t c j ty 3s 1 i bbff5bff5w5bigm tgjrf barb annecchiarico has twoi busychildren whoattend pnyate families f she betievesjhe level of activ ities must betmdred to ahindi- yidualchildsneeds s j just because one child may r want to participate in every sport and activity she cartsign up for doesnt mean siblings will too ifs really zeroing in bn that particular child she saidrit really rrieahsa parent has to have a good sense of their individual child really individualizing for toat child prieur said organized vactivi- ties are an important part of chil- r drens lives they promote teamwork and fitness and help kids explore their talents they are a great outlet for the extroverted and energetic child n7c7 i s 7ni- school in woodbridgecheflok schoolis their joh ymbfoon4s iej 6 tkev pkes swimming lessons c and j x7 tti j f r 3 swimmingc depends on the child s ahnecchiacofsaid childrens perswhlityifineyy activitiesmuslbe kept in per- v 7 spectivw- am handle fhe- school is theif job they commitment to the need to be educated and nothing vr should come in the way to let sport and the practices j- grades slip itjiepends on the i 2 rlr childs personality if they can of their handle the commitment td the- school work sport and the practices on top of s their school work she said y v parents should not think i she thinks last weeks attack their child is the next superstar- and signing an introverted on the united states may have all recreational sports should be shy child up for one or two activ- an impaction very busy families fun 4iv r itiesmay help them develop self- afterthe new york thing- if itsvotlmake a changed confidence- people areexploring family and children shoijd but prieursaid sometimes relationships more put or oveiwhelmed society childrens lives are over-organ- prieur encouraged parents to needs sttorigert families not ized kids needtime for sponta- listen to their children to make more superstars vreative labelsjnchasbeeii bestowed tbie prestigious consumers choice award foooirgdfdondsmsbn i president of creative labels is seen here accepting the award thecbnsumers choice award show whichwas held at ttie stage west theatre in mississauga was broadcast on sunday septembf9200i j t j j creativela north markham it was jfincorpdrated in 993 mr davison took control of the company 2 r mrdavison ms lived inuxbridge township for the last 35 thejabel printing- sto visit creativelabels on the web wwwccawardcom and ciickonduflinkc- s be a big brother its kids stuff t 905771251 this message brought to you as a community senw of economist sunintone pat robinson inc v ii wouidlyou ukelui opportunity to learn about true christianity and have some 1 tough questions answered i s if so join us at fh kri dgil a m arkhanf community church 544016th ave oust east of ave h tuesdaysseptstli to decth i call 90529467l6jto register or- jcfind out more details v o s fotdimier followed 7reaf videoteafingsdndsiiidu l ttieaa course an opportunity to explore the meaning of life trxistee in bankruptcy callfor- a free personal discussion help with creditor problems r proposal to creditors v pat robinson trustee t personal business bankruptcy 4 j aurora 15105 yonge st 201 atchurch 905 7272577 richmond hill v 9555 ypngest40i at wddnck 905 5089493 ifdrbnto north t45 sheppard ave e 201 at yonge 416 4w6648 toronto downtown 150york st 800 at adelaide 4l6 4106648 y toll free 18777272577 r email patpatrobinsoncom i web wwvpatrobinsoncom 14 v j cancer services consultation a- vas a consumercaregiver family member service providejpn physjeianif your opinion about our xl commiinity health services is importantly fhe simcoejyork dhc invites you an open housed todiscusvpahcerservi the need for a located within the area of swcjhursclay september 27 2001 h 109igorham street unit 300 newmarket please drop in any time between 100 7btfpmrto voice your comments f f call 18772588899 or visit wwwdhcsimcoeyorkonca survey 1 n fr f v r vti ftig j v jv jyv tfwti-vi-v- jv iiz aaessa v jjtssj