i from page v- lodge and at other private clubs arid some golfcourses and maybe even churches emmersbnsaid t any type of a smoking ban wouldkill the sroyal canadian legion said stdufrville legion member george l6vetl jtl the legion would be finished if that ever happened about 90per cent of our members smoke he smd tbe move to put tough smoking laws in laov across the region gathering strength with york regional councul j scheduled to vote onthe bylaw june if adoptedyork will havesirnilar smbk- i s jng laws tojbrpnto and peel region region will jmplement it and v police itjtnefegionhas the means to enforce itsdjcouricillor sue sherban r vakforcememberr x n f f j j be task force hasv gathered- public inputby hosting public meetings in eaclfof its eight municipali- ues c 1 at tfie public meetings residents busmes1sownersv managers and employees in york region made deputa- r tibwregardirigtheeventual enactment v uniform smokefree bylaws in yorks j r mimicipahties t j v f cf- some restaurant and bar owners filed j strong 6ppdsiuont6thebylaw a otherssuggested law suitswouldpbe launclied rfjrwaancandbarjownersj w werefofced tb make their customers buttout 1 rfr i eventually people wiir accept the- smokefree rules councillor judy scala smd tbepublicemandsilwhehit ccomesto smokiripeople are saying slough lsjenough 1 x s cpyinioking is banned ln j municipal buildings across york region with the exception of etgwiuurnbury s butivre dont have law regarding smoking in- townowned vehicles theres alotmoreto do beforelnistis fin- w j t whitchurchstouffville markhamand lt retail storesand shqppingv if a rhalk elwpubentimoketfeei i- ihehewlawlniealiimerewillbe itskids stuff 90572h251 huineaagabrausmtoyouua comiuilysefviceol tieeoononisvriilun sears whole home markham sears whole home nwlct enbridge consumers gas bluenose fish chips radio shack sears maytag celebration sears whole home r hill dominion fabricleah cleaners deboers furniture conquest sports camp home depot- makkuam no one can deliver results like we do to book your flyer distribution call vantfraliifttf uny economist sun 9052948244 stoiiffville tribune 5 xft v no bimardhalls general cosmetic dentistry mtor the whole familyvr jf j s votwsntisforauldrenadnlts vvjawjointtmjtreatmentj 18 crown steel drive j ks warden lh avenue its- s5 ontario isnt just another pretty place it also has a fantastic profit sharing program s future for you and your province secure your investment including principal and interest is backed 100 per cent bythepfovince of ontano v 1 investment fleximlitytkere are three convenient now v- fordeteils available everywhere for s z your convenience you canbuy ontano r investment alternatives to meet your needs u xt you canorder your hum vi iflirtronic insurance filing xi f invest in a place voir call home 4 v for news about higher interest rates on your 98 99 stepup bonds visit wwwofinaoncaosb or call 1888212bond for information v 4 vari ablerrate bpnd sev8fwwapterm rate resetevwysbc months i j j and redeemable every six months e a l6oo fixedrateibond 6509 threeyear term redeemable at maturity available fromjune 2 to june 21 for inquiries 188821 2- bond 2663