i 5 v sunday august 12th 2001 1000 ajn monung worship 600 pm evening celebration fel kmjnonh of major mackenzie on hwy48 cticf40 vivian baptist church o 4733543 pastor robert okum on hwy 48 at vivian rd holding forth the doctrines of grace 945 am sunday school 1100 am morning worship v 700 pm evening worship everyone is welcome paiknewlvulage 12184 raoth line south stouffville j i sunday august 12th 2001 dr john moored x 700 prri village auditorium jq bloomington gospel church south of 47 highway formerly btoomihgton rd sunday august 12th 2001 sunday school cancelled until sept 901 1030 am communion service the names of god godisjehovahjireh genesis 2214 j everyone welcome j s 0 nuw -iva-i- the anglican parish of christ church t 254 sunset blvd stouffville the rev robert a shields 9056401461 csundajcaugust 12th 2001 v lotlf sunday after pentecost no am service r i i 1000 amservice of morningprayer 7 j t x j- k church- school and nursery providecl 1 everyone welcome jl email chnstchurch stoufhnllesympatico ca via- wel leesi website www3 sympatico cachnstchuch stouffville is4smmlmmmm stouffville baptist church v a fellowship church v 4 6273 wain street pastor- gordon m maccormack 9056402911 sunday august 1 2th 2001 bible classes at 945 suspended until sept 1100 am worewpservice message anew message series j what we believe does my life have any i meaning guest pianist gordon bickle wednesday 730 join us for prayer t ifwe take care of our ckafacterourrjeputation will take careof itselt x all welcome v join us for prayer wedcancelled god bless we care j 5 s springvale ml baptist church s jsstouffwllerd at kennedy rd t m 8875651 j senior pastor l bob flemrrung associate pastor bill thornton associate pastor student ministries brian g simcoe worsbp musccoordinator heather thornton children s ministnes coordinator sharon russell i august 12th 2001 t c rs celebration service speaker pastor bill thornton v message series a view from the hill i ft vvelcometo st jimes presbyterian church sunday august 12th 2001 worship at 1030 am nursery provided rage killing intolerance the answer is not simple but part of it lies in receiving the peace of christ sharing gods love since i860 everyone welcome 6432 main st 6403151 stjamesstouffviliesympaticoca as authorized by perry krieger associates inc receiver and manager inventory has been augmented to offer better selection gsawb i 1 jtc 6 ssiav 4 sm js assorted drivers woods selection iey from mens ladies is fiarftxvp vgolf arbi au-fc- mens ladies selected styles v f x i i v 1 cs iib- h f j il h i i i i oriainal knef price excludes net price items markham 1 hours mondayfriday 98pm saturday 96pm sunday 11 5pm vssmftjbifil basfeomv6dabin ilplahsird fefibsrr oakvilie speersrd mississauga burnhamthorpe irdwestl brampton mis a i lorsldbetween pickering aylstj 7f4015between liverpool brock terms cash auctlomrrstlouidatobsahpraisfrs contiirysorvicoscom debit vjs3 iv 3 ste t c3 tti g si i te is