ik 8 j- t ecbhomkfsjmtrttune inqurgommunity saturday march 102001 ii y i futureshop correction notice in our february 28 man 6 and march 713 2001 future shop flyers the following error occurred the sony hi 8mm camcorder ccdtrv58 was incorrectly featured with a colour viewfinder this model has a black white viewfinder the frigidaire deluxe selfclean smooth top range cmef377cis was incorrectly featured with panaway broil pan storage this model has broilerpan but does not include the panaway broil pan storage rack we sincerely apologize for any inconveniencetrns mayhaye caused outvalued customers t maabsssamassmaa sssk if y jr if you or your children have trouble breathing zabet would like you to j nh athma society of canada at ag if you or your cniiaren iuv uuuue consult your doctor or call the asthma society of canada at agrtfma i 8007873880 to find our more about asthma and its treatments i a i youll breathe a little easier b this message brought to you as a community service of the economisttribune j qpeif ate ypuf own hoiiie day oaie with we offerf training and ongoing support a regular pay cheque payment for statutory holidays and child sick days some equipment resource materials craft supplies isfcc to join us call x i v wvll wwwweewatchcom by jerome watt they are kept in working special order he said preparation for fire can people should change help prevent tragedies like batteries in the detectors the one iri king township when they chan their that claimed the lives of four clocks in me s fal1 family members last week having at least one fire officials say planned escape route is while the fire- in king essential he said since peo- township occurred in a pie dont have time to plot an remote area many of the escape route during a fire safety techniques apply no the escaperoute is really matter where you live important in rural areas whitchurchstouffville fire because we take a little longer chief bill brown said to get out there mc- smoke detectors are one donougli said of the most important pieces families should plan out a of equipment to have but meeting place too this having a smoke detector isnt ensures that everyone is safe enough it must be in work- and prevents people from ing order as well he said running back in to look for a a high percentage of peo- family member pie have smoke detectors people in rural areas but many of them arent kept should also keep in mind that in working order said chris the fire department needs mcdonough fire prevention access to their property officer for the georgina fire department in rented households its the landlords duty to install smoke detectors but the onus is on tenants to ensure brown said private roads should be wide enough for fire engines to pass through and firm enough to support the weight of the truck home of the whopper iviarkham hwy 7 east of woodbine z j 1 3 w highway 7jg im woodside centre vjec i ii i i thev arthritist sonietyi tomorrows gift whether its a bequest a gift of life insurance or a charitable annuity you can plan to ensure continuing support tor arthritis research nearly four million canadians who have arthritis are counting on you for more information about our planned giving program contact the arthritis society give to give hope- richmond hill 5805177 this message brought to you as i community service l mamrmcmm yaflsa vsaggs