2 economist sun stouffviuemuneiuesday sept 28 1999 gees from page l choice vrfiether i wanted to be there or not walters said anomer aurora woman who was helping her with the refugees has also tested positive for tuberculosis which is potentially fatal if left untreated the woman could not be reached for comment although walters insisted thevpluqteers were told the refugees posed no health risk she claimed she has since learned some had active tuberculosis and hepatitis a and b vaughankingaurora mp maurizio bevilacqua was unavailable for comment yesterday red cross spokesperson mary ferguson only learned about the condition of walters and the other woman yester- do you need a financial planner do you find that you spend more time planning fora vacation than you do planning for your financial future are you at the stage of wanting to put your financial house in brder but dont know how to start a good way to begin is by getting some professional help a financial planner will work with 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investment youll make dowiitoeanh financial uiiiiinacincrit iiour tciitis ymtr cvmfmt carol clements signy lawson sandy parsons money concepts money concepts group capitol corp njms insurance agency inc 6132 main st stouffville just west of the train station 6424546 sax 6424537 emalbmcbnstflnteriogcom robyn walters visited refugees with active tuberculosis day from reporters r this is the first case she has heard of where a volunteer who worked witbf the refugees at a military base is claiming to have contracted tuberculosis however ctv reported sunday that six royal airlines flight attendants who brought refugees to canada now have tb as far as ferguson laiows hone of the refugees at base borden had active tuber culosis or any other communicable dis ease v she stressed the refugees were screened for a variety of illnesses in trenton where they first entered canada those with diseases were treated in trenton not sent on to other bases ferguson wondered whether walters may have contracted tb when she took refugees to visit sick family tnembers at a toronto hospital where tuberculosis pauentsare treated y ferguson said volunteers were given instmctiorisj not to go into hospital rooms of patients withtb walters admitted she took the children of a man with tuberculosis to the hospital to visit huh but never went inside while volunteers helping at the base were told refugees had been screened ferguson said they were also advised to have uptodate shots be in good general health and use pre cautions to stop the spread of germs such as washing hands after changing diapers but the red cross which oversaw the volunteers did not guarantee their safety at no time were volunteers given a carte blanche statement mat any refugee is cleared of any- infectious disease ferguson said the red cross will soon send routine letters to volunteers advising them to contact their doctors if they have any health concerns walters who tested negative in may only learned she had tuberculosis about 10 days ago after going to her doctor sui- fering from fatigue walters tuberculosis is inactive meaningishe isnt conta gious but without treatment the disease usually becomes active iri two to five years it is transmitted through the air to others in close contact because walters is 38 years old her doctor said she should- nt take medication to prevent the disease from progressing because it can have devastating effects on her liver but walters planned to ask her doctor late yesterday to reconsider because she fears putting her family at risk i want medication i have four kids i have a husband i have friends i have family i have friends who have children v those who want information on the lawsuit can contact walters at7i3i075 sill jim bell superior water extra storage became a necessity for my business and selfstorage was the answer to my problem i needed security convenience and affordability towrilihe selfstorages features made the decision easy give them a call m 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