ip wj i v emmistsunmbuiieymitcm thursday jan 18 2001 11 we xpffinient gets 2001 budget moiie for iibw by joan ransberry staff writer whitchurchstouffville council has struck a 38-mil- lidh capital budget for 2001 while the towns fiveyear budget reflects a 144 mil lion expenditure in a threehour budget meeting held tuesday after noon local council allocated capital funding for the fire department roads sewers streetlighting parks recre ation centres the museum community centres and the municipalowned cemetery a total of 427000 has been earmarked for the whitcliurchstouffville fire department for tliis year this includes 386000 for a pumper truck during budget talks mayor wayne emmerson reminded council that the whitchurchstouffville fire department- may be swal- lowectup if the proposed j- regional services amalgama- tioii scheme becomes a reali- ty because of this 300000 earmarked for 2003 to build a fire station in the kennedy and mccowan roads sl john from woodbine avenue to warden avenue arid on main street from highway 48 to the ninth line about six other municipal roads are ear- marked for repair this year the fiveyear road budget totals 41 million sidewalks will also get attention this year repairs include work on sidewalks on park drive from main to burkholder street the ninth line from millard street to elm road and booth drive from thicketwood to park drive also under transporta tion the town will buy a 15000 tree chipper and a 10000 trailer this year a total of 15000 was slot- ted for street lighting over the next five years with 3000 to be spent this year sewers were included in the budget council approved a 350000 five- year sanitary sewer budget of that 100000 will be spent thisyear on a new sewer line on main street at the east end of town a total of 812000 was recreation complex of that 400000 will be used to replace the roof on the 15- year old building some of the roof money will be recov- ered frorn the contractor mayor wayne emrtierson told council a total of 56000 was set aside for the ballantrae community centre this year meanwhile lemonville community hall will get 3000 in 2001 vandorf community hall will pick up 4000 while a total of 1000 was earmarked for latcham hall in 2001 each municipal hall will get a comparable amount in each of the next fouryears council agreed to budget 495000 for the local library of that 365000 is ear marked for furniture and equipment for the new library which is part of the 75 million indoor pool fit ness centre and library pro ject presently under con struction at memorial park south a total of 5000 was ear marked for the local muse um for this year stouffville cemetery is included in the budget the local cemetery is getting 16200 this year the money will be spent on roads on the cemetery grounds area was removed from the allocated for parks develop table since the town of merit over me next g years of that 190000 was ear- marked for ballantrae parks expansion project and 50000 was set aside for the channel lands trail develop- ment- this year applying to aurora plans to build a fire stati6ftin area theres nojneedfortwc fire stations in v this area erhmerson stressed- atomof18milliortwas budgetefdr7administration the next jounyearsf 10000 foripublicworks to cover was earmarked for landscap- y suchcapital items as 5000 ing and trees 35000 was set i for software and 20000 for aside for playground equip- engineering desighthis year merit 70000 will bespent j as weustaffwas alsodirect on washrooms in stouffville edtqbe onlhelookout for memorial park and 20000 land suitable to house a new- wasall6cated to keep the r 17rruluonvpublic works new skateboard park in- depot expected to be built in- sound working order the i 2003 vvv memorial park tennis courts c capital transportation will 6e the tune i costemdudjng road work rofio000 but not until 2004 y will vat urfriearly 1 million- while 20000 k beinvested this yearroad m park playground equip- j is expectvdto ibejbanied out jrnentiri2002s r 6nnfawarifromst an testiiriated 58r200 road toj faulkner avenue- will be spent on the 750- 930 ml 475g 525g or pancakes bcnjcnys premium 999 ice creami soomi vandorf road v between whitchurchstouffville 7fv v xhf rx j iui community martial arts ishotokan karate kick boxing self defense jji workout set to music h classes in zephyr and mount albert for information contact brian or karen larter 9058525988 striving to make the world better by making people belter 2 3 1 elovo garlic minced 2 thsp vegetable ob 112 cups raw rice i can 14 oz tomaloes chopped prfpallatiovv- jalkahalahanblbbkaasaitbkbalifasn mmutemaid in minute mai n frozen punches or krafl print jams 1e iuueue ann igoodnewsto bazors l kelloggs pop- tarte yoplait i 69 ms 1 ftifiqnootariockwnhoibm fimsamsfrfagfayarliomer daffodils iris p crbcus- lr cuddy i smoked jlurkey utnni ifs 099 j cheese ij mariposa black forest ham wicog bacon fillers hungarian salami fresh baked dally legglwist bread sagtocourt s lemon i meringue pics ibladk forest 1 t icakes itl hot cram ihoovtn white or wholewheat kusbcomebter assorted 99foil i vi3jcgs lrirr mti wlbva bufmwa eujalim lu nb fvb itcgraa nuuriii lbllcmtohlurifatoiihkdisiilifbiidarriirteilcnel lttllilkancjlibolblridcfcmwmiwgimlbtiluc 9275hw 48 19054710777 vs