i i v v f 5 fy v f j telephone 905 2942200 416 7987624 pir905 2941538 email- newsroomeconsuncom r publisher ian prvudfoot crvv general managen aivinbrouwer 7 sr blitorincmefre7ijtolarsonv v a s r director of advertising debra wetter 54 classified manager- 15 deputy editor debora kelly n ann campbell s editor v v retausales manager s mason 4- istephenmathieu 5 i r production manager inside sales manager 4 x pam nichols jm distribution manager business manager 1 w barry black j robert lazurko v j onlinepublishingir- office manager jf manager vfwan ow i margaret bleming s i y edixorial a v- wenforcirig water ban are your nejghboursurreptitiously water- mgmekjawnsinthe middle of the night v orarelpieydomgmeschpfesmbroad daylight wirji nary a care for announced water- amgrestfictions r4xwgooaexcuse atjhis pomt is a conrusing arrayof msctions7 and mormattonaboutateruserj4t t v xrs newmarjforimslance theyownjis i adwsing residents hot towaterrlawnsorwash 1 vi e sssihib rfij m ifit gts3 n a lill dave teetzel supplies residents thereand in toronto home owners arentbuyinginto the restrictions when z v iirmeltrbneighboursare watering at will r4sowhavsreaufgofegoht y estimates whave to v75jperxcenttcapacitybuilour water should we tamper with our national anthem wi l eitt e r s to vt h ee dito r i house boom means more traffic loss of valuable farmland extremely detrimental tothe healtli of non- smokers 1 thereforethe government is more likely jv v trying to protect nonsmokers i agree with n while arousing boom may tang jobs mr rodgers that ifhe wants to smoke itis his and people tpyorkregion we should not be business t y j a i however it also becomes the business of his habit is affecting hen i stand up at a baseball game i just want to know what to sing you want me to sing all thy sons command ill do it you want me to sing all of us command ill do it m our lives command sure what ever you want me to just mouth the words because my singing is really quite awful well sorry i like singing the national anthem as you are no doubt aware a group called me famous 5 foundation is lob bying to change the lyrics to o canada because the line in all thy sons com mand doesnt count women in liberal senator vivienne poy plans to introduce a motion this fall requesting the change ihis is where as a columnist i should go into a flying antipolitical cor rectness rant but i would feel like a hyp- ocnte doing that m this instance since this newspaper resolutely refers to bill fisch as a chairperson fishermen as anglers or fishers and employs various other linguistic calesthenics to let women know they too could run york region or gut fish if they want in a way its appropriate to our national character that we change our national anthem on a regular basis to avoid hurting peoples feelings as a matter of fact should our sons really be commanding wouldnt a more canadian lyric be true patriot love as a clear majority of us politely request if its riot too much trouble forgive me if i have a hard time tak- mg this issue seriously x as far as thejfamous 5 foundation is concerned thisis hardly the most seri- ous issue affecting women if wecquld f away with violence against women or discrimination by chang ing the words to 0 canada im all for it 1 but i doubt it will happen for those who bluster about chang ing our traditions give me a break o canada has been the official anthem for f a little more than 20 years y whats more changing the lyrics is a national tradition the original french lyrics to calixa lavalees song bear no i resemblance to robert weirs 1908 c english lyrics when0 canada oficiallybecame the national anmemtrieiytics changed reduce repetition and g6d keepouf laridglorioiisland free wasadded vyki