7 4 1 a h i 2001 interim property tax bills t 1st instalment due- february 23 2001x- t v 2nd instalment due r may 18 2001 v- interlmtaxbills havvnow been mailed ratepayers who have not received tlfeirjbills should contact j the mucipatjtax rjepaitaentas soon as possible ffailure to receive a tax biudoesnot elimhiatetherespohsibilityfor payment of ttaxesof the penalty charges forlate payirferuv- c tax payments may be made by mail or in persprijit the town office 37 sandiford drive 4th floor andat mostcfinandal institutions through tellers banking machines and by telepkoifebanlcing rnayapply after hours tax payments may bemade in the dropbox at west entrance door of the imperial building 37 sandiford drive y appealing the current value assessment on your property must be done beforethe deadlineof march 312001 please directquestions regarding assessmentsontario property assessment corporation opac at 18002633224 appeal formsare available at the town offices v vt s- commercial industrial multiresidential tax classes jln commercial industrial and multiresidential property tax classes the province of ontario has enacted legislation to limit any assessment related tax increases to 5 over the total taxes that were levied for theproperty the previous year properties in these tax classes will be subject to provincial legislation and as yet unreleased regulationsnntehdedjto provide mandatory limits on property tax increases for 2001 and subsequent years additional information will be provided to our commercial industrial and multiresidential propertyowners as it becomes available r s j r t town office hours i- monday to friday 830am to 430 pm 6401900 8952423 ruth armstrong tax collector amct cmtc coudfpabyic meeting plarirung applications february 20th001 700 pm town coasci chanibe 3 4th floor patrick mary crorun location part lots 9 10 plan 380 file no zba2001003 5146 5154 aurora road v a zoning bylaw amendment willbe considered to permit a reduction in the minimum lot area requirements of trie rural residential 1 rr1 from 098 acres to t area requirements ot the kurai jkesiuemicu a jl or this property the purjosebf the proposed amendment is to permit the creation througn a subsequent land severance application two lots each being accommodated by an existing dwelling unit 0469 acres for 1 2- map realty ltd in trust location part lot 18 concession 7 file nos cdm2000003 zba2001004 14920 highway no 48 applications for a zoning bylaw amendment and a plan of condominium will be considered the applicant is proposing to develop a 55 unit plan of condominium on the basis of municipal water supply and private communal sewage disposal m jit is proposed that the property would be rezoned from rural ru to a special residential open space environmental zone to properly recognize and implement the residential community use of unopened road allowance publicinformation fslss infebs sssjffi5vl8p trail association to use the unopened line and highway 48 w council public hearings at 7uu pm to auvie auja x and members of the public of a proposal to allow the oak ridges trail association to use the unopened road allowance west of hillsdale drive between the ninth community leisure services springsummer 2001 camp supervisor 925 1000hour responsible for the day to day coordination of the daycamp programs including program safety planning delivery camper andf staff supervision parent liaison must have a demonstrated experienceiri camp program design delivery and supervision good interpersonal organizational and childstaff supervisory skills strong customer service creativity and be enthusiastic dayxamp counselor 700 775hour previous child care work experience sincercdesire to have a positive impact on campers experience creative and enthusiastic aquatics instructorguard 850 925 750 825hour redcross ahdlife saving society instructors certificate national lifeguard service certification aecor first aid p fjreviqusexperiencean asset fnowis the time get certified so you will be qualified when the new indoor pool opensthissummer job opportunities will be year round i cashier aquaticsdeck attendant 700 775hour vcash handling experience brorize medallion or bronze cross leaderslcertification an asset j reception daytand evening shifts new complex wages are under review opening date summer 2001 strongcustbrrier serviceikills i t i gash handling experienced x experience working with the public v f skate park monitor 725- 800hour l inna larnrvino with vouth i 4 vcash nancuingexpeiieiii 3t abletoiwork eveningweekend shifts r i parks labourer 750- 825hour ahaclassvgjdriversjicensev v l experiencea with gaspbwerea- push mowers trimmers ana general parks equipment n t- r ii cv previous experience in landscaping sports field maintenance preferred i e iirrnriv under review all positions require first tl