v c- n ir- i stouffville tribuherjhursday oct26 2000 s yci s rrs stoflmffletribunfe a metroland immunity newspaper s heritage rd markham ont l3p 1m3 telephone- 959420o7 416 7987624 fax 905 2941538 mat newsroomk6fisuncoin publisher ian proudfoot general manager aluin brouwer editor in chief brenda larson director of advertising debra welter deputy editor debora kelly editor v jim mason production i- pam nichols distribution director barry zoodyear online publishing j- manager brian kirlik classified manager ann campbell retail sales manager stephen mathieu inside sales manager stdcey allen business manager margaret fleming office manager jviviah oneil who let the dogs out editorial the opinions slightly differ jbut the ehd result is the same markham mayor don cousehs never one to shy from controversial issue or a con frontation believes its too late for the region tip deal with the trash crisis before the municipal election well have toput it off he says until we can work onit with a new council that he addswe shpulduseplahb for om f trash disposal whateverthat is- i- no concrete solution maple councillor mario ferri who is well- i known for his environmental activism and who shbuldbe applauded for same believes that no matter what keele has to be closed we certaintyfeel bad for the northern folkhe saysbutwere already dealingwiui the prob lems theyre only imagining no concretesolution 4j its not an unusual position of course york regiqruhas beenjalking about its pendingtrashcnsisforsix years six years of quotes sixyears of concepts six years of con cerns sixyears of knowing that keele valleys lifespan was limited and drawing to a close and thats a pathetic situation for any muncipal council to be in totauymdecisive oh a critical issue over a sixyear period t youd think that- irisix years time regional politicians would be ableto formulate if not a concreteresolution a plan of action for exam- ining alternativesto york regions trash dispos- dsystem somejthing other than- sticking garbage in the eartitat keele valley r theres rio question trash disposal should be a priohty issue in this municipal election as candidates come to your door ask them the fouowihg questions do you- support shipping our garbage north to the adams minesite do you support investigating alternatives to disposal including incineration and recy- cling i do you believe we should make york regions trash crisis a problem fop other ontario citizens- 7dy53u for garbage pickupas gedrguia does with its sue- cessfmbuckabagprograiri x r arid finally why has it taken york region so long to come up with a workable resolution to a problem council has been discussing for sixyears 1 and dont let those candidates off the hook make them answer those quesuons v i letters policy stouuville tribune welcomes your lettersail submissions rnustbe icssthari 40pwfdsaiid must include t aaytinietclcpnonc number n nameandaddicktne- e rievspaper reserves uie nglit to publishor not publish and to leaxi forclarityahd space 1 write utters to the editor v heritage rd markham ont l3p4m3 v i email letters0econsuncom v- v letters to the editor york region is committed to responsible waste management re where does our trash go economist suntribune oct 24 and recent editorials on solid waste management i appreciate the coverage the newspaper has given the important issue of solid waste management ie garbage disposal recycling and composting in the past few months- however- 1 am concerned recent editorials world to submit bids to build the best facjlif ties with the latest technology in factther diversion proposals currently before council represent the same leadingedge technology in use in edmonton guelph and halifax yet despite all of these efforts there will be garbage to dispose of at the end of the day we will not tolerate any extension of the keele valley landfill site and no municipality in york region wants toopen a new landfill site xgain7we have invited theprivatesector to come forward with its best solutions and and hews reports might leave your readers our solid waste strategy ensures more than 1 york one option is available to council in terms of waste disposal we will be reviewing all of the available options over the next few months i before making our decision in the meantime the region will continue to dedicate significant resources to investi gate new and emerging technologies for recy cling and composting our ultimate goal is to make landfilling obsolete one of the leading contributors to garbage continues to be excess packaging of con- sumer goods over the next term of council york region will double its efforts to convince the federaland provincial governments that laws are needed now to reduce the amount of packaging going into landfill sites york regions aggressive commitment to recycling and composting is not the cheapest t or the easiest one to take but it istiiemost responsible one considering the longterm health of our residents and our natural envi ronment with alse jmpressidns regarding regions approach to this important issue through the creation of our solid waste strategy committee six years ago andthe development of a solid waste strategy york- region has taken a systematic and compre hensive approach to finding the latest and best solutions for itvcitizens the s centrepiece of our solid waste strategy is an ambitious and aggressive commitment to reduce garbage by investing millions more dollars on recycling and composting efforts in the coming years v l t to put this in perspective the region is currently spending 22 million annually on recycugwe spend 165 million threestream collection to 28 million two- stream collection following- the closure of keele valley we are committed to raising the level of diversion keeping materials out of landfills from the current 24 per cent to more than 50 per cent in 2004 for the past threeyears we have studied facilities in- edmonton guelph and halifax we have invited companies from around the billfisch chairperson york region sfouffyille tribune serving thecommunitysincel 1888 canadian orculatfons audit board member ontario press coundh canadian publications maa product sale aermfnent 1403419 subscription rates tynul lear- 6955 tuesdajn only stouffville tribune published every tuesday thursday and saturday is one of the metroland printing publishing and distnbuting ud group of newspapers which includes the ajavpickering news advertiser alltston heraldcouner barrie advance barrys bay this week bolton enterprise brampton guardian burlington shopping news burlington post city parent collingwoodwasaga connection east york mirror enn advocatecountry routes etoblcoke guardian flamborough post georgetown independent acton free press kingston this weemjndsay this week midlandpenetanguishene minor milton canadian champion milton shopping news mississauga news newmarket- r aurora georgina erabanner northumberland news north york mirror oakville beaver oakville shopping news onllla today oshawawhitbyclanngtonport perry this week peterborough this week richmond hillthomhillvaughan liberal scarborough mirror stouffville tnbune todays seniors uxbridge tnbune and city of york guardian- phone905 2942200 u fax 995 294m538 i us classified 18007432133 distribution 95 2948244 iic r rikr it 1 j 1 a t tk srtb lkw b ri r7 fh bl jbiiara73j hn bt tk lj v- tlsi b 1 fl david teetzel f elections dtalljeyels should be ikehfcon v specific preset dates firom a purely selfish viewpoint im less than pleased with prime minister jean chretiens decision to call a federal election a year andahalfearly and ashort two weeks after the municipal vote- c v to be quite honest our- newspapers simply dont have enquglibodies to pro- vide the coverage wed like to provide but worlds smallestviolin forthe troubles of your local newspaper staff think about allthose mrniidpai campaigns are about to be swamped by national advertising highprofile party leaders and issues that makethe 11 oclocknews every night theyre closer to thepe6plethan the prime minister or eventhe iqraf mp- and their decisions will probably have a bigger impact on your dayrtoday life but at the best of times ohly35 per cent vote in municipal elections i 1 by distracting everikthe political junkies with a federal election chretien has ensured it will be far from the best of times for our intrepid wouldbe councii- lors and trustees 1 v 1 ive spoken to several people who arent really sure what all those signs on the roadside are about will they know the difference between the signs for mayoral candidates and the signs for mp candidates or will they just see an ugly mess on the roadside and tune out altogether how is a candidate for school trustee in georgina for example supposed to get the voters attention when stockwell day is chopping wood on every tv20- times a night no matter how you slice itjdemocra- cy particularly at the local level is not being served here its not like the prime minister didnt know he was calling an election that would overlap with anothercampaigh in canadas most populous province the nov 13 date for the municipal elec- tion has been common knowledge for- years thats- because municipal elections are held every three years on the second j- monday in november no matter what and maybe its time we do that with s all levels of government right now a federal government can cad an election any time within jfiye years at the governments discretion similartules govern the provinces the only time the opposition has any sayln the matter is if a minority government is defeated j v f why not say an election will be held once every five years pick a date lets say the second monday in may just so we never cross paths with the municipal candidates again 7ahd stick to it j this would elimihafe an- unfair c advantage now enjoyed by the partyirn v v 11 if ii ti gyuw