skj ii k fa- v r it economist sunstouffville tribune saturday sept 2000 mmm stouffville adult badminton club registration mbn sept 11 815 pm stouffyille high school gymnasium for more information call walter at 6405571 w a v daytime adult classes folk art and decorative painting anyone can learn to paint beautifully using bur techniques create any project you wish for each class all levels bayview hwy 7 9054779496 a girl guide registration night is being held at marlcville secondary school on wednesday september 13 a from 630 to 730 pm s faill reglstraf ion wpianoxheorv history harmony lfigj 9054729750 v 50 anderson ave markham ontario 351 silver star air cadet squadron registration september 14 2000 wm berczy public school 120 carlton roadunionville 700pm k coed 12 to 18 years of age leadership training marching band high school community service credits no registration fee call captain r speiran at 4169899873 please do not phone the school jwvw 3 kmsuniimnto w hire a clown or character lookalike magic music games facepainting birthday gift prizes and stickers fancy loot bags available blue ribbon award winner city parent call anytime 905 4715331 rivifl yqr alan hobbins music studio wessons for all levels by experienced teacher bm m m art dip birchmount steeles area 9054752340 math classes r ongoing registration worldwide kum0n math program in markham individualized selflearning at s70 per month mastery of basic and advanced math skills featured in time ofptwuoiioi its outstanding results catlorcimt 6y today highway 7 east markham kumon 4158666 mafflreadwgcentre 16th avenue mccowan learning how to learn 9460929 s 5 and ip the orff approach spaces for 8 or 9 year olds only and now the art of musical flute playing all levels group individuals with flora lim leslie huggett huggett family studio lf 11 a joseph st jjl markham village f behind scotia bank leslie margaret huggett lram grsfvl lon eng flora lim mus bac tor 4724195 it improve your boating safety and enjoymen with an international recognized course from glfc ffte power iio cps jftfv the boating course provides education inboat- handling seamanship navigation course plotting andjexceedsjhe requirements for thenew government of canada operator competency certificate j- i r- i successful comptetion of v this course entitles students to membership in canadian power squadron and the opportunity to take advanced courses in navigation boat handling maintehance electrbnics j r r jsf courses offered f- boating boatpro weather t 1905 scouts canada york rouge district scouts canada registration for beavers cubs scouts wednesday september 13 2000 markham milliken mills areas 700pm at grace anglican church 1 19 parkway ave markham unionville area 700pm at parkview public school j 22 fonthill blvdj unionville r westdf main street north of fred varley r s vifor more information call 905 4163736 stduffville markham girls hockey ass6cidtion f a register now monday september 1 1 700 900 pmr v at the stouffville arena on the ninth lne girls hockqv sponsors welcomed 1 league starts monday september 25 witrrthe powerskating skills and evaluation program for 3 mondays pad a aaes 7 10 at 700 prfn ages 11 13 at 800 pm ages 14 18 at 900 pm call dianne white 905-640- 1 706 for further info be a part of the fastest growing girls sport jw jvt curling the unionville curling club looking for something to do this winter why not try the fun sport of curling a great sport for thewhole family jlie unionville curling club provides curling for all ages and abilities i little rock junior mixed mens ladies business women beginner clinics i full locker room facilities y lounge organized socialeuents throughoutthe year great location in the village of unionville low fees open house information night wed sept 13orthurs sept 14730 10 pm ilippnliliam torgnxt wokai veil 3 expert instruction chief instructor dave manara c internationally recognized 8th degree black belt 1 j a i trained in japan with worlds best winner of many international awards sports canada award 1973 36 years karate experience economical rates flexible memberships separate classes for children markham grace anglican church 19 parkway ave e of 48 opposite bullock demonstration registration tuesday september 12th 7 pm unionville st phillips anglican church kennedy rd v just n of 16th ave demonstration registration monday september 1 1th 7 pm classes also available at thornhill community centre 9058501840 v for more information call markham unionville 905640r8987 4162600100