r -t- tr sycikik svsaiy 5 j- j- x j- p i u it h i i wgs assign s3ssrslg -sv- v uindvounouj plfls stp up fr hlp1 crossing guards required immediately for v f holuaghaiiilockndge r rajmeniueifiggijttsoii john buttoncapt francis we also require paid back up crossing gudrdsireafpay s 4166060901 finoutimatycmarp homeiswortn 2es online vinivworilinehdmeevaluati6nc6m ik-remaxoraegareay1988ul- iscommgevents- ggst n memonamsrf apartments for rent curves for women fun rewarding parttime employee flexible hours experience in nutrition an asset this position appeals to a persorf with high energy please call or drop off resume at curves for- women stouffville 9056424392 denison feather- unionville- luxuri- stone- 1 bedroom base- ous 1 bedroom base ment ttc separate ment fireplace park- rentrance laundry no ing laundry cable separate entrance no buyer agent looking for an outgoing licensed real estate assistant to work with o prospective buyers x fulljime position offeree by exceptional husbandwife team fax resume to 9052947213 pets smoking 650 in- elusive 9054718496 markham- bnmley steeles large 1 bed- room basement park- ing separate entrance laundry close ttc no smoking pets 750 available immediately 9059470426 markham- highway 748 2 3 bedroom utilities included- new carpet near i schools shopping call super- 10am-8pm- 905-294- 2045 or 41 69620097 showardwhopaedawaybri novmberl29th993xtrvv t srissa gardenjof beautiful memones yf5 sprayed wiuia million tears zl dorothy c ircr tv5i husband fair kyle christopher v july 161988 november 28 1993 j r gone are thedays we used toshare but in our hearts you are always there the gatesof memory will never close we miss you more than anyone knows with tender love and deep regret we whojoveyou will never forget we will always love you j t mommy daddy andcody smoking pets furnished 905944877 i articles for sale m articles for sale unionville- walkout basement apt 2 bed rooms available imme- diately no smdking pets 950 all inclusive 9054796478 yonge jefferson- large bachelor sepa- rate entrance 750 in- elusive indoor pet ok immediately 905737- 3478 after 8pm wedding date fax houses for rent send this form for your 2 f0r1 admission coupon by fri dec 142001 attention students holiday help 1805 to start may continue in the new year 37 openingsmust fill by dec 7 flex firs training provided no door to dooror telemarketing call 905 4159299 wwwsemesterbreakworkcom markham- highway 7 markham road sec- 1- ond floor of beautifully markham3 renovated century rooms- dec 1st home 1 bedroom ap- bac pliances balcony very pnvate no pets smok ing 975 utilities feb 1st 9052946444 bed- large 1550 utilitie 9052947880 housing wanterftorent adjustable electric twin bed great for watching tv relaxing ejderly new 2400 asking 1400 9054741631 send to national bridal shows co premier consumer 467speers rd oakvine l6k 3s4 fax 9053375571 set 8pce bed vi ffl houses for sale mortgage loans divorce free report reveals what youneed to know abbufwhat happensto your matnmonial home before duringand after adivorce free recorded message 18003265582 id4906 remax omega realty 1 988 ltd home find oiitwhat the tiorne down the street sold for computerized list of area home sales current listings free7ecbrded message 18003265582 id8060 remax omega realty 1988 ltd stop n cash approved by phone every day is payday when you need cash we hold your personal cheque till payday no credit check now open in markham call 310cash markham- markham rd 7 spacious 1 bedroom basement parking laundry non- smoker dec 1st 820 4169943989 markham- newly ren- ovated furnished bachelor main floor private entrance no smoking pets dec 1st 800 inclusive 9052947756 markham- steeles fenton 2 bedroom basement separate en- trancet laundry kitchen parking 850 dec 1st 9054776959 markham 16th- 2 bedroom basement apt nonsmoking pets 925 inclusive suits coupe feb 1st 9054728995 mature woman w6yr old son seeks accom modation welderly woman will pay rea sonable rent and help whousehold chores er rands susan 416709- 3196 rooms for rent wanted markhamnear go bedroom own bath- room quiet home suits single nonsmok er pets share kitchen 595 4165245741 shared accommodation a rare exhibition of arctic artifacts from the collection of the late mossie moorby resident nurse at stringer hall anglican residence for eskimo and indian children in inuvik northwest territories from 1964 until 1972 this extensive col lection includes hundreds of pieces of na tive artwork saturday december 1 2001 24 pm and 79 pm refreshments served st pauls anglican church 227 church streel newmarket ontario 9058537285 admissionj1500 per adult parents children afternoon admission 3000 evening reentry for parents tutoring service learn computer at home tuition for begin ners in windows os by it grad 20hr 416- 3991749 t math tutoring- spe cializing in high school math grade 10 literacy tesb preparation call powerleamers 416- 6051427 professional tutor ing forgrades 110 in cluding special needs students all subjects lets learn inc 9056423222 bedroom cherrywood chest tridressermir- ror nightstands dove tail construction never opened in boxes cost 9000 sacnfice 3500- 4167483993 beds- new king 298 queen 168 double 148 single 118 fu tons 89- bunkbeds 199 headboards di nette sets discounted pnees tax delivery in cluded 4164852764 carpet- i have sever- al thousand yards of new- stainmaster and 100 nylon carpet i will carpet your jiving room hall 349 price includes carpet pad installation 30 square yards steve 9055089423 decorator finds large french country bakers rack magnificent display space with walnut base of the finest quality- new 2500 universal dining room server 550 bombay- new cherry computer desk 550- 9059439028 diningroom 14pce cherrywood 92 double pedestal 8 chippen- dale chairs buffet hutch server dovetail construction still in boxes cost 14000 sacrifice 5000 416- 7460995 diningroom suite 1yr old light maple fin ish table wleaf 6 matching slat back chairs wbeigepadded seats china cabinet winset light glass doors mirrored back ing matte silver hard ware asking 1800 9056569565 markham- rooms for rent 650 500 475 375 h available immedi- ately share kitchens bathroom 905948- 0575 nannies liveinliveout daycare available middlefield steeles- new 2 bed room basement apt separate entrance available private funds for mortgage loans firsts and seconds debt con solidation and bank turndowns 905-649- 6386 9056266636 private sale- mark- ham bedroom finish- ed basement new roof carpet backs onto park 218ki41 68738002 officebusiness v space warden 407- two of fices r available v in quiet website development company- modem win- dows boardroom kitctv en ifumisheds heather 9059478235 apartments i for rent 16th mccowan- 2 bedroom basement separate entrance share laundry no smoking pets decern- ber 15th 905471- 0130 905472825 7 4162997383 musslemans lake 1 bedroom above ground 800 sq ft appli ances nonsmoker pets 775 inclusive tern 9056421234 se markham brand new bright and spotless ac 1 bdrm apt above store pro- fessionally de signed built hdwd marble floors thruout screened in porch 12 ceilings very private no smok- ing pets call for into s950 jan01 9052942356 stouffville- 1 room share facilities 400 room 500 1st- immediately last available irhmedi- ately 4165342498 9056422066 unionville- profes sional female shared kitchen bath laundry pnvate bedroom living- room ac parking no smoking pets 550- first last 905477- 1254 s unionville- walk to markville mall own bedroom share fumish- i ed house immediate prefer female fnon- 3 smoker 9054799969 quebec- nannies caring competent trustworthy livein naqnies available year round or 6 months thoroughly personally interviewed gini caring helpers since 1989 4168129290 civibwgu wee watch private home daycare our agency provides screening of providers unscheduled visits reliable backup fullparttime care income tax receipts please call 9054799671 health homecare experienced health care aid available- companion jor elderly excellent references salary negotiable 9052010701 i articles for sale kitchen table- sage bleached woodrourid with leaf 6 padded chairs- asking 1100 9057801182 patty leave message mikasa- academy 8 5 piece settings gravy boat with stand salt pepper shakers cream er sugar bowl butter tray- 4 extra dinner plates 4 extra 3 bowls 4 extra tea sau cers a extra salad plates brand newask- ing 1000 905780- 1182 patty leave mes- nikken large selec- tion of nikken geomag netic products available much less than whole- sale prices fax 905- 4792098 for- product pncelist saddle- 1712 santa cruz close contact sad dled medium tree 1 yearokk great -condi- tion 150- 905-471- 3262 piano- baldwin apt sized excellent condi tion 1200 -905479- 1598 rentals outside canada free sponsorship- livein filipina nannies in 3 months locals available wanted mil- lenium caregivers l 9057273884 skids for salewood en good jquahty 3 eachforpickup info r call ask for mike banville at the markham economist sun n centre monday fndayf 9am 5pm 9052942200 business opportunities bloomington 9th linelovely country jset- ting private 1 bedroom apt in v schoolhouse 1 parking fireplace laun- stoijffville- dry no smoking pets 800 -060905640- 7899 v disney florida exec utive 4- bedrooms pn- vate pools dicount rates canadian owner 18002461996 http webhomeidirect com brimley 14th- 2 bed room basement sepa- work frorrthome part rkljffis timelsfulltime income 9 eluded suits possible no experience p 850 necessary training pro r 2-bed- room apt on main st no pets950 all inclu siver lmmediatecall 9056401612 n cratne birthdays r nursery schools daycare available in loving family home in cornell- ages 2yrs up also acceptingtem- porary placements over christmas vacation 9052948998 videdl tollfree mes- sagejfsoogseeei i brimley 14th miful- 2 bedroom t unionville 3 iltl u- anient separates en- room- basement mortgage loans r tranceno pets smok- 1250 inclusive-j4no- fying900 january 5th petsjaundry parkingv stouffville- bnght 1 bedroom upper du plex- overlooking park parking no petssmok- ing suits single975 9056422111 r i ibeau x bed- apt ysftjcaiiyy i1 s 9059449482 mi available immediately calluv redwood ifoi- lioioz i90594407184i 16th birthdayi v awinnigan love momddd ai v i y zd- u 1 1 oi birtjidays- it- i m l y hb jisteeles rjr un0nvlle refinariglqumortn x less of income or credit i a mm wjr k v t ft v xuwcvr thefamily of margaret lcbionc and friendsto v clcbrkchcrpoth birthday v jums i saturday december 1st 4mi0m pmatmarbhaven home jlb54 partwayavetmarbham v r l w