j s stouffuille tribune saturday aughhdob vvh-vi- i stoufmleffiriim a metroland community newspaper 9 heritage rl markham ont l3p 1m3 publishen an proudfoot general manager alvin brouwer editor in chief brenda larson director of advertising debra wetter deputy editor debora kelly production director cherikay -j- distribution director barrygoodyear online publishing manager brian kirlik classified manager ann campbell retail sales manager stephen mathieu inside sales manager stacy allen business manager margaret fleming office manager vivian oneil mps choice caused his expulsion from tory party caucus i have serious concerriswith the rationale in richard van setters letter of aug 5 1 sense that vansetters is attempting to substantiate markham mp jim jones desire to represent two parties in the next federal election jones decision has resulted in his expulsion from the pc caucus i it is historically common practice for other parties to refrain from running candidates in byelections where a recently elected party leader- is seeking a seat in the house of commons it is done as a courtesy to the party leader to ensure that he gets into the houser prime minister jean chretien and pc leader joe clark are following thisprotocql this has nothing to do with the prevention of vote splitting and is in no way relevant to whatjpnes has donealittlethought should reveal the object of jones willingness to run as ajcandidate for both parties- doing so will secure a win for jones and thereby his lucrative lifetime mps pension running for either party may not secure a win for jones because he has been such aii ineffective mr for markham jones was elected as a progressive conservative in politics no one can serve two masters simultaneously if he wants to be a reformer he should quit the pc party and join the canadian alliance v it is time for jones to declare his allegiance is he pc or miance he cannot be both t joyce riettie v v tories havent demonstrated any managerial competence on july 18- a letter to the editor applauded- tory managerial competence environmental managerial competence wasnot demonstrated when the tories cut- costs by removing many inspectors that tested jbr pollution such as e coli to use drivel clean as a positive example is ajso misleading when you pay 30 plus gst to your mechanic 10 goes directly to queens parkmultiply 30 bythe number of cars test ed this is not competence- it is another hid den tax- o t- stelephone c 905294322004167987624 j mx 9052941538 fimajlf nemroomeconsuncom the article also didnt mention that the recent bill 74 insultedteachers by legislating them 16 per cent more work and also by plac- ing them on call 24 hours a day seven days a week r the government can now fire any teacher or principal who objects to the law and demo cratically elected trusteesthat object can be barred from reelection this is not compe tence this is the trampling of civil rights the best example of how this government feels about managing money is shown by the hundreds ofmillions of taxpayer dollars spent on pr campaigns to smear groups that it does not like such as health care and education workers and even our federal government this is not competence either it is democracy being swept under the rug rgreenwood stouffville parkland is being destroyed wayne and i have been residents of markham for almost five years and over the past two sincewe adopted our dogsam we have visited the walden pond area two to three times daily between kennedy road and bullock north of hwy7 we are quite concerned about how this beautiful parkland is being treated over the past four to five weeks there have been smashed booze bottles scattered lcbo bags and believe it or riot human feces wayne and i periodically take our broorri and dustpan to clear the path but now want to do more we know that local police are busy but maybe a regular patrol on weekend evenings would reduce the abuse of this pub- lie placemarkharri area residents take pride in their neighbourhoods and it is a shame that it is not shared by all we hope something can be done joan and wayne cole markham liberals cant ignore our voices canadians are bewildered by the liberal governments absolute refusal to scrap the young offenders act in spite of a vocal protest from the public thosewho wish to have their voices heard should be aware of the journey for justice campaign which is a nineweek tour- that began canada day in victoria arid will cross the country ending in st johns- nfld on labour day bruce mcgloans son clayton was mur dered by a gang of young offenders in 1998 see httpwwwfriendsofclayton in calgary and he has campaigned aggressively since then for changes to the act he has had the support of many canadians since he formed his foundation n newmarkets joe wamback became the foundations eastern partner after the tragic events with his sbnjast year and he has also brought thousands of signatures to the table the count now stands at over 900000 on the mcgloanwamback petition if reaches a million or more can the liberals still turn a deaf ear thetour will be in the gta for more than a week and the website has a full itinerary take a moment and riiake a difference lindsay mason newmarket letters p01icy r stoufiville tribune s welcomes your letters all submissions must be less than 400 words and must include a daytime telephone number name and address the- newspaper reserves the right to publish or not publish and to edit for clarity and space u s i write letters to the editor 9 heritage rd rmarkham ont l3p 1m3 email letters9econtuncom i 53ssrfe3pyis5r stourryillelribune serving theebmmunity since 1888- t v canadian circulations audit board member stouffvilletnbune published every tuesday thuisday and saturday is one of the metroland printing publishing and distnbuting lid group of newspapers which includes the ajavpictering news advertiser auiston heraldcourier barrie advance barrys bay this week bolton enterprise brampton guardian burlington shopping news burlington post city parent collingwoodwasaga connection east york minor erin advocatecountry routes etobicoke guardian flamborough post georgetown independentacton free press kingston this week lindsay this week midlandpenetanguishfne mirror milton canadian champion milton shopping news mississauga news newmarket- aurora georgina erabanner northumberland news north york mirror oakville beaver oakville shopping news- orillia today oshawawhitbyclaringtonporf perry this week peterborough this week richmond haithomhillvaughan liberal scarborough mirror stouffvilletnbune todayls seniors lhbridge tribune and city o yorkguardian ontario press council phone jx5 2942200 fax 905 2941538 classified i8007433353 distribution 9052948244 ft a i 4 c5v frankdaggett tehfubbies take a i hammer approach to a minor incident cant we afl just play nicely as we reported thursday the corporations behind the teletubbies are coming down hard on two small businesses in york region -v- 1 the itsy s bitsy entertainment- company of toronto and new york arid the uks ragdoll productions ltd are suing wonderland costumes iri richmond hill and hollywood costumes in thornhill for renting illegal teletubbies costumes the two stores face lawsuits ofbe- tween 150000 and 300000 and the suits were only issued after the two own ers could not pay the 10000 settlement to make the lawyers go away for wonderland owner mary martintf and hollywood owner arinelise khan the suits could rrieanthe end of their businesses and inky even cost them their homes martino returned the costume to ite owner just days before being served legal documents for the suit june 8 khan in an attempt to make amends offered to turn over rental profits to the corhpany but to no avail but as of friday the company was still coming after both owners the suits seek 100000 per trademark for dam ages 100000 per trademark for infringement 25000 per copyright infringement and 25000 for punitive damages as well as costs who would have thought tinky winky dipsy laa laa and po could be capable of such wrath khan and martino claim they did not receive a warning priorto receiving the dernand to pay 10000 or lose it all and when they realized what they were doing was illegal they stopped v agreed copyright infringement is a big problem but these two owners have learned their lesson there isnt some great effort going on to rake in profits that are riot ntfully theirs they realized- the error of their ways and tried to rectify it so why go after therri with alegalsledgehamfner kestenberg seigal lipkus the lawyers for ragdou joductions clidntwaht to discuss thisspecific case but sent back ground material on the impact of coun terfeiting v fact sheets indicate the i united states loses more than 2 billion a year to counterfeiters the overall cost of coun terfeiting in the world is estimated at 5 to 7 per cent of all world trade or approxi mately 350 billion sales of counterfeit productsare used by chinese organized crime syndicates to launder drug money and they are a source of funds to terror- istgroups gee arid yqutfiought this was about a couple of momnpop stores helping childrens entertainers impersonate car toon characters i i r i itl il i lj iln v j