i i ii i il i i hh llll ill i i 3h- 81 t frj2ss2 s ttglpublishenonftoudfeof r s 3 tgeneral maaager aiinnbtouwerj- editorinchiebeidalason vtvfasb f j -v- t diior6fadveiinee6ramfe7te deputy editor t riciassffled manager deboiukelty ann campbell ifisibdltorfe retabsalesmahagef v juliecospeneni stephen mathieu production director inside sales manager v chenkayz staceyallen distribution director business manager t barry goodyear i fr- margaret fleming v 4sv v j i online publishing office manager x u manager v a yswwanowei friends of drowned teen should j put efforts into oroper memorial 1 re pozce missed chance to bond with teensj oyer death offiiendpteiiets may 27v s r terri neviuvbothemom who i wrote about charges thatmay belaid against thejeenagers forjthe vandalism after a friends death i agree that tnis timeafqund it will only tffakvmemangrjartd frustrated- r i also a mother of teenagers hold mycrulv drenjthatin memory of pagafu get a picture v rndunted aplaque thatjreads palace mmemoiyofchnsjrigani witmthe birth datedeathnoticeask for it to be mon2f ed at the skateboardpark and maybe also do trf z nnf fnr the srnnnl it t i-oi- email newsroomeconsunconi i i n t tracy kibble memory of sad girl shows value op schooh lunchtprograrhsi 8 t was a look 111 never forget z v jfsidampiuiui i s atmeltyourheartnghtthere ronithespot kind of look v w we were at the zooh abunchpf carefree hyper overiexcitecllgrade kids and it was turie for liitfck- i we rushed oh to the tf usf to grab 6ur hollyhobbie aridflippef luhchboxes eager to dig into the peanut buttersan3- wiches crispy apples andthernios drinks if you werelucky your mom might havepacked acoke mapped in ewspaperorachpc6latebari i thats when my friend noticed hervf thequietglrirshefpllowedusbffthe rbus emplyhandedand sa downdh the r egress with her head- down whemthe teacher asked where her lunch was she n looked up hesitantly s z pareflii v tal issue lictthe oak ridges moraine- f s markham dialysis clinic the right vr councuiorsaythe5firstyear sees those kids without a junch admit they re hungry e v i dohtjknow i musthave left it home she said as a tear slidjdown her faceandshelookedarouridtoseeifany- oriewaslistening5 v h r we all were of course at that point it didnt matter whythe j girljhad no theimportaritthirig wasthat she eat something along with everyoneelse in ourclassafew ofus i seen 1 ui aeassoaatedacuwriesas v would keep it openv v-vs- j rinrealdmglonsdefenceu v josbaglieri can be gathered as the author- has forgotten v- care have said societyjwould get a bigger bang lrhi newmarket letjersip0licy t stounwllelnbune- welcomes your letters all j t i submissions mustbeless thas oojwors andmust uicludev iaaynme telephone humbef f nameand address the 1 nevaperreservesthe right to i i publish onrwtpublish and to a texutfofclantyandspacai- t write letters to the editor j i 9 heritigo rdjtf j hiuthomhblvsughan 1 vbrti guardian i ctiwdlaiiclrculatloi audit board member ontario press cound i mma vv tra s phone 905 2942apo jian liberal scarborough mirror stoume tnbune tbdas seniors uxbridge tribune and crty of i j- a classified distribution i r i this school memory came 1 floodmgbackwheniheardoftheefif6rts j of the many volunteerstwho would like f to bring lunch otograms v in addition y to their breakfast programs 7- to the three suttonelementary schools 1 t these schools already serve hun- r dreds of breakfasts s aweekr which t wouldnt be possible if notlfqf the many i 1 parents and teachers wtio kelp each i morning l 1 jj trying to bring lunch programs into j 1 jtheschools howeveris a huge task i 4 that willjalce atlotof plining and k i volunteering and cooperation between 1 schools and tlie boards of education l 1 but with volunteers suchas wendy v mackie who along with dozens of local businessesistryingto niake a differ- encewe mightjust see aumewhen j no students hungry at sch vviai asmackie sajs witkquf xi lunch itsdegradihg for them to admit theyre hungry- a t andshesnght r 5 its not justa matter of having hunger pangsvkids feel isolated andljeftiout tiiey cant enjoy the social aspectof eat- f mgwitiifriends at school rhemory my classmate yearst agowill foreverwiperawayanyskepti- j v 1 1