economist sunsuntribune healthy living saturday may 31 2003 21 autism afiects more boys than girls from page 19 usually appears during the first three years of a childs life is often called autism spectrum disorder because of its varying levels of severity from mild social awkwardness to complete senso ry withdrawal its cause is unknown and affected children usually have difficulty speaking or responding perform repetitive movements and may react aggressively to minor changes in their environment in extreme cases they may injure them selves it is four times more common in boys than girls and the autism society of canada estimates it affects 1 in 200 chil dren while the autism society does what it can to raise money and promote aware ness ms buick said the manual funded in part by the trillium foundation is designed to empower parents who once they learn their children have autism find themselves on long waiting lists parents sometimes are made to feel like theyre not capable of doing some thing while their child is on a wait list and this binder is here to tell them dif ferently she said the earlier you start the better so its dangerous to be on a wait list and be idle there are private people that can help you do things when the funded services arent able to help the child right now to obtain a copy of the manual which costs 25 contact the autism society at 9057801590 from page 19 the good fluids water juice milk said ms simowibowo who runs a woman and child program at the hospital caffeine also interferes with the bodys absorption of iron from supplements ms simowibowo said its important to remember caffeine is present not only in coffee tea- and cola drinks but also in chocolate and energy drinks revents iron it is also added to many over- thecpuntef mecucations anti histamines and pain relievers it has often been associated with loss of bone mineral densi ty and the development of osteoporosis which increases the chance of fractures in later life caffeine leaches calcium from the bone one recent study suggested women who con sumed a lot of caffeine had much higher rates of bone loss in the spine ion but dr nicholas notedthe precise relationship between caffeine and osteoporosis is still not clear other factors are more clear ly linked to osteoporosis she said if a woman is thin white is a smoker and her mother had the illness she is much more likely to develop osteoporosis its a theoretical link she said how many cups of coffee does it require howmanyyears does it take we dont know it jksl foundation of canada give the greatest gift the gilt of life tos message bnxxjht to you as a community service of the economist 8 sunsuntnlxme york catholic district school board catholic education centre 320 bloomirigton road west aurora ontario l4g 3g8 teiro gjel9d57i327iii 4762055 8306803 41 6221 18003632711 fax 9057131272 an open letter to students and staff of father michael mcgivney catholic academy together as a school community we are being faced with a difficult situation one where a fellow student is in the hospital ill with sars as always first and foremost we are deeply concerned about the health of this student and their family and we pray for a speedy recovery father michael mcgivney was closed on tuesday may 27 upon the recommendation of york region health services and will remain closed until june 3 or until further notice we completely understand the anxieties you may be feeling since your schools closure this is a stressful time for everyone involved and we want to assure you that we appreciate the hardships involved in being under quaran tine while we have all been overwhelmed with stories and media reports about the school we hope you will continue to keep the big picture in perspective york health services advises that the risk to the student body and staff is still minimal we understand that students are also concerned about falling behind in their studies we want to assure you that no student will be academically disadvantaged because of this situation we will be examining workload rescheduling tests and extending due dates for projects and assignments as a school board and school community we will come together when the school reopens to ensure a positive end to this school year finally it is paramount that we appeal to you to take your home quarantine extremely seriously each of you has a civic responsibility to obey the home isolation request so we can ensure that sars is not spread throughout pur community we will continue to keep the entire father michael mcgivney ca community in our prayers please contact health connection at 18003615653 or the ycdsb hotline at 9057131211 ext 3622 or 4162215051 ext 3622 should you experience symp toms of sars such as a cough or fever of 38 d or higher elizabethgrowe chair of the board susan f larosa director of education yonge street corridor environmental assessment notice of public consultation bpportunity as one of the fastest growing municipalities in canada york region is facing a number of transportation challenges a top priority of- the region is to ensure swift and effective action to improve the movement of people and goods in response to these transportation challenges the region has initiated the york rapid transit plan yrtp to facilitate the process of implementing a rapid transit network in york region the plan encompasses studies of two major transit corridors and two connecting links to toronto the highway 7 corridor the yonge street corridor the vaughan northsouth link and themarkham northsouth link l to i make the right connections the yonge street corridor ea is examining rapid transit services between steeles and 19th avenues the first steps in the ea process entailed a needs and justification study and development of a terms of reference to define the scope of the subsequent individual environmental assessment these were completed over the past year and the ministry of environment has approved the terms of reference the first public consultation centre held in november 2002 summarized existing conditions and recommendations of the terms of reference the second in february 2003 provided an opportunity for the public to comment on the design of alignment alternatives and station facilities at this third meeting we will present 1 results of the route evaluation 2 proposed station locations 3 location of an operations and maintenance facility ftft urban design and streetscaping images 5 effects of widening of yonge st for the transit lanes 6 measures to accommodate traffic circulation access the scope and success of the regions study depends very much on public input and participation you are invited and encouraged to attend the upcoming public consultation centres to express your views on the design of alternatives and v potential solutions for rapid transit in the yonge street corridor the third public consultation centre will be held on june 6th and 9th at the following times and locations hillcrest mall yorkhill elementary school 9350 yonge street 350 hilda avenue richmond hill ontario vaughan ontario june 6th 300 pm 900 pm june 9th 600 pm 900 pm york region is collaborating with the city of toronto which has commenced a class ea study for rapid transit between steeles ave and the finch subway station to obtain further information on this study please visit the project website at wwwregionyorkoncayrtp if you wish to have your name placed on our mailing list or to direct questions and comments please contact khaled eldalati p eng brian d wolf p eng project manager project manager phone 416 4414111 505 18774649675 ext 5075 fax 4164414131 905 8364590 email keldalatidelcaneom brianwolfregionyorkonca address 133 wynford drive 17250 yonge street toronto on m3c 1k1 newmarket on l3y6z1 come out and help make the right connections