wwesftaaoefe l it bmf sunih6unefgrime aitroczodb vrsat- by kathleen griffin stiffwriter officers from more than 220 police forces across poucearemvestigirig a canada will be cracking fire likelyldeliberately set at down in their communities for a 24 blitz dubbed operation impact- every year- in canada more than- 1100 people are killed and 3600 injured in crashes involving a drinking driver alcohol was a cotitribut- ing factor in 20 per cent of yorkregibris34fatal collision r last year said sgt john sheldon york officers will be using thelnewmbbilebreath test markhams armadale public school tuesday morning thv fire caused 36ogf- damage and was cbntained- to a secondoor girls- wash room said superintendent of sctibolsvickibisrnilla theres sbme- smoke damage but it wastquite mmbr she said- i police said the fife stalled abput830 am under a sink worked its way tipthewallsc arid melted asoap dispenser smchaccduhtedformuchbf ingyehicle during saturdays thesmoke j- iv le blitz which can process uie y firefighters testing and arrest of a sus- quickly extinguished ihevpected impaired driverright flamesfi on the roadway smdentswereforcedout l i ijj n mtotheschoblyardforabbut dkcnaige5 laill 45minutesuntatkesmoke vv td oliv a -j- jjt if iibrk regional police laid cleared bismwa said adding o i j- it r ri s g21charges last monthdur- f from nearby u -i- meats school zone tramc v schools came vto supervise u s the children- 1 enforcement program v -idt-a- of these drivers dis- rpohcesremthedayatthe speed restrictions in school interviewing students avkhafire snvestigk s uoriowilario octobers focusis on seat mveshgation contmues- j i-ifstcs- belt enforcement v s4is c aendpolice found between 8v jljfyoudrandtdrive and 97 per cent of drivers ypud better stay j home jwere wearing their seat belts s vc when stopped by police staff photosteve somerville a fire cleared armadale public school for 45 minutes on tuesday morning thats- ex l allan is known for his expertise he is part of the largest network of garage door experts in canada together these expertseaye installed arid repaired more than 1197000 doors- for quality workttime after tirriev j call allan ssr gjv- box grove will not stand alone in their fight see page 10 the gemini is the only hearing instrument of its kindl by using the latestin digital technology gemini riiay deiiver cleaf and natural sounds your ability to understand speech and k conversation may be improved i 4w vlin f i w consultation and demo free video ear inspection with our video otoscope this miniaturized camera displays an exceptionally clear picture of your ear canal on a full size monitor i 3k r v representative jn6mstarkey willbe on hahdtoanswerailyour questions comem andexpenence thedifferencedigital appointment andexpenence the digital hearing aidsrcaifmake w 5sss5lfss5ssss i ijii