be divert ed from major arterial roads to residential areas he said weve got to utilize our resources in a much more intelligent way insp girvan said see cops page 4 goiriprloc staff fwotosjoerd witteveen sheldon dobney 7 left takes on au comers durmg me premier socxr academysoccer camp at me sto page for a report on trte explosive grpwm of soccer in whitchurchstouflfville trouble first phase hurt water supply mwhitchimhfa bymekeadler swriter federal and provincial agencies are preparing to halt a major sewer project in markham unless york region makes a con vincing case it will not damage fish habitat in me rouge river the region has applied for provincial per mission to exbact groundwater 22000 litres a minute for three years -e- through 10 wells along ldth avenue to build a pipe deep imdergrpimd 7 oceans and ontarios environment ministry recentiy eressed 6pncern removing groundwater on sucha scale and dumping it into surface creeks might harm fish habitat in therpuge or its tributaries officials from both agencies told the region last week to study fish in the rouge and report on how it wpujd correct or avoid habitat damage from the sewer project fs the region over the ihext one or two months paul jarikowskt director of design and constriic- tionacknowledgedthursday if it jsnt satisfied fisheries and oceans may launch a federal environmental assess ment of tlie sewer such an assessment would be a blow to the region since it needs the threeyear proj ect and others completed by 2006 to service housing developments it has already approved see ministry page 10 uiim group town and country realty ltd 6400888 v y t v i e lvv v vvv