vi- o- ft f4ecpngnystrnbunejfimes submis- created byistudentsifrom yoitcregion publico js3ss v w-jf- 5 addict10n sebmcesfg ffinir-v- fr- addiction services for jork regionstarls ssfwts- anome families wbhangjogetheijproject inthej i h new yeavtoparticipate your must have experienced fanjjlcptori problem jn the last five years and you unichchnstmas giftsatedn sale new yeavtoparticipate your must have experienced 1 until dec23atthe i if wjik arts integra student and facuijy scholar- 7007 ext 335 for details shipand concerttakes place2 pm saturday at mam i u- c jsij i vsr- wv st markhamcalltbecentrefor information at v perinataubereavement services ontario 9054713001- v holds aselfhelprsupportgrdup isunday 0023 1 markham area families who have suffered a preg- i j k itv nancy joss oripewborh deathgroup meets every risii c sffifnss5s m j a tfhsday ofthe monthaf 6060 cathedral ofwe tragurffllon woodbine 7 office flom 730 to 9 pirn call 905 472- ave northof major- mackenzie dr in victona i07 to diereeister x square at apmfeatunng special guests baclu r il r childrens jchonlsymichael burgess jackalyn short- j andtoronto sinfonietrithe event is a benefit forthe r- r btdttonviljle airport i l ii- purjchase by phone or in person wi fi- t- ski u f s j 1 throughout yorkregipn5ricke625p rates for seniors and youth are alscfavailabte to ordencall 905 8875896 or905 2945230evening c v jni s r- r ftc monday dec 31 v new yearvrivedanccatlheroyal canadian legion clubroom starting at 9 pm enjoy ahofand v j cold buffet music by larrvgogueancj newyeavs favoursrtosfis1250 per persbntickets on sale at the legion clubroorru t l saturday jan 19 i the alzheimersocietyofyork regions alzheimer awareness breakfasttakesplaceat the sleepy hollow country clubi13242ninthtlinetickets 20td tickets call newmarket office at 905 8951337 or thornhill office af905 731- 6611 5- announcements preschool programs whitchurchstopuffville ubraryoffers a numberof coursesand workshops for the winter including preschool story hour mondays jan 7- rebt25 ortuesdaysjan 8feb26 amiand discoveries wednesdays jan 9- march 20sat eftfiers930iamror 1245 pm or 7 thuisdays jan 10march21from9301015 amffdrages all programs requfretregistration in defeon at the library i- village m is sn sivs ss wt p time you hd dorisyis oor b sun esl s linc language instruction for newcomers to canada provides free englishlanguage training to adult immigrants irving in york region including bradford and uxbndge program jsfurujed tfirough citizenship and immigrationcahadalanded immi- grantsand convention jefugeesagejl7 andlderj are eligible for the programs for dec classes call 7905 7071555 or 18004774217 i fc multiple sclerosisfr a u entertainment books 2fbr coupons forv- restaurants fastfood travel retail and more annual fundraising for multiplesclerosis society r yorklsouth chaptercall joyceierlesoo exl or 905 7375537 forurcopy 1 i holiday cards the canadian cancer societysffolidaycards are rnowi available share the spirit of the holiday v season with your mends cards are blank for your personalized message choose from two designs proceeds will be used to fund groundbreaking can- cerresearch pst per card call joanne or par at yourtlocal unit 905 2945925 or drop by the theonboarddromjavailable at your local red cross office helps boater prepare for the new proficiency exam other holiday gifts include gift cer- r tificates to purchase item from the redcrosscall 18003619448 formore details y i- 7 lung association sls looking for axpiecesto bedonated to the lung association art draw- donations will be featured in a color brochureenttomorethan5 eoooohomesjriicentraljontariorformore inform niati6ndrto donate your art call 905 9478577 voted bestfiuy by s digest for 2001 2002 rf lease sentra xe with value option package for ttii mo for 48 cfp down or choose includes destination and delivery no security deposit choose the payment thats right for you 0 a6mwamism llbtrtmiujk saji5a f cwitl l 1 14u ofsuipi ofvsslomimth lmtpostautdpijiaqi ioanaluamtimiljmrotman fiat m vilkmtttmnotitimtttt him o7alo00icw cap wrmba uoahfpqmettta cotf o aodomv vw- st jv driyenl special art exhibit arid sale of unlqueeetingcardsi gjaiyfa i2s m r exim k-