s r tstgf 9 m by fred simpson vi 2v i isasi wuuiu urwasung kcsincuy a monetary lor jonejfor a toronto wilf hot be permitted tor ne saidm the somethingits nothing really extendthe life of the keele valley 4j v hiss 7 government she said t i landfill site f6ngevthan2b02 but inspects the wishes of vaughan if you put that up against the they still havelheir guard up- jlfdente arid will use its auth6r continued dangers to the envi- 7 jhearihouncemevtcame to curtail any move to keep ronmeht i think i can convince after a toronto staff repolt raised the dump open until 2006 the toronto councillors its not a a grpuhdswell of anger among v vaughan residents by suggesting ii p v a tnts outrageous plan keele valley could be kept open until 2006 by diverting some goes directly against garbage to other mumps in ohtarioland the jljnited states l r i tmledmatlheprovin- cial government has stepped u because we havejaeen asking therfifor years to support the closing of the dumpsaid toronto s commitment to protectee oak rtdgesmoraine z good deal 1- v vaughanklirigaurdra mpp al palladini who was to address a rally in maple last night said ke would do whatever it takes to stop toronto from extending the mifeofthedump the peoplevof maple have had the dump in their back yard long enough there were com- 1 mitments made that they would j instead she says toronto have to endure until 2002 and i tj should start looking seriously at minkuiatcomriiitmentshould a r vaughan cares spokesperson heidi kreinev-ley- i alternatives msfead of wasuhgall be kept said thoynhill jmpp tr sized hergfoup isnttakirig any- our urhe this should have been ltihamolinan i thing fovgranted she still plans done years ago fijithis outrageous plan to to address the toronto works y the report 4 recommends extend the life okeele aalley committee today before it keele valley v take only 700000 dump goes directly against y decides on the garbage options tonnes of garbage annually torontos commitment jto pro- in the staff report instead of its usual s million tect trie oak ridges mprainejand i until wehave some assur- tonnes to extend the life of the the 300000 being spent to fight ances inwriting that- they do duriip t city stands to save the effects of development said r have the power to stop this we 62 million over 20 years by vaughan cares president peter i are staying ohcbufsewewhad keeping keele valley open the badali i promises inthepast and riot report shows j v v 1 seeing that keelevalley was mat we doubt the provincial gov- vaughan mayor lorna never a disposal option dunng erriment and theu support we jackson will also be speaking at the recent process in toronto we just want to make sure she said the works committee meeting take this new plan as a direct f inhef deputation kreirier- she said the support from the insult and challenge from f ley willaskcouricillors tbreject i province is the greatest we have- toronto for a major confronta- estaff the ever received i t tibn with the community he i stand taken by the province jackson said that issue was saida i t siiv bloomington gospel church l3660f6nthlioe vz south of 47 highway fonneriy bkxxmngton ri c j pastor dr john howarth sunday june 25th 2000 i- 945 am sundayjschool 1100 am with hidden wealth matthew 61921 630 pm baptismal service at stouff bapbst church why did jesus get baptrzed mathew 31317 immjmmimmmmmz2 we c j parkview village i 12184 ninth une south stouffvflle suhdayjune25tfi2dd6 vs pastor mike anderson c t s heise hill brethren in christ church 0tzsoopmauditorium wideman menridhite ghturch tl jlchnshafteducation format ages9 45 a rh pastor ken wellington st si km north of mrmkkenae on hwy 48 church office640219 for andecall6404185 vivian baptist church on hwy48at vivian rd j pastor robertokumxi sv holding forth the doctrines of grace 945am t- sundayschool r 100 a mmofning worship 700 p mf evening service v v everyone is welcomes k a stouffville united church 34 church st n 6401 163 worship minister rev robert nightingale education minister nancy monteith j sunday june 2f 2000 1030 am worship service everyone welcome surprises f diurgrl 6853 main st stouffville 6405696 sunday june 25 2000 1000 am friendship service f what fc 5f sends you up a tree s isoo p m eastern pcntccostaj bible college intern kids welcome r vbs july 1116 2000 ark ave by patrick casey r staff writer kja city of toronto staff report recommending the keele valley llaridfilltsite remain open until r jzooecouldderail an option jo- s haul yorlf regions waste by train s to an j abandoned mine m jkirklandlake l v 5- yesterday markhamregipnal councillor goird lahdonsaid he l rfwassurpnsedvto heartorontoh councillors are considennga proposal to keep the keele vaueyf 1 jdumpin maple open an extra foitf years especially since the queens park to close keele valley i byits2002 target date r r landonrwho called torontos p recommendation ashoaterm solution insists region jcarit 4 proceed with the railhaul pptiph v without toronto- cqmingon j j aboard r i ft i icitv favoured a plantoship its j wrf r t jttrf hxtodhedesertea i6nore gord iand0n maikham regional councillor- feelsv- betrayed by rail cyclenorth cant afford to do the capital s investments if the deal is list withthe region jf5 they need toronto 3 ojo- v stouffville missionary church 6500 man st stoufmb a phone 6403911 emal smccahorne com celebration service rf- 1000 am watch oursign v ifor special events and opportunities bringing the hope of jesus christ pl in a changing world- y rj involved to make 5 tuesday on a shared waste i leading jf contender ttieyjpeidroiontomvolvedxo k tbiddersforthe20 make itworkhefsaid this is 1 7awroachtowasfemanagement keele vaueym half 700000 statesorkeeleyalieyanditis w mducunglauocalsolutionitkat tonnes to eep the dump n not going to be keele valley 1 lm6lvckg 7000 tonnes vp p jhe citysoughttorohtoa strong sxf ci remaining 11million tonnes of environmental criteriabiit thisi a 5 25 springvale i baptist church 51 strjuffwlierdatkcnnedyrd 8875651 o 1 xthe anglican i parish of rl chrisfchurch 254 sunset blvd stouffville 6401461 k the rev robert a shieldsvu rev philcobper v7v iu jjeiebratingfl21 i 6fminktryl8792060fs sunday june 25th2000 second sunday after pentecost 800 am holy communion r 1 000 am choraleucharist church schoorproyidojci children aged4- i everyone welcome- senior pastor associate pastor associate pastor student ministries r worship music coordinator bob flemmlng j bui thornton brian g slmcoe heather thornton r7 tf 1 tr stouffville baptist church 1 v a fellowship ekurch eaysmalristreet pastor gordon m lilaccormack 905 640291 1 sunday june 25th 2000 v r everybody welcome fe 1 000 amsunday school 1100mworshiptfv s- message jewing the seedv s k musicdavelawrensonr 630 rm baptismal service v- joinus for prayervwed 730prn jwhen a persons temper gets the best of him it reveals the worst of him godblesswecareit ytitvtwfiaijfcq ri i i- cumkjyrt j til ftftf il a ministries coordinator- sharon riisseu june 25th 2000 tuasejoinusforan intimate time ofworsmp at j cornerstmjltttedyls s 9tmryavmh6je jj v july 3 to 7 900 am 1200 pm 7 j vbs hqlyword studios- i register at church office v for more infocall church office 1 v welcome tos ji lsifet- presbyterian t worship 1100 acm the sacramentof baptism for e julia kaubrent i next sunday s join us in thetown park for the i strawberry festival 5 community worship service a friendly welcome awaits you 6432 main st 64031 51 i i stjarnesstqurrvnlesyrnpaticoca sharing jodxtove 5 yu sinoe1860j- zv x i 1 tsagjsft rj