j s v 1 1 mi k y e- mi3 4- i a- i ipwwvi 1kftfi petition calls for traffic lights bymikeadler sfajfjf writer ontario transportation minister david tumbull received a petition prov ing residents of markhams eastend are extremely passionate about the need for traffic lights at reesor road and hwy 7 councillor jack heath says the 375 signatures were gathered by a local man tom williams in a letter to tumbull heath calls the lack of a light dangerous for drivers crossing or turning onto the highway and notes the intersection has seen many serious accidents over the years one of them fatal money must be found ministry staff have said the spot deserves the lights but other improve ments might have to be done to the area first and money must be found heath advised tumbull that no more time should be lost in studying the intersection there is an unacceptable risk that someone else is going to be seriously hurt or killed in the interim his letter says winter 2000 programs create and explore art in small and friendly groups max cap 8 per class ages 4 classes begin tuesday january 11th call early to avoid disappointment call janicegarel aoca905 4753430 lyfarkham uhionville minor hockey applications for waxer coach positions for the aaa level teams for the 20002001 hockey season are now being accepted interested parties are asked to send in their resume and yearly plan before january 15200010 markham minor hockey association po box 23 markham ontario l3p35 attention selection committee mlluhe haiwapwsajonspa shoppers drugmart sears thebay nornfe canadian fire 7 foctinos nnrrvktin rtsfor dominion enwdgerkhncsenkts- mmmeafslmombe lr blinds tbgo tjj mmmeatsautm johns taekwon do i rjhome hardware anrericaooline disk jfi main drug mat seongtaekwondo v wwatesuiflbablani t york region board of education l- nofribsstouffville j f home depot drugtradingstoufrville ida s mmeatsstouiftafe no one can deliver results like we do to book your flyer distribution calf markham 9052948244 stoirffville 905 64021 forever young exercise since 1991 starts tuesday january 1 1 2000 at 1 030 am location stouffville missionary church ends friday april 14 2000 free tryout class for newcomers individual needs considered this program is based on ontario fitness council guidelines osteoporosis society recommendations and the research of the centre for activity and aging payment options 800 per class or 15400 per term 28 classes call frieder at 6404490 takeoff this miilennii next ground school starts thursday janl 3 at 7pm 7hranitr ainurcujx ltd 9054778110 call now to reserve your sat space is limited for additional flight training information visit our web site at wwwtororitoairwayscom buttonville airport 2833 t6th ave markham the regional municipality of york road improvements the council of the regional municipality of york proposes to pass a bylaw authorizing l widening and reconstruction of st johns sideroad towns of aurora and wh1tchurchst0uffville a the widening and reconstruction of st johns sideroad yr 26 from yonge street yr 1 to bayview avenue yr 34 in the town of aurora to a basic rightofway width of 360 metres with additional widenings at cuts fills water course crossings and intersections to provide a basic four lane road with leftturn and rightturn lanes at key intersections b the widening and reconstruction of st johns sideroad yr 26 from bayview avenue yr 34 to woodbine avenue yr 8 in the towns of aurora and whitchurch- stouffville to a basic rightofway width of 36 metres to provide a basic twolane road to regional standards with leftturn and rightturn lanes at key intersections c adjustments to existing traffic control signals and associated illumination to accommodate the proposal revisions to the road layout at the intersections of st johns sideroad yr 26 with yonge street yr 1 industrial parkway bayview avenue yr 34 and leslie street y-r- 12 signals planned to be installed in 2000 d the provision of an underground conduit system and illumination at the intersections of st johns sideroad yr 26 with pinnacle trailjohn west way trent streetearl stewart drive and woodbine avenue yr 8 e the carrying out of all related works and undertakings in connection with the above and 0 the acquisition of the necessary lands and interests in lands for the works discussed above pursuant to section 300 of the municipal act the transportation and works committee of the regional council will at its meeting to be held at 900 am on the 19th day of january 2000 in committee room a at the regional administrative building located at 17250 yonge street newmarket hear any person who claims that hisher lands will be prejudicially affected by the bylaw and who applies to be heard anyone wishing to be heard is requested to advise the office of the regional clerk attention elma stevenson telephone 8951231 or 7310201 ext 1303 if any party entitled to be heard does not attend at the hearing the committee may proceed in hisher absence and heshe will not be entitled to any further notice in the proceedings the proposed bylaw and plans showing the proposed works may be inspected at the office of paul jankowski director design and construction branch at the transportation and works department located at the regional administrative building at 17250 yonge street newmarket telephone 8951200 or 7646345 ext 5088 dated at newmarket this 8th day of january 2000 denis kelly regional clerk 17250 yonge street newmarket on l3y6z1 gton