promises durtrfe t x v v arid excitement for all it the fun begin the unionville village festival 1 kicks off tomorrow night and trims through until sunday june 4 the 3dayfes marks the t 3 lstjanniversary of the unionville village festival and promises to r be the biggest ever with plenty of hvemusic street parades a silent i auction amusement rides fireworks a 5k fun run anil 1 muchtmore jrt j the festival commemorates- thelunique character and vc iheritageof unidnviileshitoric i buildings andthe spirits x presidents theheadquartefs this yearns festival isthe grey house behind the blacksmiths f- bistfo j c vthkunionvitlevihagkwstival v scwilr begin with the unionville s precisioniskatingteams festival blackboard bluesbandand v t tickets are available by calling r f 9051 47732vrriey4atibv v picked up fat the unionville arms i 1- puv griir- c4 i salsp on friday afabulous silent pv auctionfwiriabetheldat crosby- twarenastartmg at 8 30pm with all 1 jsproceedsgoingtoshelp financed booths bandoli and his rnadcapahticsrapevnng zoofa toronto maple leafslap shot zotie a tdroritoraptors fun zonea game van and amusementndes at the fred varley plaza v musfc lovers will appreciate the wide variety ofjmusic from high school bandstand jazz musicians torocksfrbll rjandsandvaridus singles groups jv jf j for thekids- there is atreasure huirt beginning at clue sheetsjor the carfbe piclced up at tkectoogoodbndge rubber duck race2 00pm at the main street bridge at carleton akrazy 5 kraft race artoogbodpqnd andfireworks at dusk c a line up sunday june 4 j a full slate ofractivitiesk is plannedfor sunday staring with a 5k fun run crosbys arena amusement rides apet contest noon atxrbsbypark childrens races crosbypark an- eggtoss for adults onlyand a tugdfwar crosby park v f t this years festival promises three days t activities so bring the familybrinefafriend a anasbring tothe 3 1st vx v j- v yi t w v i r n s i vif fcy x a wigustolsicciiothiers arinuabfestfvalsaie v dunlopddhtourmll pc6rahitelacliesf4 save3cp s macgregor mac 1 tour menladies 1 1 pc- graphite r wilson prostaffod menladiesi vpcfsteel wgraphite driver pro select psa nowoss t wilson tour grapnttedrtver save lfg0 granteehtanium driver v liiimuife keg jz moafc kt it- v ypyx r x o unionvlller9q5479044 1 mym hi iv s s ill x i