mv j fct jfaric sw apt ifev i5 y ikfa5j5 1 s- 1- jlr i- r ll the linda saracino anddauehter carina takevturnon the swings in tl j melville park playground yesterday v i- newmarket students exposed to coliform bacterid while on field trip to conservatiofifacility by giannicolavecchia r e i a j tsiflc wruer- cv wedo not jiaveanyctijifirmed j schqop6lraoffi6idswwaitv 6rsiclmmslnvmd t mg for die results of water tests- if vw a claremonf field 0- centre s iftmvi ofdays in late 1997 during con- r v struction of the park this is a fairly isafcvs- r jizie occurrence leskie said 5 4ls tobe thatayi make sure residents in the area are quickly the environmental engi- consists of two playground areas a t pavilion tennis courts sidewalks seating lights and plants a popular neighbourhooc v u j j- venue fefrfsaid its ironic the cbnt- mhought pe responded os r would end up in ately at their own expense because of an ontanoprovincial police tfjejr pickermgafea conservauortfacili- x i 7s i t k tyraftediscoveringhigh levelsof t de p prm cohform the drinkingwater 14- 4 iv i there 7 t thecentre to open up it f f relatedto ecpli colifornf isawill remain closed until we receive bacteria that canproduce symptdie results j i- i- toms suchas diarrheaor stomach y the coliform t started cramps arid rare casescbuld when officials discovered a broken lead to death c u chlofinatipn it broke may nearly 7 6 students 24but no one was able to examine from newmarkets denne public it until five days afterward mattes school recently visited the centre said 4 t on overnight trips and a handfulvthepumphas were for upsetstomachs rjnncipalkatibywesfrs i jheyiwere back school monday keeping in4t6uchswithdurham and officials say theyare prodablyiregonandsaidshebelievesjme- safe f i- vworstbf thesituation is likely over f neil beatty a superintendentbf pnegr6upqf studentscpm- schools for the yorkregionpubhc rjleteda threeday trip tothecen- school board urged parehtshobe f tre on may26 and symptoms usu- cautious adding local officialsare allyskowupwithmaghtdayssh thinking a lot theseclays about the noted mondaysv f recent e coh- outbreak in s second group jlso qna iwalkertbn threeday trip left may 31 but no i york regions health depart one has suffered any extreme ment is acting as a gobetween for k symptoms she addedf c parents- and durham regionr v- wegeceived information hast whichshutdown the centre and is thursday mattlie had an testing ltswater r x i elevated fate of coliformthejfirst f a well water sample taken last group hasbeen back for well over r monday at thxcentre revealed the aweekshesaul v i presence of more than 80coliforrh to thebesfofourknpwledge organismspelopmillilitres of weadootthave any confirmed- water more than 16 times greater cases of sickness involyedwith r than theprpvinces acceptable this there was no evidence ofa limit i-5- fecal count and no evidence of e though thechance is remote 4 coh v jci neal matthta public health westaddedthe school assed inspector wi durhams health on thenfonrjation tojauparents department noted theres always withiri bs day ot receiving it jcau- f the possibilityany person can die v tioningthem to watch forspecific from coliform v signsofpowoning t theres essentially a familyof the durliam region health bacteria called coliform and you department retested thewell on candivide itintosubcategones f fndayariditreceiveda and one of them is ecbli itsthe scbreof no coliform bactenaand black sheep of the family he said no e coli i were not comfortable with 5 files by mike ruta 4 a fjthe federal government v wants your mput to help solve the fastapproaching 905 area- j code -tjgsy- t j the canadian radiotelevi sion andtelecomrnunicationsj commission issolicitihgpublic comritent on five proposed t spludonstiieosareacoclej t- will be exhausted by 200lv threes 1 years ahead of schedule c fourpf the five ppuons f w6ulhphtthe905 regions with some customers having to change their areacode i anotkef option is called s overlaying new customers s ct r would be assigned a new areav code and everycall evennujin r the same area code wouldbe lodigitchayj final comments should be 1 submitted by lune 8 quotings j noticecrtg 5000 67 to j55 st clair avehiie v0 c 624 toronto on m4tlm2orj r email w gc ca call 416 9529096 s x helpmate makes a niove 1 j h i r j s t i helpmate community- information and volunteer i y bureau has moved totke- v richmondhill centralljbraryj hear yonge street and majpf j mackenzie drive- officials made the move 1 1 ifpeopleneeded to know v who to becausea tree j fell on propertywe could r- 1 fiankel of v helpnftte noted v v helpmate is funded through- v pnvatedonations thetown of richmond hill and the united sway of york region it provides b v listings of nonprofit groups telephone numbers for child r care agencies and advertise- ments of volunteer positions l x call 8843000 fordetails v t students help united wa v k local public school students andtheir teachers have raised v v united way of york region- c whichprovides local chanties witrtfunding m the money will niake a big difference director of educa- tiohbijl hogavthsaidl he esti- rhated3000 peoplewiu benefit fromme f- markhams central park v public school raised the highest average ambuntbf casfi peritaff member 66 and received a a free computer from patnot f computers fn y ts li i0ust0i v i hw 5si5pkii t bill houston financing v from as low as ijs- jijcc art- vl comi 1 s vnetfa r jr lease rates from as low as x11769lhighwayi48 1 v m ruad nnm mnniht rasori nn 9r months sm dealer for details wp v j wwmhwtw r liff wi i rfv