r ftte wj r1 r2trrcf zfc is- -j- a l it 5e 5r l 7 7 i f h s by lisa queen -staffwnier- occer volleyball track and field swimfhirig ihdckey 7 baseball and basketball when it comes to sports r newmarket v teenager michael brown does it all as long as it doesnt involve a book hell do it his mother iidija brown joked f i michael 14 is busy everynight of the week although he does have weekends rfree to hangdur with j friends as long as there isnt a c spbrtsjburriamentlhatis77 l ii although the youngvathletet admits thereare times he would prefer more leisure time generally speaking he wouldnt have life any other way i meet new friends too- its my choice i could quit if i wanted to sports help kids keep fit instead of being just lazy and staying on the couch atmomel i like playing sports it keeps me r fit it keeps me outof trouble most of the time said who immediately got involved in sports after movmgwcahadalxom south africa four years ago s i meet new friends too its my choice i could quit if i wanted to sports help kids keep fitiristiead of being just lazy and staying on the couch at home director pfthe baton club her daughter jordan tjeldngs to 7 7 it wbrkfolrdiif family whatthe kidvgeyout of it is worth she said hct highenergy chil- dren7 are learning about healthy competition remamingfit choos ing productive activities and becoming involved members of the community v j t- still merornjoked skeand her ahusbandgarry who hascoached l 3his older sonsrep hockey andsoc- cer teams never get any adult social time v the meron family mom jennifer jaret 7 and llyearbld twins jordan and josh is abusy crew theres never any down time there are days when everybody is going in opposite directions and we- fust dont stop tillive crash s the couch at night- theres never any down time there aredays when everybody is going in opposite directions and we just dont stop till wecrashjqri the couch at night i butmerdn said the positives of a hectic lifestyle far outweigh the negatives k t i there are times ithihk it would be nice togb fora walkiri the parki butin the final analysis i think itis worth it she said they the kids do ft 100 perl cent of their own accord arid they wouldnt drop anything if they could iwish there was ah extra two achathome t brother is an avid soccer player and josh and younger brother jaret who works part time for a maple weeks in the vear with no snorts michael who sayse does ok in played in germany and 7 are involved in everything from company arid does bookkeeping but we reallv wouldnt have ft anv iooi isnt the only busy kid in the hungary this year soccer and hockey to baton twirling for her husbands business i hool family his twin sister is involved in vol id hockey and dance hungary tnis year the meron family of aurora is and dance its of their own choosing they another busy crew r at least one kid is on the go every wouldnt want itanyotiierway other way leyball and track and field his older elevenyearbid twins jordan night according to mom jennifer saidmeronrwhocbachesarid is see tailor page 17 j 6agr gyjro- wj fmlss s i t yiualimvi u j hmwiiiu si