it was a gala celebration this past thursday night asthe embassy suites had the grand opening of its new conference centrenamed after markham mayor donald cousens bottom right mayor cousens congratulates herman grad owner of embassy suites ontheopening of the impressive conference centre topright at theferand opening the many guests on hand were introduced to just some of thestaff of embassy suites including those in sales chefs and executives r the grand opening gala saw many markham and area politicians on hand to lobkovef the magnificent newfacility thoseon hand for thegrandjopening came awayvery impressed y v photo the magnificent embassy suites and conference centre v j g s i it v ff yeu feel alone or depressed experience feelings of hopelessness have thoughts of suicide there is heie cometo a meeting of the depressed anonymous self help v grbup weekly groups in richmond hill aurora w newmarket support for supporters group for family and friends jn w newmarket ifbr more information c j recall sk 905 r 89874661 3 newmarket 7988500 toronto line extension 0 vk-mius- i3v 4 tt 5 fi i c canadian mv s mental health w lassociation canadienne pour lasainti mentale feof united waytof 5 ivyork region this message brought 5 to you as a communis i r service of economist i h suntribune r markham iga under jsiemownership samehbme toxincservieei renovations arenearingcoinpletidnonyourcommunity storertnese renovations will tdrovidecvou witn a new deli with- our outstandingccustomersservicewwe need increase salesarid margins withstrbhgleaderskip skills meat cutter p c c rc v full or rjart timenosition available forexrftinnfeflfneat bf i