s economist sun ttnimne commumty 182001 i 2- lit if fan 1 mm 2001 venture a v v i aiiaiito- 6cyl v sspeeucdrlayerpr v- j- ivmsrb was ssalernce 2 rf v immsrp was av i6o hsale pricey with j vs 5 v is gm visa pblntsc i soo grad plan kwitfijp to jptim l v f with gm visa points i i grad plan a ht rrr i i ittpisrgt ii-cei- ifr ir r ihi skbi bi iw irli i i- i i i i oinics the arthrms tomorrows gift whether ils i hitucnl i ijill of life iiisuciiiiotmm i charilalik- aniiuil cui eanjilan u vi1mt1v tonliihmivi iuppuri lor irilniii rescaivh neaily ibui milium ho hay anhrhis aiv eihiiiiiniion vou intorniaiiiih piisuramxojitivl vgryevkv jivehqpe richnimrcl hill- 58p77 thisniessage broughl to yoias a community setvice of the- visfs sun norihetrosra monthly dance from 8pm in the oh main banquet hall 15gervats dr one streeet east of don mills rdhorthside of eglmton ave e dress to impress no jeans call 416-501- 1497 for details everyone is welcome addiction services for york region runs a program for problem gamblers arid their families we offer assessment seminars and ongoing support groups and canmake presentations to groups on demand all services are free and confidential call 905-841- 7007 ext 322 or 18002632288 exl 322 or ext 328 for details tuesmyjan23 need to replacerenew your ontano hearth card by appointment only call 9054343700 to book the ministry of health is issuing photo health cards only to people whose health card has been lost stolen or damaged people reporting a name change or crazenship status change or new ontano residents wednesday jan31 making changes a free 8week program for women felling isolated and alone need support this group provides you with the opportunity to learn i new skills and develop your selfconfidence so that you can make better choices for positive change group meets from 12 pm free childcare provided call beth 9057275837 for details supp0rtsem1nars c0st1 family counselling centre has problem gambling program assisting italian canadians services include counselling for individuals andor v theirfamilies problem solving skills education and support groups referrals and public education services are free and confidential call 416-244- 7714ext270 n z tuesdafeb6 circle of care 530 wilson ave between bathurst and duffenn announces adult childrens support group adult children who are canng for a parent with an irreversible cognitive impairment 180686859 call for a free brochure councillor jack heath invites you to attend a ward 5 r new years open house on sunday january 21st i rom24pniat 1- r the markham village communitycentre hwy748 such as alzheimers disease 8 sessions rom 6730 pm cost 25 subsidies available call tania at 4166352860 exl 472 the labrrfut wellness centre 1003 steeles ave w presents aging with purpose and joy if not now then when tuesdays jan 9 thru march 13 from 3 to 430 pm in the culture room cost is 35 for 10 weeks to register call joan turner at 416 2252112 exl 126 stormy nights sunrwdays is a 10week gnef support group sponsored by evergreen hospice that allows kids in grades 1 to 8 an opportunity to meet in a structured positive setting to explore their feelings of loss and develop ways to cope with the changes in their lives beginning on tuesday jan 30 from 430 pm to 6 pm call evergreen hospice 6060 hwy 7 at 9054725014 york region lesbian gay bisexual support group being offered for youth 26 years and under meets the first and third monday ot each month from 79 pm for more information call the lesbian gay bisexual youth line at 1800268youth at the baby place public health nurses offer par ents support and information on topics such as breastfeeding baby care infant nutrition and com munity resources no appointment needed call 1- 8003615653 prenatal classes for teens and single women between 15 to 30 years old are invited to join a group where they can share ideas make new friends and leamabout pregnancy to register call sharon baker at 9058954511 ext 4565 join otner pregnant women and their coaches for eight informative casual evening classes provided by the york region health seivices weekend class es are also available register early in your pregnan cy call 18003615653 or 9058958004 classes also available in chinese for more informa ton call ruth at 9401333 york region lesbian gay bisexual support group is a group dealing with emotional and social issues if you are 26 years and under this group meets first and third monday of each month from 7pm to 9 pm call 1800268youth or 4169629688 pennatal bereavement services ontano pbso is holding selfsupport group meetings for markham area families who have suffered a pregnancy loss or newborn death the organization holds sessions every second and fourth thursday of the month at pbsos head office 6060 hwy 7 in markhamrfor newcomers perregistration is requested by calling pbso at 9054721807dsessrons hin from j 30 p m to 9 p m and arefreebs fs if you are a mother with a baby up to six months old come meet other momsfor six postnatal class- es offered by public healthnurses at different loca tions throughout york region for information and how to register 15 call 905 8958004 or 1- 8003615653 thursdays come join a group for young momtobe new moms and their children meetings held thursdays 330 630pm at the milliken mills community centre 7600 kennedy at dennison contact cheryl neave at 905 4711620 clubs euchre every wednesday from 730 pm at markham lawn bowling clubhouse 28 franklin st i- 12 games prizes 5050 drawtea and goodies come out and have a tun time call frances at 294- j 0672 for info f milliken on the move older adults 55 meets every sunday l304pm and every wednesday llam2pm at the milliken mills community centre 7600 kennedy road for more info and member ship fees please call jennifer at 2945111 l business depot vthebayw 4n x sears v fvhuture shop t longos zellers canadian tire steeles sy i mr lube david khurana pizza hut 1 computers growmark stoufrville coop v vsobeys- canadian tife aurora weston produce-