stouffviue suntribune m thursday may 22 2003 5 lobbying paid off for pistoii lake residents from page l director of planning services pointed out the clublink application met the pre scribed provisions of the oak ridges conservation act which was introduced in december 2001 they include identification of area natural features protec tion of the ecological features and groundwater and sur face water resources mr mcneelysaid our current council on this issue did actually listen to some of the concerns of the citizens the lobbying efforts of the ppl were effective mr smith believes he credits the efforts of chuck cuhdari who was one of the early lobbyists for the preservation of the lake and environment in the face of the proposed development the groups efforts led to planning for an additional well to service the new homes it would be located in the north end of the property arid not in the preston lake drainage area originally only one well on the south eridof the proper ty which would have impacted preston lake was in the plans these two wells could work as backup for each other mr mcneely added if one is down for routine repairs or replenishment don chubbuck who is a member of the towns envi ronmental advisory com mittee cautioned council it is hard to predict the future i caution all of us to plan wisely for future gen erations and do our best to preserve the environment resident rod boud- reault said i didnt sign up for 95 homes to be built in an area this sensitive when ward 4 councillor steve pliakes suggested the golf courses water usage should be restricted as it is for homeowners in whitchurchstouffville mr mcneely replied water- tak ing permits are needed that means reporting to the ministry of the its not how mff environment how much water is used ward 2 councillor mark carroll suggested the golf course should seek accredi tation with organizations such as the audubon socie ty we need the golf cours es to have the best prac tices when the construc tion of the homes start he said the duration of unseeded or exposed soil should also be kept to a minimum and a system of fines should be implement- ed to control jree cutting on the golf course property i cant support this going in said councillor peter dobrich of ward 3 we were talking about not agreeing to any more lots outside of this plan now the subdivision will be going in said resi dent don chubbuck the next step is monitoring and ensuring that the con ditions of the permit to take water are met and that monitoring is done through the construction process we can encour age them to be good stew ards and ehcourage each other other to be good stewards mr smith noted that throughout the process our current council on this issue did actually lis ten to some of the concerns of the citizens peter dobrich councillor couldnt support more houses in emerald hills golf course plan buy a sofa at regular price get 50 off 2nd item iisei8t faw upholstered item or slipcover of equal or lesser value niche 147a main street unionville ontario 05 478385 tiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiaiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiieiiiiiiiipiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiirtrit callluann jonesanderson prearrangement counselor at 90530s8508 891 1 woodbine avenue c3 blocks north of hwy 7 markham ontario l3r5g1 fax9053058128 email iuannjonesandersonrogerscom wwwchapelridgefhcom chapel ridge funeral h o m e health and wellness may 24 1100 am 300 pm at grace church 19 parkway ave markham over 30 exhibitors admission is free door prizes givaways wwgraceanglicanca iltlltittittttitttiiiti i