jyvi vhhi yt f 1 rt cuiture calendar -iif- ij afictor waterman irtretfospect exhibit- ji today through sunday -a- vv 8 made m your tsiinglasses protects yojpeyesand make c jwuloolcvfeaiiyobl e r 50 cents including gst 60 pages thursday july 27 2000 to reach us 905 2942200 landmark rftorairie s 1l r delay allows evidence onstormwaterxontrol v bymikeadler staff writer n qj -entering-its- third month richmond hills landmark hear- ing on the oak ridges moraine i will be adjourning until micv x september so opponents of say i eral proposed subdivisions can k study newevidence frbmmevel- i qpers c v r ontario- municipal board j panel chairperson james jmills and member calvin beach ivdecided tuesdaytoallow new 3f information on water quality and stormwater management 14 save the rbjjgeyaueysystem fjkorie of the opponents of develop- fjjers plans for 8000 houseseast land wekols yqnge street 1 opposed memovetopresent die r reportbut also haned rttas a vmajovbreakuoughahdtieatv ed it asan admissionqf weak- ness n v f t lawyers for the developers f insisted they were being asked to provide information they j thought the hearing -nowguar- anteed to continue sittingmnto 2001 wouldnqt cover fthe hearing after some fur- ther testimony bn the areas wildlife is tp resume septl9 k z address thewater qualityjssuel j vvlwere reahyjtblgopritb augwsaid michael mcquaid representing bond fclake 5 investors and a numberedcom- emmerson sees fall election s the lastibefore voroownsareaimialgamated- fina i election lures mayor by joan ransbeirry dnvehamalgamation scheme is the that fate then have his town carved watson would throw his hat in the staff writer dnving force behind vtef an politi- up between markham aurora and ring again hes put me speculation who wiltbe thelast mawrof cianmaydrwayneemmersons newmarket to rest v whitchurchstouffville i decision to seeka third mayoralty so far no one has officially chal- twii nntnm n thnnimivr ifthemunicipalityis as expect- torm ed swallowedsupdy amalgama arlwill not run in the november term il lenged ehimersbn j- i- ejectionjfofthe mayoysjbb nor a tjiemamssueisprotecting in the last municipal election- seat on council saidwatson i a 32yearbld j itinvblves workuig greater toronto tion the nov- 13 election could bei against mike watson foryork rbgions nine- amdgamatibrfsoournunicipality musselnians lake resident ran inthe whole of the greater municipalities including isnofsplitsaidenimerebnrmall against- emmerson securing a area i have thetime whitchurchstouffviiie for one york v respectful number of votes h watson representediward 2for thp whnlp iiiip nf a nrmrinrp emmerson would rather face while many speculated that me wnoie issue ot a province- seesec0ndciasspa see time out page 13 i 1 hes safe aimrr rnviuicvc juiviciwilli markham baserunner lewis zolis beats the throw home to stouffville catcher ethan werek markham went qnfto defeat stouffville 263 to advance to die final where they lost to aurora 215 in the markham- meteor mites fastball tournament at centennial park saturday ss summer ion t let your car be one of ther the no sweat brake event c0- featuring acdelco durastbp parts vv lrdlamtnl of bnlia udi or ikau with acotlco kf vl i per nfe orfcn i replacement of brake padj or shoes with acdeleo ivldurastopparts brake fluid top up limited dfehme r vwarramypn parts t year or 20000 km labour warranmachining ot rotorsand drums if required w limited l1fet me warranty 99 cmvehclei w sane conftons cofnmsrcal vtrhdes tt intornatioim ijnir k lvwty rtiitje 61s6 hjin st- ll v 1 i i