uajt v jtp 3w5i v rv zz zz zz z z z e s starts it s1 mg f frompage34 ence the information with the business parks inthe city they can click ofi a dia logue box and add theinformationto the map 5 a using different layersbn the map a persdncavadd of vemoveinf ormation customizingvthe maptas theyplease v jln- addition to thefgis systemthe marldiam site also has a 3d map of the town a technology orioiipioneered in order to create the 3d map orion has a helicopter fly over the town and capture it on video f using the pictures orion employees recreate the city in three dimension the map is detail oriented and even n shows plant life in the city its a fairly tedious task jiwani said we make it as realistic as possi- ble the service costs from 3000 to 1 5000 a month the map is updated once a year markham is the only city that has a 3rd map on their website chaitsaidmarkhamcfiose orion to make their wedsitebecause they wefe thebest in the field t j- rob prentice jthe towriy of newmarkets director of corporate- services said the municipality iiasj s for the mapping system for mhouse use j -r- prentice said that infrpmation may bedapltedtathe tpwns vebsife fits a very useful t661ahesaid flfs aneffectiveway to present informa- tiqri iv- c v c onorrsa reputation as onepfithe leadisrs in the field extends beyond york region t r theyjarereallyfpcusedinon the loc government applications nigel r roberts- chapter leaderofttheurban ihformatibnlsystemsassociatiori of t ontanpsaul they are one of the early develop- fere of trie t a mature product j i v buf mefapuratioffisntumitedto use fiy local gpyerrimentstlle1technol- ogy can be use by businesses as wellt j rrichard talbot consultants international ihcsaidgis us agreat tool for retailerslrj x itj very useful for the retail a3e of i demographics c and salesw tr4 unionville residehtsaid it can be used 4 for astores dkectmkejipg 21 j wewjllbring said adding meyplantbjhire 20 more staff nextyear were not busmessmeriourweakness i is our business riiind drive kicked offlastfweekend liesmyisffi vr flongbs h7bodbmevrf lobbwsbub with the towns christinas bus 5 a trie torafmaiidiamisvety suhdayi det 2 10 attqtx saturday iieaf 15il0 sualtox ready to be filled outside area gro- tprdud of the warmto and oomj pjn r r l pm eery stores passion our residents aridbusk y lingos bayview garden basket hwy- donations go to local food nesses exhibit each year said dec75pseio9pmr 4816th sunday ded 16 10 banks for distribution canned regional councillor gord dominion thornhill square am to 4 pm goods powdered milk peanut landon saturday dec 8 10 ajn to 4 butter spaghetti sauce cereal donations to stuff the bus will pm baby formula and other non-per- be accepted at no frills markham for more information contact your local markham councillor at 9054777000 w