ii o retail sales manager stephen mathieu jk inside sales manager staceyajlen distribution manager business manager barry biack-z- robert lazurkos online pubushing office manager manager w v vivian oneil margaret fleming editorial iprivaieschboltax credits shduldmomeioith priced it would appear title prily thing standing in the way p ontario private schoolswishing tax- 1 1 credits is the asking finance minister 7mvhaherty announced tfiisweek virtually no strings would be attached to the plan to phase in tax credits for parents sending children to private schools t the tory government made the cdntrover- sial announcemeritin last mays budget attracting virulent opposition from advocates s of trie public school system flaherty- who is a leadership candidate for v mike harris job said the provinces require- merits areshnply that all private school employees must have acriminal background chetpcanhthatesame hours of instruction as in the publicsystem be offered the announcement was barely cold when conservative leadership contender ernie eves 1 xameouf swinging on the i issue ji v while-npt- opposed to providing the tax 1 credits he suggests basic standards in cumait lum including reading writing and math- jmustbemet v- flaherty contends parentsmust retainthev ckoicetp determine what kind of curriculum is itabletformeir children s l which isfine exceptwhen 300 million thecost whehtne creditsare fully implement ed in 2006- of public money is being thrown into me pot 4tt y r if private schools wish to see the parents of j meir1studenrejceiving then as f eves sayscertairi curriculum standards should bemet andmore t l 1 private h minimum should be requiredtd providemeasurable datafof stu- dent performance standards student infor- i test resulteand curriculum guidelines private schools should be required to meet fliejsame public and parental accountability v standards operating in the public system hahertyknowswell1the cost of providing credits to private school supporters would bal loon if me processes arid bureaucracyrieeded rto monitor accountability were put in place perhapstiiebestmethodafbruiginglrhoice to- theeducationrsysfemis giving public vschools the flexibility tb jothe rieeds of their constituents letters to the editor enclosed area few a minimal fee we feel given the calibre of embarq kids our 10 daily passfpr two hours is an excellent valuer and compensates forthe play area closure kevin grax generximanager rmarkville shopping centre noise level and safety concerns led to removal of play area retaking out play area at markville is a iqrinclilike move letter to tfieetiitor dec 18 our number one r at markville shopping centre k l6pldngaftef needs of 7 our shoppers and our tenanteahd our goal u i is to provide a safeand exciting shopping mindlessiyouth vandalism v cor rnlnlcltmasfeldeh qyerthe ttansferof ae former play area- w hw uved quietiy and cornfortatty space to the shopper common area the apleasailt street for 12 years bui since deo vl idecision was based on several important we ha been the recipients df rriisdless considerations j youthful vdalism withburr christmas t- a pippfefppf lights s jeir chilta in the play area pmersunfor yj r of m bulbs decora me fro wj f d consequently there is the thgafage were fernoved reritly noftb be potential for injury since we pnde ourselves deterreaby the vandals we replafedtfiemr a were since our retailers aralso the comer- removed bynightfau- most of them stone ofour business we are very sensitive to ag v theircohcerns the retailers m the vicinity wetaiowweareinotmeohlyhomeowners the former play area repeatedly complained t0 be others have hatlspodights iiw smashd or mckeddowri arid even fecicle c u vrn u contributing to society arid wbrkfiig hardat r embarq mei smcuit is disajpoiritiritojbe recipe lg centre supervised by certi- mt rh ifonrfthwahttvcr f iva letters policy a stouflville tribune r submissions must be less than r c400 words anrj mustincludea newspaper reserves the ngnt to- i publish w notpublishand to jfeditfodaityandspacej rf rwrftis5ereleedltorcs 4i9 heritage rd kids isvlearnirig centre supervised by fiedece staff- p vy iv since other regional centresdonot offer v i play areas childreti are supervised in an s entsof such iriimature thoughtlessness v tr l bandhste1 stewart- stoiiffeille tribune stoufmlle tribune published every ihursdayand saturday is oneof printing publishing and distributing ltd group of newspapers- which includes the afavpicterfng news advertiser- alliston heraldcourier barrfe advance barrs bay this week 8olton enterprise brampton guardian burlington shopping news burlington v prkt ftfv parent tsmlndsunniiiwsigmto rnftnar4tnt tact vnrfljrnnarrfnaaaa o c v orillia todayoihawawhltbyclaringtonportf perry thls week peterborough this week richmond tsno wonder greater toronto v ppdfcianscantsomfeliriies be hearci mutteririglesstharikind remarksabbutyaughan pieityjjroudly wavesitstaxrates thewestmthegtaaccording to its own survey arid cadillac services in the other murhcipalitiesvfaces j but a wobbly world economy may bring the city back to earth this year s taxes went up 3 per cent rliminary budget talks suggest- a much larger increase is possible for 2002 unable to continue subsidizing recreation programs at the pitys eight community centres councillors are talking about a 15percent increase in 1 user feesas soon as the new year so whatdoes vaughan- do in- this oieary economic cliriiate but trot oiit the most extravagant frill imaginable a liightech satelutetracldng system that allows you to follow the local snow plows around the city ona website 4 whod a thunk it vaughan residents can fire up the pc log on to wwwsnowcityvaughanonca andfindout exvctiyvviierethe nearest k snowplow is and wherejt is going nextv not on the internet noproblem just call 905 879 arid operators are standing by to update yoii u v v for a relatively cheap66ppo 2 w not that- 1 jtiiinkthis will really do much for resident t v indeed thewebsite robs citizens of the satisfaction manyilerive frqrri call- ingtiie city arid jberatirigtsorrie poor receptiomstwho cant do a thing about the prqblemv j 5 j the best use for a sridlow acking system is tbttiriie your pwri shovelling the website might help you avoid the aggravation of just fimshingclearing your driveway only to have the snow- plow rumble by and block the end l again t but inughan this is irrelevant in vaughan tfiev clear your windrows for you jj 4 indeed one of thcomplainte last winter was tfie crews werent comirig quickly enouglttp clear the windrows v this winter thecity is promising to clear yourjdrivevy vwthin 20 minutes of the j plow going by j i k in mostyorkegiontownsyou will v forever fonsomeorie to clear the endofyourdnvewayi- j spjiowmustauroraresidentswhp waitpatientlyforthelsribwplow clear their own wmdrows f are facing a weary georgihians artd whitchurch k stoiiffvjllitesyoutoocan iogionjuo v vaugharysjsnowjiteand jnote the highjv te1hxsmeluteckedsnowpl6ws aire i