lffwtryrias i vsv l vgtyrr 5va v isx- i gfi- emnomtst8tsunnhbunejcjrlsamruayfeb24 z ji- vs even ip- rt j s 7 by jim mason 4 editor theres pain and then theres- stoufiville spirit pain the couchiching terriers got v a v heavy dose of the latter thursday night at v the- rec complex p the spint wop 64 over the terriers to even its bestofseveh provincial junior- a hockey r t league north conference semi- snal at a game apiece j the third ganie of the senes was to be played last night in onllia with the fourth game2 30 4 pm tomorrow at therec v complex r c the terriers l bus leff stouflville thursday night heav- ier bags ail strapped to v jvandusterrier injuries second round of the playoffs he x tbig hitsbyijchris large jon had another goal thursday to go smyths and jesse johnston r the hits t and chris largecset the tone for spint in 6 4 comefrombehind win by sconng a goal and making a big hit i rocked variousvterriers turned the gamearound ctrte spirit trailed 2p after trie first period but a big openice hit by large bri terriesnipendaryl j bat late in the frame set the tone vxatmwasthetsntuniing napping and michel bond had die other spirit goals s the spirit outshot 4726 including 173 in the first period received solid goaltending from george eliopoulos scott look has returned from a knee injury to shadow the alwaysdangerous bond in the series look yapped at bond that he iwas minus one after cbuchichingscored with bond on the ice in the terriers 61 win tuesdaymonllialookaformer newmarket hurricane was assessed a minor penalty for the postgoal yapping look was the recipient of a body check from the 6foot4 johnston m thursdays game it knocked looks helmet off and looked painful stouflville spirit painful spirited notes alain veilleux is back on the r spirit gurlers r oil rbckirig but of town weknew wehad to get checlfflon them said large a 5- foot-9- bundle of energy from richmond hill good clean checks and well b fine those things get the guys going newhamiitonthegames ers from northbay hamilton poihtvsaidyspirit head coach first starscored two goals for ther dan oshell- and alain bnpemnvwevanted to jhit spint which led 53 after two duchesne the terriersjhave menjmuchspoible arid periods rookie mike ramsay four joe 5 enc mmedidwe started rolling s received therlargest of lafontame dustin magill and iwasnt surewe were gom v j- injured list a- scout from the ohls sault ste mane greyhounds took in the game the spint have three play- fcouchiching v dead and buned x w fnasgescpred the biggestgoatthesecond z t l g thebarne resident is still r- jinfranchiseliistoryayearagbml thonyminicucciona shot battling a bowel ailment that i n otrhmemarkenthat eliminated a from the sideboards that caught fended his time m stouffvillepre- rz archrival newmarket fromthe- terhergoalie paul schonfelder maturely- vn rsj v curlings a great sport w but how would i know i tried it once and made such an impression the rock marks still visible at one end of the unionville curling club rink while my involveinent ended before it started dozens of stouflville residents both men and women haw been bitten by the bug for most folk uxbridge is the place to be one such enthusiast is murray ferguson hes been curling there 14 years don mcgregors one of the top ice- makers in the business says ferguson uxbridge has one of the best surfaces around i ferguson should know hes played in dozens of bonspiels always as vice less pressure he says but being a skip is easier on the body because onedoesnt sweep as much ifyour surname is grant curlings your ganie ferguson says ray and r- maiy along with sons gary and randy all call the uxbridge club home others frorn stouflville with memberships at iuxbridge include ron and virginia- gould gerry and norma brillinger joe and grace murray al and jane hachey a bob and dianne lemoltee cliff and glenda dunkeld debbie and derek mmerson ken and helen schell lome and marion boadway gary and charlotte simonds and more unionville alsohosts its share of stouffville spielers including doug and lindsay payzant gary- and ina grant jim and susan musgraye gleiin jim thomas and fran allan eileen damp terri savoury harry bowes bob hammond don corrigan and more r both the sport and the fellowship are enjoyable ferguson says no mat ter how keen the competition friend ships are never sacrificed i while accidents are a rare occur rence injuries sometimes serious can happen ferguson notes i jg g j j tq stan u he says and keep the gripper foot down if the other footgoes out and- you land on a rock it hurts jfeiguson says one sometimes hears discussions concerning construction of a curling rink in stouflville this almost came to fruition back in the 60s but art latchanithe towns philan thropist r the time v selected a whitchurch site instead was talk thats all it was just falkrecalls les clarke a nowretired curler it fakes a lot of people to make a curling rink go 4 at present most local curlers go to tjxbridge and unionville there the welcome mat is always out 4 yorlc region r i your community care choice serving york region through the era- t liberal the e sun the tr j fgflljflonaa 18007433353 wwwyrngcom jqs careeis c lujipareers careers j- fw i town of richmond hill careers the planning and development department in canadas fastest growing large municipality the town of richmond hill seeks a skilled professional w join the building services division we thank alt candidates for dwir interest however only those under consideration will be contacted wwwtownrichfnondhillonca v s- kijs rlr w j w incorporated 87j 1 mechanical engineer i j under the direction of ihe manager of plans review and compliance you will provide mechanical engineering services for the town with respect waltncwnd existing construction this position lwdl see you ehforcelhe building code act and its regulations review plans submitted for building i permits conduct site inspections regarding mechanical components of building 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