whrhaurcfrstouffvilte minor lctwe results house league v atom metro waste 3 a king 2 n matsbukas vs tec guys 1 m danes money concepts 5 r pontone 2 n benoit k regan a pettrfer vs superior water 4 t cosentino m whittingstallkmacvicar k mackay michelles snack bar 3 j lewis t robert c mactavish vs charterhall 0 maple lodge 4 a lee 2 j raymer d goad vs fairgate homes 0 tykes houston ford 2 robbie armstrong william brown vs connect telecom 2 matthew thomson 4 kyle saurd addison kennedy vis dunlop 2 lexmark printas6 bradley hadey kytechjitachines 2 christian birker 2 4 kevin derocchis alex mckean vs nautavac techdata 7 dylansliahhand 2trevohord 2 5 adam kostandoff 3 joel leuschner ryan ij bui sutton brandon hughes kyle ross vs peterson houston ford 6 hayden gibson 2 mash 2 daniel perryevan malcolm robbie armstrong joseph hutchison ryan tvil kemohan conner miller vs lexmark printers 2 brett thomson bradley hariey connect telecom 10 matthew dunlop 5 devin king 2 bntanny king hayden burton wesley cowie vs nautavac 3 adam kostandoff 2 chad burrows novice multiservice fjectnc 3 craig hasler 2 bnttany drew vs schell lumber 3 jesse lofthouse 2 reese garth the putting edge 4 jay avenll 2 brandon zielonko mitchell price vs lionels pony farm 3 matt johnson 2 suzanne dickie burrows landscaping 6 darryl peeweeminor bantam multj- service 4 josh czerwinski 3 sean garrett vs schell lumber 1 justin lawrence lyons graphics 4 jeff bassett 2 shawn smith ryan barkey vs century services 2 kurus paisley willem schneider houston ford 2 sam ofarrell jessie owen vs lyons graphics 2 shawn smith 2 century services 5 kurtis paisley 2 willem schneider wesley wrttenbols mike muto vs supercom 4 andrew webber cash nicastro colin dickie stephen simpson schell lumber 5 matthew marunello 3 jonathon cunningham jeremy schell vs citi financial 1 timothy smith markhamstouffuiile giris last weeks results novice decorating home 7 vanessa spataro 4 josee daoust 2 manelle bean vs absolute precdn 4 emily v lennox clare buckley uniomilie motors 3sajcamacdonaid samantrraunifas 2 lynft kennedy vs trie mhhlhgrfhiisg toronto star 2 danielle porter iv v c votnwl9- -c- tom x j banum b- v moller insurance 2 fclaire schickedanz ji melody cunningham vs pathlynn intenors 1 makhsttstais2amyuwson2vs samantha bum toromont cat 3 samantha caroorou ruinsky 2 lindsaysullivan vs stevenson afls gold team 4 burrows landscaping t beaumarc printing miller waste systems jendan limited 10- v3 4 28 35 17- 3 5 17 2 70 4- contracting 1 bnttany convery peewee jones pools 5 samantha batten 3 crista albano alexandra jackson vs markham- stouffville credit union 1 jade penna jones pools 4 nicole vidinu 2 amanda frechette samantha- batten vs maples restaurant lodge 0 markhamstouffville credit union 4 jade penna 2 kiera field kate devine vs tim hortons stouffville 1 shay fitzpatrick senior boyds sports 2 kelly mcdowell kelly morrison vs shoppers drug mart 1 sarah jane fleming noma cable tech 7 rebecca hanson 3 caitlin fitzpatnck 2 lauren uaswe 2 vs stare 1 airson guance v bantam aa stars 3 shannon hagarty 2 lindsay brown vs durhamwestl mtssissauga 3 vs stars 1 emily gamble stouffville amateur league team allweld co ltd schell lumber standings of nov 24 open wlt pts 14 11 j 0ver351 houston ford 8 painters edge 7 melair transport i 6 r williamsons motors 5 jones pools 4 nicastro landscaping 4- bully boys sports 3 stevelenofnlls- 1 bphillips steeplejacks 2 derrhody insurance 1 t senior vec cartage 6 royal le page 6 coss systems 5 krmy real estate v habasit canada 5 stevens large tree sales 2 0 2 2 1 1 3 23 5 1 18 15 15 13 9 8 7 7 5 3 3 1 13 31 13 5 0 10 5 19 5 0 8 7 17 ifs icrvisajuirciwhcustoaffviutsisctisss stouffville tribune carrier of the week jsfy 0k matthew and andrew jones stouffville lions annual christmas donation project december 1st to december 15th 2001 r donations of new toys gifts hobperishable food items and clothing will be collected and distributed to needy stouffville families in time for christmas by the stouffville lions donations may be dropped off at the following locations canadian imperial bank of commerce 6311 mainstreet birkett hassard insurance brokers ltd 6262main street r r credit union w 6245 main street the cooperators insurance financial services 6358main street k s jtscbtiabank 6323 main st pc3 st stouffville suntribune 7 34ciyic averiuv3rd floor torbntodominion bank j 5892 main st applaza vbank of mbntreal 18westlawncres thepetstop r 6356 mahrstreet 6389 main street town of whitchurch stouffville cjerksdepjfthfloor comdeotiiffifermls are appreciated v will be processed with discretion jfor further information regarding donations or mcdonalds we are currently looking for carriers to deliver the stoufmlle tribune and stourrville sun in the following areas eastern gate drive f donria lee trail hazelnut place hemlock drive ivyxrescent main street east main street west second avenue 10th line south s cenntiry lane v be part of the r tribune and sun carrier team and enjoy earning money winning prizes and attending exclusive cairierevehtsi j project chairmanli6nhelene 4earsqlservieb v j vav v j vit rt f v at t i i i i ii for carrier inquiries please call our distribution office at proud sponsors of our carrier only club economist sun carriers and their families get special deals at these local establishments alfsen house aispo soccer sports autosport collectibles backstage hair design balloon experts barthau jewellers basically bagels california kiss canadian tire champagne limousines chepaks country market coffee time cyclepath dairy queen dbs skateboards and urban apparel rckle pickle fullertons houston guardian pharmacy global pet foods herbies honey bee donuts laser quest lazer runner licks homeburgers lindys floral boutique markham bowl markham pro hardware marks work wearhouse master myuhgs mcdonalds menswear direct metroflonsts mmmaryellous mmmuffins my little pizzeria and deli national sports new york fnes- novellb desserts optical shop oxford learning centre pasta vita pennzoil peppertree klassics pinnacle hobby pizza pizza pizzaville putting edge regimes reids milky way reidsantiques v rock and chalk v- ron beer royal mens hairstyling barber v sandra amadeo dance studio y sears j csewing machine c sgt peppers pjb grill v sound strokes studio sunflower dry cleaners 4 syengali salon and spa the beauty supply outlet i v friendly greek the pet stop timber creek golf i towneoptical v tqwne restaurant library l wheelsn boards v wild water wngdom 4 womeninmotion f- kyamanala j yoingey pjymoutr chrysler vjyoursuper burgerr ii ms s this message brought to you as a community ser vice ofthe economist suntribune a unit ywysi ttf0ur j v