economist sunjtribunejexcafhufsdayjufy 6 zooo z o werertialde summer from page 26 in pipe fitting in 1967 he got a pay hike when he went to work as a security guard at expo earning 1 85 an hour his hourly pay could have been more than 2 if he carried a gun i didnt want to do that pierre berton author i pierre berton says his first job was with a gold company it had me up to my ass in water and mud it was the muddiest job ever he laughs refer ring to his strenuous days in the yukon v berton worked in placer mining for three consecutive summers starting in 1937 i took a boat to skagway a train to whitehofse and went to dawson by plane from there i went by truck to the mine which was about 50 miles outside of dawson he said the job was tough for 10 hours a day seven days a week berton drove pipe shov eled and carried equipment on his shoulders he earned 450 a day plus board that was good money in those days it paid for my university he said somehow he found the time and energy to produce a newspaper at the mining camp which may explain why his books are worth their weight in gold frank lussing president york central hospital when frank lussing cametocanada from the netherlands at age 13 he was introduced to a strange concept i met friends who were making money working at parttime jobs the notion of working for pay wasa novel idea that wasnt understood back home he said lussing and his mother moved to london ontario in 1961 to be with his two aunts and uncle whomoved there from holland in the together they ran a greenhouse busi- ness and lussing did whatever ke was told never receiving payment except an occasion al allowance you didnt question authority i did weed- ing planting fertilizing and other general duties i had to respond to the needs of the day he said lussing worked in the family business until he was 18 years old- i never questioned getting paid but i do know that i didnt like taking orders i came to realize that i wanted to be a leader and not a follower says the person who has been pres ident of york central hospital for the past 3- j 12 years coming from an extremely indus- trious and hardworkihgfamily lussing says he learned that there is a lot of satisfaction to be gained from hard solid work i never thought of it but its true he says comparing his familyrun business to the hospital he runs now teamwork is really what it takes to describe any basic successful operation i realize that i drew a lot from that experience mike egan president insystems technologies inc mike egan admits he didnt necessarily read the papers he delivered but since he had to climb out of bed at 5 am six days a week who would expect him to a paperboy for the globe mail between ages 12 and 15 thepresident of markhams- awardwinning insystems technologies inc was favoured to go into the newspaper busi ness v r his late father was an editor at theglobe his uncle was a syndicated writer his grand- father was a founding member of the photo- typesetters union while his grandmother was one of its first female members at the time working didnt seem likea lot of fun but it was a natural thingi enjoyed earning spending money he said egari had to deliver 120 papers by7 am and on inclement days mom was there with the car in 1961 newspaper boysiwent door knocking to solicit subscribers i would volunteer on saturdays to go with a district manager to go doortodoor to another part of town he said determination paid off and egan won all kinds of sales contests netting him stereos canada savings bonds and the trip of a life time across canada to vancouver and went over to victoria it was outstanding egan recalls adding he has since taken his own two children on the same expedition v although he cant recall his newspaper earnings egan says he enjoyed having a bit of spending money and i learned a lot about theresponsibili- it was an eightday trip with the top 10 ty of collecting money and dealing with newspaper boys in the toronto area we flew xo winnipeg and met witivthe mayor and then we went to reginaythe calgary stampede took the train through the rockies money once a week i went doortodoor collecting some would tip some wouldnl i had to submit die money topso tkerewas responsibility associated with the cash flow- outlook for summer jbspositlve from page 26 division of human resources development canada offers no government subsidies but- has been successful in bringing employers and students together for more than 30 years in 1999 more than 447000 young people from across the country receivedjpbsearch assistance of found work through die human resources development canada offices for students more than 400 employers from newmarket oak ridges vaughan king city l aurora thorhhill richmond hill markham and a section of bradford applied for federal funding but because of budget restraints some were advised to seek help from the province with about 200 job postings at the ontario summer jobs office resumes- are flying through fax machines thelbritarip government is relying on commuhitybaseaorganizations like seneca collegesiniricliniond hill 905 7809622 gostiirivaughanf905 8567728 and the ymca in newmarket 905 8984646 to pro vide their summer job services local jobs are also listed on the internet check out httpjbgehrdcdrhcgcca then select english or french and click on student jobs select ontario and scroll down to the area of your choice remember to hit continue robin hood apple pie and butter wake off at the unionville celtic festival saturday july t5 230 pm create your famous apple pie andor butter tarts and you can win the following prizes compliments of robin hood 1st prize robin hood gift basket retail value 1 50 2nd prize robin hood gift basket retail value 100 3rd prize robin hood gift basket retail value 75 bring your apple pie or 6 butter tarts to the robin hood apple pie and butter tart bake off table next to the main stage at varley dr and main st on saturday july 1 5 at 230 pm l please fill out the form below to let us know you are participating name phone please fax back to 41 66983836 or mail to 54 lona ave toronto ontario m4c 5j4 call janet sardine at 41 66989053 for more details be a big brother itskids tciftv- 9057271251 tn mttugtjmugm toyou m a ti i uriry nvtc c v thceconofflfoctrtutt grisantis purchase any lunch or dinner entree and receive a 2nd entree of equal or lesser value for 12 the regular price valid with this ad max discount 6 cannot be used on bambini night or in- conjunction with any other promotional offers i jltr tutf vf 1 l