7z i w- w f4a fa i that matters mosttoyour mis punr stfcle advertising feature flsncj once r tiirbadforgobd4 able to ffilteelin1iustrythe steel from cling smcee turnbf the century the arinuauy saves the equivalent energy to yirtaauy all vefiicles face raelasiipjto tbe car you werednving inthe 1970s steel mdustryrecycled enough steel- power about 18 million households for astxmlliif f examplehasbeen recycled into a fromjold cars in 1996 lo produce year by recycling one ton of steel automobiles donot end up mjandj nfew carf pliance food can even the v new ones at a recy- v pounds of iron ore 1400 pounds fibecause ak5u70 dot ding rate of 98 percent v dfcoal and 120 ipounds of limestone are ttpzzsuitszza ctlo inlnfrlwlil vacuus oli1 a 1 j 1999 dodge caravan p 4j r c hi as e p ir l ceyjmmzz v n s4 can nnwi f tax plus no chargedark jinteqglass plts no charge hood protector automobiles con tains recycled material because steel scrap old is anecessy ihgredi- eht in the production of new steel any product made with steel cohtauis recy cled steel the steel usedincar bodies is madeyith about 25 to 30pey1cent recy cled steel many internal steel and iron parts such as engine bldcfe are made using even higher percentages of recy cled steel t sl cled steel tt v 5 i ihe steel industry reweicsnoup f fduce almost i3 ojle at a reccing ratepf 98 cent i f t v 5 j how does a junked automobile become a hew dishwashertfirst it goes to one of the more than 12000 auto dis- mantlers throughout- north america which get the vehicle ready for recy cling by removing fluids any parts that are still usable and parts that need to be recycled separately such ast batteries tires and radiators j- autoydismantlers alsdflatten the hullc of the car before sending it to a fer- rous scrap dealer where it will s fed into a shredder matjmshvand rips the car into fistsized chunks of materir al in less than a minute using magnets the steel andjrqh pieces are separated from othermaferials and collected for shipment to asteel mill the north amencanscrap-process- ing industry operates more than 200 nsmedersonce theyjnfrastnicture of auto ausmantlefsshredders and scrap ft mdustryremeltsit to produce a variety ofnewhighquality steel products ru steel also makes ltpossible to recy- s cleused oil filters and tire wire scrap so thosentemsi dont f upinlandfius forexample by chipping tires and recovering the steel wires up to 99 per centepmieaverage passenger car tire can now be captured for recycling vtforjmore information about how steel shapesour livesvisitwwwthe- newsteelorg 4tsi v y r7 a jv- mmist siih i vv a classified advertisement in the economist sun andstouffville k tribune reaches thousands of potential customers t c 3