c- economist sunltribuhe munigipaielection issues sdtbrdaynov 4 2000 by patrick caseyi staff miter the debate has drifted dramati cally from dumping to diversion yet the question remains the samel- where is york regions garbage headed after keele valley closes the maple dump is scheduled to close by the end of 2002 after two decades worth of trash created canadas largest landfill site jliree months ago the region was prepared to send its trash to kirkland lake dumping ib down adaratsmineran abandoned iron prejmine halffilled with spring- water trie final proposal never reached the regions doorstep when the plan died over contract wran- gling between toronto and rail cycleprmptd v to3ayyorkregion is consider- mgjoiningtorbhto and truckits waste to michiganinking aninde- pendent- contract with usbased landfill operators of retender the entire project vl at the same time a new waste transfer station was proposed for eastgwillimburya massive facility where all- the regions garbage v would je and sortedirito threespiles disposal recycling andcofnpost materials local resiv dents however are opposed requesting s environmental assessmehtdpledging a battle s before the 1 ontario t tsoara w j asapossible alternative e region is examining a private siteiri northern richmond hill as a pre caution council also ratified con- tract extensions witfi three local recycling- firms until the end of 2q03vj byandlarge the overall results are not impressive yqrregiow nine mayors and lorregional councillors spentthe last sixtyeafs dissecting possible solutions to handle 175000 tonnes of annualwaste but failed tosign new contracts before the nov 13 election 1 j thefinal answers are now in the hands of a new counciirbeginning with a reeducation process in january tfiefegibns political lead- ersunust also decide on a two- stream waste arid dry recyclables in one bag and household oiganics iriahother or mreestreaml the waste and recyclables areseparated- iritoseparate bags collection sys tem and- whether new trucks should be purchased capable of accepting both curbside wasteand recyclable material at the same time 1 r- x fhthni ih mario ferri is concerned about vaughans diversion rate and is advocating a two stream system for the city after the keele valley landfill closes in 2002 57 7 j 7 1 t itsfmstrating because this has vnm keele valley because the region pushing the envelope and testing beenaquesti6n for 20 years and toronto have made money the provincial government to see if explained mario ferri a vaughan with it being opened they will back down and keep keele councillor seeking reelection in i cant believe the length of time valley open- longer that would maple j k it has taken a decision should have amount to political suicide because theres been a sense of comfort- happened 10 years ago we are jits going to close a the cost to collect trash v ffie following is a breakdown of financial implications of adopting a nfewcoljection system in york region v comparingciirrent operating costs with costs of either a osrteam brthreeam collection system by 2003 v 2000 v- 42003 v activity 2stream v 3stream collection 153 million 174 million 203 million recyclable processing 22 million 18 million 76 million food waste processing not applicable i 31 million 218 million yard waste composting 12 million 11 million l z 11 million capital costs not applicable 96 million y 86 million disposal 65 million 78 million 83 million gross costs 252 million 57 million 486 million revenues- 41 million 116 million 86 million net costs 211 million 454 million 40 million diversion rates 24 per cent 566 percent 50 per cent maybe wehaye been good neighbours iwrieh we shouldnt hhayebeenlie added we acfcept- ed but now its sdme- i opppnenvofltheadams mine promised- civil- duobedience if trainloads of trash arrived in northern ontario v arid campaign organizer pierre belanger said public outbursts from northerners helped open dialogue surrounding recycling diversion pjwith die rieed for improved rates f across greatertorbnto v i in york region only 26per bf the trash is diverted away from while toronto is stuck at 24 rpeir ceriappallingfigures cohsid- ering allontario rhunicipalities had set a 50percent target by the beginning of 2000 thegtahasbeenlikeateenag- ef who hasnt done his homework its now past rrudniglit the excuses are eaten up andtneres no pjaceto go belanger said- if sjndw- the moment of truth itl-i- i f the erabfaftiigholein the ground is oyerit is time tpdowhat everybody else is doing if thyefmod- ern world and adopt aggressive recycling measures tke adams mine would have made the gta the laughing stock of theworldjfor its medieval solution i however gafbageandjrecycling collection is a costly endeavour ctws year york region will spend 252rnilli6nto collect arid dispose of all its waste including 34 mil lion on recycling efforts by 2003 the figure could sky rocket to as high as 57- million with 18 rriillion needed for recy clable processing another 31 mil- jioh tbcbmppst food waste and 96 million in capital costs to finance tliewaste transfer station nobody appreciates the crisis we are in thepubuc thinks you jiist put but the garbage arid it disap pears explained markham regional councillor gord landon people only appreciate a crisis we dont pick it up landon chairperson of the regions solid waste committee said the dernise of rail cycle north means the region now has until next august to secure a disposal site but he admits recycling answers must come soon a decision by march means a new facility is oper ational by the end of 2003 we are painted into a real box landon said it is going to take a couple pf years to build a facility see theres page 13 n fora strbngnational health care system for all canadjans vote pc i l- ijy v for a responsible economy the elimination of the capital gains tax creductipnsin personal and corporate taxesarid debt elimination vote pc for an end to liberal arrogance and mismanagement vote pc wwwpcmarkhamcom get involved 9406090 drop by our campaign office at 85 unlonville gate unit 5 markham 2 lights south of hwy 7 west side of kennedy j jvjwvjiai i f i mm david scrymgeour czcior liuuiituuii culiltuht