s 1 31 isaixa t mjfewlgr 23 heart of the game ft tf vt 1c- rsffeir i v v saturday march 3 1000am to 1200 noon glenway country club 470 grassland gatesnewmarkev south sideofhwy- 9davis dr westpf yonge st 4register calling heart and stroke foundation v 9056355 newmarket or 9057094899 richmond hill j5xregistratmn fee collected at thedoor s3c00king demonstrations by bonnie stern community dispiays about eamily heart health w m -jw- v- tf 3p biiiillp zoomzoom with room room ss 10 1 04 pty featuring diane dupuy of the famous people players meet employers at the job fairahd bnrigiiopeofoiirresume listen to diane dupuyfounderand presidewdfthelfai people playersf and recipient of the order of canada vjalk to an employment counsellor on-site- 2 i attend presentations to help you getthat job m fc f v le pare conference banquet centre 8432 leslie street at hwy ontario for more information call voicetty 905 8309299 or check out our website wwwfutureabilitiesorg a future abilities and creative employment eace event this project is funded by v v 7 dntario drsabiiity pc human resources development des f v n j a support program qaas development canada ressources huniainescariiii v ichli emdlovftient suddorts