economist sunlstouffuille tribune saturday june17 2000 a wkremnsmm a- wmmmm holiday time is reuphoistery time go away for a holiday let toromarfe reuphblstcr your furniture summer sale j tor lleii women children 2 jackets golf shirts fleece trshirts j 87 up fkf a 0 off retail rt w m m r wis onahfabrics the best in reuphoistery t we tjfe best forxess- toromark furniture on hwy 7 just west of hwy 48 3vli in the iga plaza r lfl j2942581 477s205ffsp leermfflmmummit 9 c tv mon- v j sat1100rrri f i3 css j4 shangrila 5besna park drive markham vk4 i jr rimubiy ffl sung mum it tti o y tnminmi v fuhicthl r dsedddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddttda v v iclqv 5m ffl f41 uju mostmypu know that im a baseball nut and manylprliyou are aware or play in the unionville slo3pitchileague wellkehavan annualffundraismgplftournamencamong our membersxandpthose of thepyera40 wednesdays night league v all proceeds being donated to the markhamstbuffville hospital this year in the last two years the viiigeriigrocer is sponbringdfe tournament andincdnjunction with it we wiir be arranging a raffle withthe following prizes one year of grocery shopping ui our store tnafis10000perweekfdrayear the use of a chrysler pt cruiser for a year donated by longmans one condition is that you must bv 21 a donated 6y compaq- v f a set of awesome golf clubs abagand lessbns frbmangussgleh golf club r o aneating tour of unionville this is a set of raffle ticketsarei1000 each andaire available shops on steeles 404 y village 4 grocer is ilr- iandlbiranlrneat y y ktfnmnrt af fcla ifl ll f i trffchlfflgimiti aafflfrciii wfilbji jtv-