r r-s- utycasgs f l l av r lawfativ xtv fjli n 3 k ivl v w rwhitchurchouffville jcfcsrefiib last chance for your early registration discount for the 2002 outdoor soccer season jwiljtbeal the arena on 3 i jsaturday december 281f rorn si v 8iam till 10 am j alternatively please use the mail slot at the n arena anytime before december31 forms are available butsidethe off ice o c 4 ri- v- byhannelorevolpe 5 staff writer a country and western entertainer with a 30year career perfonning with fthe likes of tommy hunter and the jumoorebacfceaupbyriisband z istkeadrecehtiyrirdducedrus own cd after years of playing ori other peoples albums- v- thvlou moore jcd wascoipro 7 good brothers is appearing eveiy wth gordon dghtfobts guitar f saturday afternoon at fullertons place player terry cleniehtsrarid includes a indowntorastoufrviile recitation bycanaalm actorgraham ldukioore wiu be performing gieenejweuaslarry good bntbey between 4 arid 7 pml often with a banjo and bass guitar by- michael 5 guest perfdnnerhe main street pub mcmastefv- msorie of die few locations inyork moore met grant fullerton when region where country music fans can he was his guest performer at r gamer there isno country music limericks in richmond hill where trie i witiima30kmracmusofstouffville country and western performer has noted the bars owner grant fullerton been playing for the past seven years 1 rrj tosb were incorregtr c is c the cost tobuild -vvhitchurch- stoufrviues multipufppse complex was incorrectly repditedin the dec4 edition of the stoure sunp- y v the cost of the new facility was 8l council agreed not to include a 13-mil- lion library in ballahtrae in its 2006 cap ital forecast and riot a 17rhillidn library as wasrepbrted in the same edi- tioh t v- ft tthe stbuffville sun and t tribune regtet the errors 2 i v v ri s will feed the i- rcbiwreiioumftimort j people breaking the pattern of poverly usc canada will- this message brought to you as a community service of ttie economist suntnbune call 18005656 usc to pledge your support today- 56 sparks street ottawa on kip 5b1 wvavusccanaclaorg wky not sign wppfor a elaiss by rod urquhart advertising writer r are you thinking about dedicating some time for just yourself well now is the perfect time by signing up fora course on a subject that inter- leaming centre v- get ready to redd for jk and skchildren individualized instruction v smallgroup setting variety of methods including phonics folldwingontario curriculum mornings or afternoons next session january 2002 1 905-479- 11 10 arid 9054790123 and thereare courses for all inter- advertisements in the local hewspa- ests if you are athletic or want to pers and booklets available at 4he stay active- a local fitness centre local library are a good place to start might have just the thing aerobics is usuallymunicipalities publish book- one popular course not only is it fun lets for fallwinter and springsummer to groove to music but its also a that lista multitude of courses avail ii j ii u great way to shed some extra able close to home ests you you will i find t will have a f q are ookj snare hugely positive effect on your daily 6ut6o6r with t family jtie only lfe whyhot sigh up for ski course at a want take s youwmaflination tv taking a course that interests you local ski hill there are also courses ever conceivable x u- i r hmm irr j rir interest isrepresented in some way- or on something you want to learn in badminton- swimming curling- j- j ti- it vu in most communities more about can give you a whole tennis and the list goesion and on x new positive outlook on life- and makeyou feellbetter aboat yourself lw ravairable all you have to do is check out in your community p 3y v v f richmond hill adult community learning lvvoric community lear fr region pfntrf district school board vvjiil x jvlll adult day chqol sgevhiqfr school credits in only 9 weeks j r t j 1v advanced general level courses v f grades 1 0 to oac a busjnesscomputef- courses i ehgjishasa second language vi ga1l ih appointment oip 1 v registttiqnshelpvf6r classes montessori schools wishingwell montessori sjlshools 455 cochrane dr markham hwy 7 woodbine open house thursday january 24 91 lam 68pm grade 1 entrance information 6pm grade 9 entrance information friday january 25 6pm gallforlgistraltoninformationi emaiirhaclcoyrdjduoncau v montessori glasses j ages 2-12- 6 years f f jfv tumor school grades 18 rf- w high school graded oac a structured program challenging l academic small glasses high withhigi academic that enables each t academicstandardsandl standards in anurtuhng student to- reach hisher friendl multicultural environrnent potential environment prepare 911v daily fferfch instruction 1 homework end of term students for the challenges 4 f to wfk a1 l cards nrrwidesnidenrsann for examplejs your life mbre than active- enough rerkapsyou might enjoy some peace and tranquillity- taichi yoga- or massage cburses can help get away from the chaos of daily life and allow you to just i breathe deeply and recharge your batteries ifjypu are passionate about art and want to develop your artistic skills- what areyou waiting for painting x drawing- sculpture pottery sewing something you lovv and chances are youirlind a schooli or organization that offers it as a 1 course whats more artclassestcan also be a constructive way of expressing your emotions interesting in techniques whyhot take a course- mahs stencilingon florals ft arrangement looking to perfect your cooking skills- just pick a type of cuisine arid start callirigthecook- f ing schools in your area v i interested in jearning- more about how your- vehicle works there are many auto meclianic coursesjoffered n most communities from the very 6asic to the very sophisticated- want to learn more about boating there are usually-boating- courses v held each winter in most communi- v tiesbor maybeayouwantto improve vour 00 foflme with snme essnn v i thereare many courseslthatavill help- you developa l vanetytoyourweekly schedule and tljmxv 1 ibbihmilbhhhbhhhhilbilhihbhhlhhhbhhi 4 j in v