tt a x a y vt v -f-a- jz -yyt-m- economist sunnhbune arolfndthwbeglon thursday novembe8 2001 wjl j r by lisa queen r staff writer r local poverty advocates are call- irigfeetories-100chnstmasgiftto- vppqfjybrkj cmcren cneap fockingstuffibrw ijjuesomethirigi nqthingsaid jack macfaideic i presidentof bradfordbasedcoats i 5 for kids whichsupplies whiter 1 xlqthingferbabiesandcm jwqljd say 100 is nofeven the mvalenpoo aqbthpick if youre- building a housetif s that smailev aspartpf his econqnucstate meiittuesdayfinarice minister jim flaherty almouncedhejwillcut a onetime yaxffeexheque for poor yf 0ysz inbriej ftg as part ctfpur new eguide -5- t ajting qfyqrk region eriteir faiiranehtlereiitsyhat appears vvin pur tuesday papers we are rvtaskihgresiderits to postreconv mendafionsforstficurfently playingva- ariyyork region theatregv atffyounavejjodo is visits yorlcfegi6ncom click on the weekly contest for movie passes rr t beenthere tu- fcifsfv rdh enjoying some hunky help workingfainilies witfrxhildren firefighter models norm jbnesand frankbobesich make sure marieanderson has enough blush as she pre- under the age of seven j v pares for the heroes in uniform furidraising dinner and fashionshowat sinfonia italiana in unionville on flaherty suggested the money tuesday all proceeds wentto families of firefighters and police whoiliedin the new yorkcity and- which wb 1 goitfamiues earning wishmgtoriterroristattacksalso preparing for the show are from lefttmodel magda mo with bita makki buv chmren coa6am bbbteand mod syhfie martin with christina coteanuand model dena kakaletris and mc sandy bonk christmas presents j about 222000faniilies with r7 i i i 367000 children under seven will r receive thejbenefit which will cost r province 37 million i ji flahertyishbpirig the gesture r vduhelptosfimulate ontarios fal- -tenngfecbnomy- t a vvmesome-cncsihavecom- pldnedifamilies 5rc social c itancwonvreceivethel3oliusr -flahesaidparenteuvingonwel- r fare already receive an extra 105 for eactfchild under the age of 18 every november 4o help pay for- winter clothing and presents rosanne rodgers spokesperson for the york region food network wonderswhy queens park has situation by roger varley staff writer victims of spousal abuse par ticularly those who have been in longterm v violent relationships should be treated the same as sur- such as beatings physicatahd psy- etiological intimidation sexual assault imurder and attempted murders j im more inclined to call it rela- tionship terrorism franklih said f placed such stringent conditions on vivors of hostage situations said an pointing to a host of psychological the benefit f s l rcmp exoert on domestic violence daiimas shared by hostage victims abusive situations hostages driven by the impulse to survive are quickly overcome with feelings ofdefencelessness and suffer derjfession brought on by the thoughtthat no one cares or is corning to rescue them franklin mebenefitv j v rcmp expert ohclomestic violence naumassnarea by nostage yicnms said sheagued 26000 is apaltry wmle freed hokagesarerecogcdttdw 7eyjoegmg dependon their amount to use as a cutoff especial- luizedfor having survived the situ- th include jndecjsjyenessv captors tqtke point they do nqtiiing ly for families struging- to make atibrithere is no such praise for an apparent dulling 6f comprewimoutdifectionor their captors ends meet firthei breater toronto- women who have survived long- hension- and intelligence self- r area with its high co of living term abuse staffsgt dave blame -decreased- selfesteem a jbutwhatupseterqdgere more is franklin said w strong dependence on the abuser the fact only femiuetwith hjhlikesurvivors of hostage tak- andfr6zen flight a phenomenon r j j a t 1z zl that hakaannhoanmh in monv approyairau these symptoms are equally present in victims of abuse hesaid1 i r 1 he told of one such victim who fmahyfreecf years of abuse was asked what she would do with under seven will receive the cheque- t ings they are often left on their own that has been observed in many jshe questions why a sevenor40orj2 doesnt qualify to social services response hostages and women in violent- her freedom w r t receive wtotev coat boots ora qur professiorfhas focused qn relationships often totake 7 she surprised her questioner by viv wedomg right waj advantage pfwhatothers saying she wbuldwash her kitchen eiyaasit iratiier jthanare we doing the right escape routes he said hy pesrtheyhadnt been washed g6ttojd6wmyingr an open door 4 not an open for five years because her spouse 5 economic- cut- ina svminar for york- regional door they see ft asa trap frahklm had oncetold her he would kill her rqfflguess you have tocutit off -r- police health workers and social said no one asks a hostagewhy if she touched them again ivomwlierbutietwtuseanage in domestic vip7 they didnt try to escape but when w franklin said since itis impossi- cutoffisaf j ience cases franklin said the term jwqmanis finally free abu- ble to send a hostage negotiator or i lx rodgersj whq suggested chil- domestic violencemight actually sive- relationship people often ask emergency response unit to every i dren toll66r 18 i shouldjeceive diminish the seriousness of the why she didnt try to leave domestic violence call perhaps v frilhechequeaguedthe100 ftle loneterm benefit for disadvan- i taged femilies y crime a he said the phrase tends to downplay spousal abuse crimes he said a partners threat of reprisal is a common but powerful inducement for women to in we as a community can view ourselves as community health workers what i liked thought was- thati wasshooting better as the 4 gameneared its end i made a particularly good shot into the house and another that took out an opposing rock my last two shots curl one after another into the outerbluecircle of thfe- house tv j r catch staff writer mike adlers experiences as a first- time curler at unionville curling club in been there done that page 18 v z 5 lifechanging books haveyoii read a- book that had a profound effect on your life didjit change the way you think or feel about something or- the wayvyou behave toward other people- 7 maybe you took up a new interest or hobby after reading a- good book on the subject if you have a taletptell and would like to share it for an upcoming article staff k writer xanhe s howland at ahowlanderabannercom 6r cau her at 416 7987284 ext 290 i tr rj t p surfincity wwwcbllecti6iissicgcca this website canadian yeterans recollect wasdevel oped bystijdentsforshidpnts r under the auspfcesothidusrry canadatopay tnbutejto allthe courageous veterans who fought for canada mi the first world mr it s unlike textbooks- the site allows students to readsee aikb listen to the history of the great war- while helping them recog- mze that without- these brave people canada would not be the same- as it istodayinpludes interviews with veterans v- w s y fi a