k2 5av v v- i crt filn v- economist it suntribune whitchurchstoufeville thursday jan 18 2001 books to the bahamas stt employment resource staff photojim mason therotary club of stouflvilleand stouffvillebasedbobksforkids international kicked off their 2001 program at parkviewvulage to promote literary in underdeveloped areas of the world the local program has shipped surplus books donated by publishers to eight countries above from left are t- barb kuig and hugh wallis founders mchaeljpintq danzas aei logistics worldwide founder flora macdonald john wilson of the packaging association of canada oak ridges mp bryon wilfert and stahand emily galezowski of the bahamas the packaging association and danzas are corporate sponsors of the program the galezbwskis are distributing books shipped to the bahamas by the pro gram warehouse space hvthe stouffvilkrarea is needed by the program phone 6401414 for more information t grandmother reveals secret to 105 lb weight loss success centre new year new job is if time for a change a new challenge upcoming workshops can help you resources are regularly available to assist you in your job searching needs january 29th 2001 630 pm 800 pm sebf employment is it for you catherine turner director of business services job skills will provide an over- view of becoming selfemployed call to register today the neighbourhood employment resource centre is located in stouffville district secondary school 183 bramble crescent it is open to all community members and students of stouffville and surrounding areas at no cost 905 6402856 cfmistodby a funding partnership with human resources development canada craacl3 region ii1wict kiml kill im in tune with my feelings i have never felt better emotionally mentally and physically j i went on every crazy weight loss scheme tried the grapefruit egg special soup all protein all vegetable only starch high fiber and all fruit diets- spent a fortune on tasteless prepackaged food call now went to support groups starved on protein shakes i even guzzled down straight losing my weight with hypnosis is the i vinegar praying it would help me jose best expeiience i ever had it worked for weight the result was always the same me i know itcan work foryou call now id lose weight slowly then quickly gain if to schedule your free screening it wont back plus more iwas- ashamed antf cost you one penny to find out if hypnosis embarrassed r is for your i guarantee youll get no high- r- pressure sales talk just low rates excellent instant results service and program that works dont thinklm an isolated case either i was amazed by the change just readwhat a few other folks have to after my first hypnosis session say about theirlresults then yoube the i v i l my brain gbtthe mwsagctojudge hid iri nhk zap my appetite-4- t v most 34 -hypnosis- j i- wfc gave mfftg rollercoaster forever tracey scott student two- year success thanks to hypnosis i have been a non- smoker for two years i stopped instantly the easiest way to go is hypnosis susan cooper housewife father daughter lose weight together i lostj2 lbs in 4 12 weeks it effortless hypnosis eliminated my cravings for junk food hypnosis made my new eating habits automatic ftank rachubka retired air force instant 20lbsinl2weeks i lost 20 lbsin twelve short weeks with i was overweight since eighth grade i myself under baggy clothes then- 1 34 pounds with hypnosis i went from a size 18 to trim sue 10 1 thought losing weight would be hard hypnosis made it easy i ho longer have to hide anything jphmr icontrok- hypnosis myweightl6sswas quickjaiid about myself j v v lgijvvc hr jeasyriiost81bsthefirstweek7 the great melissa a rachubka fjlovermy eatirigj iwip habits mycravingscame tofadeadfialtvpart abdiit hypnosis is there are so many sales associate pa whick stppbi iruntofcruel ifjo cryri iu tat inoitoi affotonvtciajofflocicfiio weight melting off my dont risk your happiness for one more y i recommend hypnosis minute call right nwand schedule your off theidik free hypnotic screening fbypatcaoriey ifive pounds i was overweight from there the diet rollercoaster cravings binges bloating weight gain im more confident at work i feel alive vibrant active and energetic rzstt viv n5105yonge street- suite203 airoral4g 1m3 1 t s v