sthe yearlong wildlyexpensive j ontanomunicipalboardtheanng- v 5spmjdeyelopmgthemoraines m v v ferichmondhillthasbeen dutlinto whekascfedibihty oiralhsides i wof rmeffencerichmondhill s mayor billbell said this week afters jprpjcialfgovernment c armduricecl ithad rhacle the former a toronto tmayorsandfederaetoryf gcabinet2mimsterla brmg the hearing to a speedy end c v v ticrofnbie3ciabbles indevelop- menthimself hewasparf of a grouptoatapprgached conserya stion aumonueswithr golf course proposalsjecentlybut he is also s v alongtimeprbiporientnbfvusmgs s ecosystemwide plahhingfor thec moraine arf v j j jtas headobthfewaterfront f jpushed efideathafc preserving atliemoraineissessentialfoft p3a s ontari6waterfronware 11 vsrelated40ahealthys moraine he i j i staff photosteve somerville degasperis of metrus properties dur- degasperirand riley are on the com- tf observers expect the province degasperis and alduffy welcomed 2 kind of cbmpen- crombies help david crombie is osetflethe case yeryfaridwillbeveryprofession- eyre hinting at is talvkpredictedirduffy a former make some land rjchmondmlmayor mpfmike colle saii provincial policies and offi- cial recognized there ment on the e street corri- dbrhesaid this will become the model for way development should be other areas provincial panel also t v vi support fora continuous make the t across the entire moraine and lot going to legacy trust to purchase key corridor areas and encourage land govern- stewardship- comments from these recommendations are f