alternative materials could l distance teachers from parents re york teacherssupport alternative lifestyle teaching materials sept j reasonable people support a tolerant society and understandthe need forei better understanding- of different lifestyles- a great deal then revolves around how this material will be designed and presented to the extent that the elementaryteachers federation of ontario decides to normalize the abnormal tonaturalize the unnatural to that extent it will be distancing itself from the majority ofparents in ontario- j the federation need not be surprised if the result is an even greater exodus to home schooling and other sectarian facilities- r blake tufford fc a- y stouffville put faith in god not machines and political leaders shellee perkins unionville school boards language courses if anyone knows who did these irresponsi- the flyer said- these programs are fund- ble and wasteful acts please report it to our ted by the ministry of education and training school or localpblice t and provide any child with the opportunity repairing these darhagescosts us all and read write and speak a new language or the funds could be used more beneficially for maintain the language andcultureof home our kids or heritage c it appears this program is catering more to the latter than theformer i am a part oa multiracialcultural fami ly so please in reply do not accuse me of ourcountfypeedstorealizetherearepeoz uvaiujinnyuoijcvmuira being biased these are simply the sadfacts pie who do the will ofgod and there are those sflould be odeilto all students at a time whenweare questioning the who go the wrong way y advisabilityof providing support to thepri- when are we going tostop such evil an open letter to york- region district vate school s i find it unconscionable r crimes from happening tojnnocent people school board director of education bill that funds would bedirected in this area thus huitytisnevctsweputfeithin hogarth depriving our public system of the much machines and political leaders ihe answer is r when the international languages ele- support for somahyof its sadly lack- faith and service to god mentary program iflyei was sent home irig iah there will always be tragedy when you- school my first thought was whatra won education and music v leave life to the will of humanity my prayers derful oppqrtanity to have my chudlearn a j are with all families in the usa second language t ncnmnfniij when j observed cantonese was being deb rumble cc v v markham offered i was even more excited as it is obvi- a ous this is goingib be one of the major ian- unidnville public appalling off we went full of anticipation and x excitement on registration night however to y i was appalled atitrr j j j v occurred atmychildrehs public over the surhmer a ly set that destroyed a picnic tableland our now would still be all right except all to launch your own discussion there too childrens playground slide the direction information and jcommunica- the siteserves readers pftheydrk region and speaking of money aircanada kim lowes markham join our online discussions at yorkregioncom v your opinion is important to us on our lews drkpputiciqns wantto juggle while students share ispace i iii j ome idle questions jvaughans acting mayor- michael drbiase says his city is underrepresented at york regional council and would like to add two more vaughan seats at the region realizing of course that no one is going to approve more politicians he suggests a tradeoff by having the city realign its wards and reduceyaughan council by two members- v that would certainlyhelp solve the underrepresentation at the regional levelbut dont you think the people in those newly merged wards might just feel well underrepresented l until constructionon the new sir william mulock secondary school is finished its 450 students are going to school at newmarket high on a shift systemwith nhs students for allintents and purposes there are two separate schools operating in the same building said the new schools principal apart from hallways being crowded one student said both schools have done a superb job accommodating the additional studehts without major dis- ruptions- r am ithe only one whothinks given the demographics of an ever-more- mature population this idea could be given a long hard lookbefore boards constiucraivy more schoolsjor addany v more mouldy portables t a group trying to restore the ruins of thejfirst catholic church inupper canada st raphaeljs near cornwall is angiy because the prbyihcialand fedef al governments naverefused to pay any of the 500000 cost v thechurchwas the centre of the catholic chufcn in ontario and inits heyday claimed more than 6000 parish- ioners including ontarios first premier john s macdqnald s before asldngfor taxpayersfnoney cwouldnt it have been a good idea to askf the gatholicichurch has a few dollarsrm told if itwould liketo help eighteen windows were broken the vents jion being disseminated was completely in newspaper group which r includes the on me p6rtable3uudmg were removed economist suh stouffyille tribune- irbssprofarutywasttenauovermeo when a child displays signs ofbeing inter- 7 richmond hulthbrnhiuxiberalvaughan letters policy smuffwue tribune i welcomes youhetteiali submissions must be le than and must indudev v daytirhetelephone number j y nameand address the newspaper reserves the right to- f publishor not publish and to edit forclarityand space stouffville ftribijhe sewing the community since 1888 ee3 canadian cirsilations audit boaid member ontario press council stouffvilletnbune published every thursday and saturday is one of the metroland printing publishlngand distributing ltd group of newspapers which includes the ajaxpickerfng news advertiser alliston heraldcourier barrie advancebarrs bay this week bolton enterprise brampton guardian burlington shopping news burlington cpostcrty parent collingwoodw3sagaconnection easf york mirrorr erin advocatecountry routes etoblcoke guardian flamboroughpost georgetown independent acton free press kingston this weekundsaythis weekly mldlandpenetanguishenemlntr milton canadian champion milton shopping news mississauga news newmarftet- aurora georgina era banner northumberland news north york mirror oakville beaver oakville shopplng news orilllatodayoshawawhitbyclaringtonportperrilthls week peterborough thls iweekt richmond is lobbying federal government for i v billionito matchyouarfordpllar a bafloutbfusalriinesv facing empty f skies afterthe events of sept 1 1 i asqhejcolumnist noted thisweek though thelairlinehad none of s apiaries i hijacked suffered no loss of l sliortefj period and has laid off none of its workf y force if considers itself just as badly i j hurt as its american counterparts whoj havea1ieady anticipation t amassiwdeclirie iiiaifv h xtiaver ry v 4why should the government give aird canada 4bilhonwhentheairline has r radmitteadtac etrntinainetic lncor tr 41 c milltnn i ij if mft jtjxyw udlr vijwresj ai a jj j