v t y2- vv v isisaflhto jpl r f 5 lrs l tearipp maxflp wilson tehama pro select ep pro bennigton jqatrek sport haley etonic adidas hogaii nicklaus toiiredee 4ao -t- jl 1 vro giftcertificate xwjth every purchase of 2001 callaway pingtommyr bahama 1- ititleistcobrafootjpy at bur everyday low prices markham 5g28 hwy 7 r east of mccowan 9052016621 5dufferin 3150 duffenn st north of lawrence 4167818556 burlington 3300 faitview st west of walkers line 9056377344 the town of markham and its employees are having a giving winter santas elves- from left shazeen bandukwakand laura tuiley assist transit employee marylou johnston mayor don cousens regional councillor gord landon councillor jack heath and regional councillor bill odonnell stuff the bus during the towns annual holiday foqddnve at the garden basket food store last weekend town staff hosted the recent united way ball drop at angus glen golf club anwbi i i home vc but to our truest self glms vs ghristnis 4 with the hahce to o vv and to the truth whispered in the crisp niglit air and so our determination is rekindled to be a gift offer all that we can be heart and soul and mind in love to a needing world and your neighbour as yourself a recount uplease feel welcome to join us i v wik it 1 ijiji lkd mm 1 ft i fsdayfeenuxr 10 jl000 tegf service ithe gift of christ i ifvvv 1 730 pm festival of nine lessons arid carols yf christmas- y v v g sunday december 24 1000 am v advjent iv rememberingfbe futu 1 i i r- ll00pm hoiyicommunion fj by sarah parker v staffwriter 5 terry ryan has admitted defeat despite his disappointment ryan will not appeal the recountof the seat helosby lorvptes to frank alexander as markham areaf2 trustee for ttie york regionscatholic school board t tfi ryan who served as chairperson with the board in 1993 and j1994 appeared to have won on municipal election night last month original vote counts hadmiiirt with i945jrp skbetter then alexander but alexander requested a recount and when it was approved ryan saidlt was a wasfe of money the results were made public on tuesday v ryan said he witnessed some of thevote and sees little point fighting theoutcome r v i however he remains upset at the number of errors that occurred ui the original counts fc were significantlyinaccu- ratejitmariy polls he saidaiid siig- gestedthat perhaps a mpreuto- mated voting system is needed vvith that many peoplecoiinting late at nightit leaves room for- errors r j i 1 recount results becomefinal qri dec 20tryancould have appealed the recount iii the- courts if he believed thereto be enough irregu- laritiesinthepunting process r ryan accepts jhat his political career is over saying that heserved u i v