22 economist suntribune at the s cho ols saturday sept 28 2002 please recycle this newspaper toronto east eojrtonsum southeast fora mississauqa oumlashwino m1 dmafwhsaoumt hl7mcgid brampton sosadl hamilton hl upon inn otatbaeerid student writers wanted from high schools inmarkhamstouffville the york region newspaper group is looking for york region high school students for our team of writers and photographers for our 20022003 at the schools section we need students keen on current events and journal ism who can share with read ers issues affecting youth and who can offer insightful per spectives its a great opportunity to learn about journalism and to create content for youths by youths if you attend a high school in york region and are inter ested in joining the team please write a 400 to 500- word story on the following topic a study conducted by canadian researchers sug gests adolescents would be better off if classes started at noon the study found in the teenage years a persons energy level shifts from a morning preference to an evening preference do you agree this socalled circadian shift can affect school per formance should school start later in the day why or why not photographers are asked to submit a sample photo depicting life at their school send entries to frank king at fkingeconsuncom no phone calls please dlaknbia ionu whitby u extern la8 90s73098c0 h mfntc rnmxa an xtfticni ceet aay jpfv mq nstifetbn on intai arpd wood kdtebaifnnoqoacmaaui prim 991