st gsj jrh gvisyf fv3v v tt s g jsbwffpspipssibibs sy aw km v r 2j- fz s ji 3 10 i v m ro- v iw i economist suntribune the regionsflffifoffi a j v v v- r wocy c4yaliaaft maindrug rvlartz 1 rreinax david vrkshpp save khurana jbox stouffvilie ida 3zorimos zekrs dominion cashway rs v from page 1 postponed untunextsprmg- for regional counciilorswho r region cao alan- wells said observed a momem of silence beenintheplanningstagessince despite the cancellation the prior to getting down to last february emergency exercises are regard- ness at thursday mbrnirigs fischalso cited the regions ed as valuable trainmg anil planmeetin v pledge to have emergency staff ningtools x fisch said mat mhernidstpf oh standby in the event a call for ithe goal of the emergeriqr all thebadhews theregiqhs help comes frpm organizers of exercise isto strengthen region- response mcluding the organi- the relief effort iiithe us the al municipal and other agencies zatidhofablobddonorclinicat region has offered to senh para- capabilities to provide an effec- its newmarket keadquaftefs medics and other personnel if tive coordinated response to wasappfopriate theyre needed so far no call for future emergency situations i know that was a positive help has been issued jrom south t wells said actiohrin light of all ithe negative of the border- r meanwhile the american thirigsweveseehinthe last 10 the mock accident has been tragedy remained a focal point days fisch said a i b protect the lives of yourfaniiiy s i buckle up for safety this message brought to you as a community service of v the economist suntribune r py- m isigwfor ij y the regional municipality of york municipal class environmental assessment notice public information centre sixteenth avenue trunk sewer phase 2 mm mis kat sfic im m am mm iisi initiation free parking beautiful club yith enthusiastic educated and trained staff group exercise classes personal training keiser equipment life strength equipment workout area locker rooms child minding tanning professional fitness consultation endurance and fat burning centre use of over 55 clubs in ontario special kids memberships available j t ftwess clubs v nr- v iv 90520 1 6753 200 bullock drive womens only club inside loblaws second markham location 3500 steeles ave e 9054759288 nominal dues and a in 1997 york region completed the york- durham trunk sewer master plan the master plan recommended a number of activities necessary to upgrade the -york- durham trunk sewer to meet the longtermneedsof the regionthe region of york is currently constructing the- ninths line trunksewer and phase 1 of the sjxteentfyavenuejrunks of thelnew parallel system orthe yqrkdurham -sejwagesystem- the- region york intends to construct phase 2 of the sixteenth avenue jrunk sewef from stone mason drive to woodbine avenue thei propdsedlocation of the trunk sewer is shown on the map below 1 jhe projectis being undertaken in accordance with the municipal class environmental assessment consultation with the public and review agencies fqrmsan important component of the project to provide mqre detailed information and an opportunity for public commeht brithestiidya public information ceritrehl beheld- t thursday october 4 2001 unionyille alliancechurch 230 430 prri v 5 v 60b 900 pm unionville ontario fellowship hall r should you require further information aboutthis project please contact t mrashrafhanhapeng mr j manager waterand senior environmental waste- water planning manager a regional municipality- marshall macklin- qf-york- tl rmonaghariltd 17250 yongest box 147 s 80 commerce valley drivejeast newmarket ohfari6l3y 6z1 triornfiill ontario l3t 7n4 tel 9658951206 ext50i5telfeo588242ii ext 422 i877g04york yfax905882i857- 18774649675 jiemail bufdeftbmmmca fax fet058306927 s v email ashrafhannaregionyorkorica j i j v5t oiv ofrer encis scntcmbcr 30 2c f r asi ar btig4bte ii y f mtmrnrnwtttr