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in- cludingpekormancvbasecl incentives offers superb remuneration to the resultsoriented professional z please forward adetailed resume iif confidence to vice-president- l vf st v r 1 markham ontario l3r v t i fax 4164944079 if noagencies please h 1 mlwiixc gredit senior collections officer joinacommercial assetbased lender in markhamas its senior collections officer j v you will have had at least 5 years of commercial and consumer collection experience and you are familiar with collection practices in all jurisdictions in canada thisis a handson position that requires a progressive approach to collections and portfolio administration reporting to the chief finan cial officer you will be responsible forensunng that several large portfoiosare maintained within strict performance requirements and for communicating resulting trends to other departments youwjll be able to coordinate the repossession and effective remarket ing of assets for defaulted obligations familiarity with exceland 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