ifjtfliligtmrfii jan ittt1 ts economist suntribune education saturday march 102001 schi6i6ibbard wont ehaueiiee burrows fuliii r i frontpage i macdougall- asked board jawyer robert keel numerous times why board chair bill crothers didnot ask a court to determine whettier burrows was a york region resident beforehe hired investigators and convinced- trustees to vote him out based oh that report a report crothers never let trustees see nov 30 1 keel replied the board is obligated to swear new trustees in within 60 days of the election and that crothers was concerned about his integrity and that pt the board if they accepted a false declaration vl v- s burrows lawyer ken hill told the whitchurchstouffville town itwas less a matter of evidence concerning residency than a matter of suspicion hill said the assumption was mr burrows sworea false declara tion to the clerk t f in his judgment macdougall point ed out lawyers on both sides had agreed- the issue of residency was based on fact and intent they conceded one could change residency from one day to the next and one could change residency for the purposes of becoming a candidate macdougall said there appears to bvobvious intent to be a candidate he called the report from investiga tion firm clear international and clerk michele kennedy had accepted associates alarming and said the his ripnimationpapere with full knowl- goal wasnt to determine where edgieof thecharige of address and the burrows lived but to prove burrows reasons why arid the board had no didnt live at the jackson point home right tip overturn that decision j v the embellishment from their results satisfy board jj- frontpage 1- notes to the executive summary con firms the lack of objectivity in my view and the several obvious errors in their report means the weightof the report is significantly diminished macdougall said burrows said he too has deep con cerns about clear international which court heard has been used by the board on several other occasions and he intends to do a little sleuthing him self once sworn in i want to find out who was investi gated why they were investigated who gave the authority and obviously what it cost burrows said crothers refused comment on details of the case instead said he accepts the ruling and will hot chal lenge it burrows will be sworn in later this month but the date has not been set maleand female breakdown expected march19 obviously theres some satisfaction in having done as well as we clid but we clearly need to improve and thats what were goingto focusonsaid public board spokesman ross virgo v seven per cent of public school students failed both read- ing arid writmg jjight per cent failed writing and passed read- ing while four per cent failed reading and passed writing that vboard had an 88 per cent participation rate ijin catholicschools 12 per cent failed both reading and writing 10 per centfailed writing and passed reading and six pacent failed reading ancl passed writing ninetyseven per pehtpfcadioucstudentsiwroteit j proud of our participation rate we exempted only tbxee per cent of our students and still achieved a remarkable success rate said catholic board chair elizabeth crowewere pleased though we were hoping the results would be better x 5js voices of shpridtiinpfesmhhx musicalrevue of the top hits of thev 40s50s c r with special guest y peter appleyard cz v at markham theatre 171 town centre blvd wed march 24 sun march18 v both shows 2b6pm for tickets call v 9053057469 tyoifcan get extra value options x wortrfover 150000 for a limited time fetenhance your every day hot tubbing pleasure with these speclalvalue options j- 178 jl seaway pools biluards rhotjubs trwf xsk 25 heritage rakmonsatv at mecowan markhamitj ifa5i lop dish im iiocamljnmm fa fttcmxndlbmkatirlchati cl ttikkm cttf rt qofdw vtqtmttt arrive alive please dont drink and drive tcs msags brought to joo as commuty strike at the ecooomia sunftribum do you care to foster care hollyhawk 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