j- yai econdmistjtsuttftiibunet election jssjjesl2000 0tiursdaji 262600 ai m tt iss 3 sy0rkreg10nresidintrrraytthedaily frustration r- s4l 3 by patrick casey staff writer lefts a daily dose of craps a weekly round of rdblette- jk commuters play thegame every morning electing their vehicle orpublic transporta- pjias the mode of travel between home and wbrkv f- steve kinnan understands the battle all vtoo well often left cursing if his decision backfires sa newmarket resident employed by a financial lnstituuonin toronto choosing his 5cator die go train isoften dictated by outside factors- weatkecconstrucnon or business taway from his office 2 butnt doesnt make life any easier when kinnansvehicleis stalled on the don valley 4parkwaytoi35 jninutes becausea fellowdn- verjhaslaminedjjis carjntothe guardrail arih everyone slowstto sneak a peak y jor jhe misses the 527jp mgo train from uruorr stauorfahd has jlwochoices to make wait70 mutejajidttake another train jnto jfocfimond iml otratjhesubway tohhe fuich station botfpti6nsrequire gojbus- jadenorth tonemarlcetand a taxi backjd tlxamspaiian its hombleftdsay the least kinnan said strtfanandthere accidents on top of that fast facts ih staff photosjoerd witteveen remain a problem 3siitiegbyeifiment ammo longer t ptetakawands 50 iitransportaton they nave fcjtobecomepartners with cthe municipalities asurvey summer by the central dnfanochaprer of the caa discovered 79 per q- t zr n 1 1 1 1 ir 1 unyeileci 200 riiillion worth tof improve ments to provincial highways across greater toronto part of a 1 billion project to pay for expansion resurfacing lighting and paving s thej money included three york region highways before the government announced another 37 million in august to widen hwy 404 north to aurora and extend the road from davis dnve to green lanef j kihhan appreciates the work on hwy464 but wonders why ltjwas limited to one addi- tional lane northandsputkwhen theres r efnjt ample room for twoor three and he pleas for- il more go train service ridtingevery time new expand theroad system saidassociation population across greater toronto will increase tcfover 7 million residents in the next 20 yearsc an increase of 2 million people there will be 1 million more vehicles on local roads totalling 37 million cars and trucks arush hour carlrips in thejgta will iricreaseby 50per cent to 3 6 million per dayby 2021 y traffic congestion createsjost productivity and more- costly goods movement impacts personal health and safety and environmental damage smog from conges- tionhasbecomean acute healthprobleirr vr ontano exports 91 per cent of its products to lfie united states and over 75 per cent of those exports move by truck on our road systems canada u s trade is expected to double over the next five years congestion adds about 10 per cent to the costof moving goods as much as 35 per cent in the gta one hour lost to congestion per employee per week means over 80000 person years of jost productivity in i v over 70 per cent of the freeway network in thegja is congested in rush hours with some spotshowexperi j encing 14 hours of stopand go traffic each day l bntenos artenarrdadsrs increasing atefrate of almost 4 per cent each year much more in somey- urban areas vlo- left some commuters opt to queue up v for the daily go trains but service levels that would be a major helpfo mcttqgkto get spokesperson stephen damp the gtas that we need a dedicated source of furicimg ornnnimrichononhpntnn that i we cant rin offfnrnnerrv economy is dependent on that t the reality is cars are always going to be on the roads we will riever have a earless society other possible lemedies appear endless the greater toronto services board has identified 41 billion in upgrades needed jto we cant rip offjpfopertyhomeovyners anymore- bell is also concerned tiiemajphtyocru- cial iiifrasriucture venturesarecohsis1tently tied to a successful bid from torontofpr the 2008 summer olympics 7 whathappens if the piympicsgbto the go transitrail system over the next 14 beijing the projectsjust cant dievhe said years including more than lbillion in fc we need improvements whether or not expansion to rail lines in york region torontowins the olympics triesame board alsoadoptca204ear5tlh9wevergiqpal chairpersonbillgjsch billion plan to address immediate and future said york region is doing its own part and creating congestion andgndlock for frustrat- edgreater torontotmotdnsts j 1 cars areadded they arefilled to capacity j- transportation needs in the gta points to the recent threewayl5billion thetssueremains a hot election topic as but go officials admit itsfnot- that easy meanwhile yorkregion has launched two agreement between rjieederal and prpviri- the nov43 municrgalelection drawsnear especially since existing parking lots are oyer task forces with similar agendas leading cial governmentsarid thegitf torontpt6 j muhicirahtieanthereonlack the flowed with- vehiclesand scheduling jines r the toronto subway into the region- revitalize the citys waterfront asa significant necessary infrasctuieto service the devel- c cn rail becomes ah issue at the same time a group from richmond step towaid joint partnerships x- opment before it happens said jeff holec a although york regions 2000 operating hill and markham is iobbyiiig for a subway but fisch realizes die next two years are ikeswickccpmmunications consultant who is budget committed- 3471 million to trahs- extension upyonge street to the langstaff go desperate tiniestp address ttanspoftation terminal inrichmond hill vaughan is anx- concerns i v j ious for thesubway to be extended to york f if work is not donevve are going tolfall tional across the region early next year the university and die citys planned corporate intda crevice that we cannot- escape he markham aridrichmondjmidunngrapidt ontariordad builders association say its just headquarters on hwy 7 wamedwedonthaveanycnoiceiieft- ffowtfipend in the 1980v states large votehough v people tallc about vision said richmond markham mayor don jusens insisted riie multiunit developments must be stopped w thev association released- two hill mayor billbellwhois seeking his fifth- crisis has reachedajcritical level wirjtqueens lu gptransithasihistprically been biased brochures to municipal election candidates term in office it is time to getibeyondthat jpark andthe federal government pledgmg tvwdthveastwe new money for transportation upgrades tbeliveho seethwidehinedf hwyt 404 to t improved f i roadrelated injuries and it makes more sense to run the subway the governments can no longer take a eorginawejneed because a 2j72kour 1 irt6tirnpr6veur quality of lifej s challenging incumbent rol5 grossi for mayor porfation and works projects this year and a 6f gedrgina v new seamless transit system will be opera- holec who worked for die towm of jrihv maythe provincial government transportation congestion we have to v go train service hooking into that subway ournev k at v 7 vthere s only one gookware that makes me say v 1l o o j 1- ft wk marknamj pptreejlaity ri e k1 ee r- llar hi nowavailableat a ali v sib 7 il tij i 5si ota vif 41 tu jtf